What camp ?


Because of Kai & L has the same family's name with Ina, so it must be awkward right ? ( those who have the same family's name cannot married ). SO I"VE CHANGE INA"s full name ! Im Ri Na.

You Pov

The great sucess on my debut and my tight schedules, isn't the reason for not being at school, we still attend school like always, Exo oppas, were very happy about our debut, especially Baekhyun oppa. kekekeke I love him, oh my guardian ! But one day, our class teacher said, " Im Rina, Choi Sulli, and Park ________, you were choosen to the Summer Camp this weekends. At lunch see me at the hall. " UGhhhhh ! camp, I don't like camp. I don't like outdoor activities. Why we have to be on that camp ? Why did the teacher pick me isntead of somebody's else. I don't want to go !!! I buried my head on the table with my hands.

" Only  those who are talented and have the right qualities will be choosen, I envy you, maknae Sparkle. Btw, chukae [ congrats ] " Zelo said, winking at me. " Can you replace me ? " I asked him, he shocked, Ina interuppted our conversation, " Wae ? I'll be going too. "

" Can I pretend that I'm sick ? Shiro ~ Shiro ~ Shiro ~ " I stomped my feet. Our english teacher, look up to me, " Park ___________, have you finished ?  Write your answer in front. " I pouted, and think, now you're going to make my head aches again, well I've read this on breakfast earlier. I took the black marker pen, write some answer and when I've done, I gave him the the marker pen, and rolled my eyes, " Here you go seosaengnim [ teacher if I'm not mistaken ] !  " The annoying teacher widen his eyes when he look in front, checking any mistakes from my answers. "Uhm, thank you, ____________-shi, you may go seat now. "

" Yah ~ does he even knew that you're the first when it comes to english on our group ? " Ina said, gigling, she added, " You should record his face ! "

" You see ? You're a smart girl, don't even hestitiate for not going to the camp. " Zelo said, making me annoyed. " Aigoo, looks like someone's mad already ~~~~ " Maya sang at the back.

" ZELO ! MAYA ! What are you doing ?  You want to replace me as the teacher ? Keep your mouth shut. " Zelo rolled his eyes, " As always, annoying ! " he whispered to me.

****** Already weekends ******

I got up and packed my things on my luggage and try to wake Ina eonni up, " Eonni, ireohna ~ " but, still no sign of her. I watched her face, thinking what should I do to wake her up. Tickle ? so I tried to tickle her, she moved a bit but continue to sleep. How about.... *I peck on her cheek* she glared at me, and shouted, " Prevert ! " I threw my pillow to her, making her head bounce a little, " Wanna do a pillow fight to me ? " she yelled.

" Brush your teeth Miss Ina. Your breaths smells. " I said, and ran off to the kitchen. She threw her pillows, " YOU !!! " but I managed to dogde her attacks and closed the door,immediately, as always our umma and appa were there at the kitchen. HEHEHEHE I smiled at them , Nada was making a sandwich for me, cause I'm their baby. I sat and there comes Ina eonni. She ruffles my hair until I looks like a lion. I blinked in confusion, as she good morning to me. TIka and Kila haven't woke up yet, well there's no schedule for today and Nada, Me and Ina will go to the what-so-ever camp. Maya was eating her sandwiches, almost 3 was finished already. As you can see, she's the most eater on our group, but she doesn't gain any weigh at all. " Leader ! Why you're so early today ? " Ina start the conversation. " Ani... the sandwiches were delicious, eat , eat. " she was trying to change the topic.

Nada mouthed us, " Don't ask her for now please... " Maya stared at Nada and I mouthed her too, " Eonni, wae ? " Maya stood up, saying, " Oh ! the coffee's ready ~ I'll go fetch them. "

" Fight with Minho oppa. " Nada whispering, and tittled her head, checking if Maya was coming or not.

" OHHHH ~ " Ina and me nodded our head. " I heard there's another school will be participated in this camp too. " Ina change our conversation, while I ? I was playing with my sandwiches, flip-flop it again and again, thinking deeply, why they would fight ? and what is it about that Maya don't want to tell us ?  She's acting so strangely, there's a sadness in her eyes, maybe she cried last night ? Aish, I will ask Minho oppa later.

My handphone rings, I picked it up and heard Harin's voice ," Yeoboseyo ? Harin-ah ~ "

" EONNNNNIII !!!! I can't believe what did my friends say about your debut, they say.. "

" Neh ? they say what ? "

" They say you're so awesome , cute and talented, and I'm so lucky to have you as your sister .. most of them said you're their bias on Sparkle. "

" Is it ? You're proud of me now ? Said thanks to them. " I chuckled.

" Andwae. I'm always proud of myself than you. Okay....What are you doing ? "

" Tsk. What do think people will doing at 6.23 am in the morning ? Of course breakfast . " I smirked.

" Ehhhh , I thought you were still sleeping or you were reading fanfics right now. "

" Well, I guess I don't have time to do that again, I am going to a summer camp. "

" Where ? You didn't post about it on your Facebook, and you didn't update your status since you left. "

" Mian. I can't use FB anymore, only Twitter, have you follow me on Twitter ? "

" Aniya. I knew yours but I don't want to follow you. "

" And why is that, kid ? "

" Because, I'll mention you and we'll fight at our tweets and I don't want your SPEACIAL mad at me. "

" Duhhh, everybody's knew you were my younger sister, annoying younger sister. "

" You see ? You start it again, I don't want your reputation ruin ,that's all. "

" Aish, you miss me right ? " I smiled. " Andwae. Mum told me to call you. Well, I gotta go now, I haven't bath yet. "

" EWWWWW ! Palli ! annoying little sister, bye ! " and I ended the call.

Soon. It's time for us to left. Tika and Kila haven't woke up yet, well they are the heavy sleepers among us, I understand. I wear this when I was ready to go out, I brush my hair again, because it still look like a lion's fur.  Ina eonni do a ponytail hair. She look up to me, " Mianhae, let me do a ponytail to you too.

Okay ? " I nodded. " Are you doing your aegyo again ? " I shook my head, " Ani. I'm not, cause I knew my aegyo doesn't work to you. Do you think I was doing my aegyo just now ? "


I Wore This ~

" Nope. end of conversation, prevert. " Ina said coldly. In all way I seen Ina eonni, she have the most same attitude to that Infinite visual guy, what's his name.. myung..myung....myungsoo. And I still don't know why did he hates his real name a lot. I ask the rest of Infinite but they don't want to tell me, so I ask Ina eonni, she replied, " Oh.. he only shows that he hate it on camera. He's not like that I though. " Emmmm her explainations didn't make sense at all, but who cares, I don't have any interest on this Myungsoo guy too, so I stopped my thoughts on his real name case. But, we have commons on each other, I love black and so he is, I like reading manga [ japanese comics ] and I love Bleach and so he is. When we discovered that, I could tell you Ina eonni is some kinda jealous of me. I start to say about Bleach, Ichigo, Rukia, Shinigami, and Ina was kinda pissed off, so she said , " Excuse me for a while, bathroom. " I knew she was jealous, but on my heart, Eonni, don't worry I won't fall in love with him, he's not my type either, yeah, me on many girls out there that wanting to be with L oppa, saying that he's so handsome and all, perfect human being, cute, irrestible lips, whatever, I don't think so. I just don't know why, but I don't like his cold ice prince attidude somewhow, and Nada will said to me, " You're weird, maknae-shi. " and Kila will said, " I told you. She's weird and 4D type, so it's the best she choose the next 4D person on our group , Ina to be her partner. " Well, at the time we wait for Nada eonni to ready, I left my phone on the dining room table. I waved Maya goodbyes and the manager picked us at the parking lot. We arrived at the school amin entrance, people's gathered together, laughing and chatting to each other. We have a short brief about the camp, but I wasn't paid attention about that, except for the rules,

= No electronic devices were alowed.
= Always stick to the counselor/ teacher on the camp.
= If any there's any injuries, inform the teacher/counselor immediately.
= Boys and girls are not allowed to be together, boys sleep on the boys camp and so are the girls.


Well, it's good to left my hp behind. Now I just have to worry about my cam recorder. Where should I hide it ? I promised to Tika last night that I'll record our camp, eotteoke ??? We gather in a line, boys and boys, and girls with girls, the teacher were checking our luggage one by one, I was sweating enough until, It's Nada turn. I was standing behind her, poor teacher , without she noticed, I put my bag that contains the cam at the placed where the checked bags were. I smiled at Nada, she glared at me, " You're going to be dead. "

And it was all set up. We were just waiting for the bus to get ready. " What's the purpose to be a good student as always ? Sometimes, it's easy to be evil , then to be nice. " Nada shook her head, " Our maknae , really, jeongmal have to stop her choding and bad attidudes. "

" What's going on ? " Baekhyun appeared. I spotted Kai, and Sunggyu coming toward us at the canteen. " Oppa, she's so bad. " Ina said to Baekhyun. "

Aigoo ~ What did she plan this time ? ", trying to look into my eyes as he sat beside me. I look away, slirpping my coffee, " nothing. "

Sunggyu and Kai, went to our table. Surprising Ina and Nada that were sitting in front of me when Kai patted their back at the same time.  " Looks like our Baekhyun were already filritng before I arrived. " We all laughed. Sunggyu took a seat beside Nada eonni. They were chatting as if they were a-long-time no see friends. " What's up with her ? " I asked Ina eonni. Baekhyun oppa said to me, " Don't you know ? They were childhood friends ?! " I gulped a little, Ina and Kai exchange looks." Bwo ??? " three of us shouted. Nada turn to look at us, exlaining everything. " You have to tell the others, eonni, especially Maya eonni. " Ina said I added, " Neh. They could misundertanding the situation between you guys. "

We arrived at the place, Summer Camp, at Anyang. There was a banner " WELCOME NEW CAMPERS, HELLO TO PREVIOUS ONE ! " I look around and spotted some of other students from the different school.

~ Author's Note : Hey ya ! Wanna clear some misundertandig here ~ On the first day of school, their handphones were all given to the prncipal, right ? But their company was so rich enough, so they buy them a new one.

Nada and Ina eonni, took out our luggage and help me wiht my luggage too. I want to help them, but they said, " You should let the older tidy up this bunk. Yeah, instead of staying at a camp.. we will sleep at a bunk ! How happy I am. Nada got the single bed for sure. So, I was hanging around , looking for a new friend. Then i saw Tiffany eonni. I chat with her for a while, and then i just realised, she bring an ipod. " Woahhhh... eonni is bad. " she replied me, " and so are you. Be sure not to get caught. " I've already told her my secret. Minah eonni saw us and chat with me too. We talked bout my drama. "

How's your drama ? " she asked. I nodded, " It's sure nothing, compared to Suzy eonni. She can act well than me. " And at a distant. I saw Onew ( Shinee )

and Sulli ( F(x) ) eonni were dating underneath the big tree. " Ehhh... lovey dovey coupe were there. " Tiffany said. I smirked, "  Hmp, another campers broke rules. "

" What are you talking about ? " Minah eonni just curious, but we didn't want to say about our secrets. Tifany and I just laughed a bit at her queestion. I change the topic, " I didn't knew that Fany and Minah eonni were at the same school. "

" Yeah. I forgot to tell you that on the backstage. " Tiffany laughs.

" Wait, you're a new campers right ? " Minah eonni try to ask me in serious tone, she paused and continues again " you don't knew anything about this camp. " I nods in silence. You walk with them aroound the camp, " Let me tell you. This camp is about we, an idol, an trainee, or a newbie to become a sucessful idol one day. In here, we'll be experienced, friendship, teamwork or even love , love to your parents, siblings and god. "

" Hmmmm , Fany eonni memorize the dialog so well. But you missed one thing. We have to find our favourite things later on this camp, and if we're not, none of us, will go back to school. You'll know later. The best thing in here, was the 'Capture Flag' game, you'll see. " Minah smiled. Tiffany continues, " and we have some physical acivities and lots of injuries later. " I chuckled at the last line. " Injuries ? waeyo ? "

" But, don't worry too much, your guardian is here. " Tiffany eonni gave me a suspicious smile.

" Eonni. No more guardian, I've already can protect myself now, I'm the princess of control, Park ______________ imnida. "

" I hope so. " and we laughed. Minah eonni was surprised to see her friend, clinging around with Infinite. Wait, did I say Infinite. Nope, it was only Sunggyu oppa and wait a minute , what ?? What ???? WHy the hell he's here too !!!! I frowned a bit as we walk to them.

" Oh, Minah-shi ! Meet my friend, Sunggyu, Sungjong . " Dongwoo said, still laughing.

" Neh? Annyeonghaseyo, Minah, Girl's day imnida. And here is my friends too, Tiffany, SNSD and __________ Sparkle. " I waved at them, Sunggyu oppa smiled, Sungjong widen his eyes, " Eh ? she was here too ? *point at me and look at Sunggyu* How come I didn't see you earlier ? "

" Babo. You were sleeping at the bus, even before the bus is ready yet. Remember, sleepy head ? " Sunggyu said to him.

" And why did you were here ? " I said, pissed off because of his presence. " You think I want to see you too, tsk, as if.. " Sungjong said. " You two, stop.

____________-shi, it's the first time you met Dongwoo right ? he's on of us, Infinite. " Sunggyu calms me down.

" Dongwoo oppa ! Annyeonghaseyo ~ " I bowed my head. " Mwo ? you think I can allow anybody to call me oppa ? " he said coldly, Minah was smiling awkwardly to me, Sunggyu look at Dongwoo, Sungjong were laughing, Tiffany were blinking. " Mianhae~ " I said.

" Nevermind, it's because you were cute, you can call me oppa. " Dongwoo laughed.

" Hyung! What's got into you ? " Sungjong hissed.

" You know, when a boy and a girl always fight, then they were meant to be together, and live forever, and I think both of you will married to each other one day. " Minah said, Tiffany and Sunggyu nodded their head, Dongwoo's dino laugh got louder.

" Ugh ! Please. How can I married to a gangster like him ? "

" MWO ??? !!! cute ? SHE ? Married ? Are you blind, I'm not, she's just like a clown. I think clown was better than she is. " Sungjong shouted.

" Yah ! Girl ! " I shout at him.

" Yah ! Clown ! "

" Chugulre ? "

" What, clown ?!! " Tiffany dragged my hands and sent me to my bunk. Minah followed behind, Sunggyu try to calm Sungjong down. " Uri maknae haven't mad at this before, what makes you mad bout her, she's cute. " Dongwoo said, and run, laughing.

" Everybody come to the hall for a second. Bring your precious thing with you okay, don't worry, it's just a game. " our class teacher made an announcement.

" What's going on ? " Ina snapped her book away and bring her favourite novel along . Well, Nada was with Minah eonni right now, and I don't know where she actually is. I bring my necklace, the one that Minho oppa gave me. " Tiffany, and Minah eonni, said something like this will happen,and we must find our.. " I try to say to Ina, but she didn't hear me, even a thing, I sighed, Ina is in her on world again, what's she thinking ? " Hmm ? Did you say
something ? " she asked. I shook my head and she dragged me to the door.

" Put your own valuable things on the box that has your own name on it. Don't hestitiate to do so. Just do it ! Okay, now, if you want to get away from this paradise summer camp, please find those things that scattered on this camp later, return it to it's original owner, and if one of you can't find it, then you can't go back to your home. " Kim Hyun Joong appeared at the stage, wearing a soldier's clothes. Uhmmm why did I gave them the necklace ? It's so important to me, I face palming myself. " What the is this program ? " I heard someone yelled. Soon, it became more like a fish market, with students yeling, cursing at Kim Hyun Joong. He adjust the microphone, and it makes our ears hurt to the what-so-ever sound it is. Then, one pair of shoes landed perfectly on his calm face. It's hurt, but he didn't look at the student that threw those to him, he raised up his voice,  yelling loudly to all of us, " If you're not going to do as I say, I just have to call your parents, each one of you and lengthen the camp for one month or longer, lock this hall, so you kids have nowhere to go, cut out your meals, and you'll eventually die , HERE !!! Aratchi ? "

" Who do you think you are, handsome man ? " Tiffany took a step closer to him. " Omo, Tiffany-shi, Kim Hyun Joong imnida. It's nice to see you again. " he smiled to Tiffany, but he didn't realised Tiffany was standing beside her. She took the microphone on his hands. " Ireogeun ! Listen up ! Just do as he say, okay ? you don't want to die here, did you ? Well, I've been here before, and this camp was so FUN ! Way to fun than in school. " Tiffany showed up her famous eye-smile to us. Some of them were nodded in agreement. Some are didn't. I smiled at Tiffany eonni. I turn my glanced to Ina eonni, but she's...she's... Ina hugged her knees together, sat and sleeping soundly. " Now, that's what we called weird person. " I help her to stood up and go back to our cabin. Before I sleep, I turn on my cam recorder, " Annyeong ! *waves* First night , first video. After we went dinner, they told us to sleep. So, here we are, on our own bunk ! !!!! *Ina came beside me* Ina and me still haven't sleep yet, although we want to, right ? *Ina nods* Nada eonni was sleeping, want to look at her ? *running* "

" She's snoring ! She's snoring ! " Ina jumped in excitement, I laughed. I pictured Nada's sleeping face, was slightly opens up a bit, still snoring. " Yeppuda ~ " I said and began to telling the camera about our first day being in here. Sweet dreams, ____________-ah, Sungjong whispered in his heart.

And suddenly, I was smiling. I don't know why am I smiling, but I did sleep SO WELL that night.

Seriously, I woke up earlier, and it stil at the dawn. I want to start recording before the morning session does; breakfast. So, I jogged down the camp a little , finding a suitable place to record, the place was wonderful, big trees all around me, short grass cover the earth on my feet, although it was cold, but I managed to overcome the whether. It still fogged. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get a clear vision. I press the play button, " Abeoji ( refering to Maya,
abeoji is dad ), I miss your lecture ! kekekek right now I am at not-so-far from the camp, I don't even know where this is, but as you can see it's lonely here, and the views were, OMG !  OMG ! beautiful scenes *turning the cam to surrounding* ~~~ Echo ~ Echo ~" I sang to *SNSD - Echo. " Ah~ jeongmal. It's so peaceful. " Crunch. I knew there's something, but I ignored the sound. I keep singing the song, and then Crunch.Crunch.Crunch. I felt something is here, so I ran to a nearest tree log to hide. What's that ? I'm so dead. I saw a red light on the cam, whis means I WAS recording myself. I laughed at my sily actions.



I screamed , and scream, hoping somebody will hear me, I was so scared. If it was a hungry tiger I was totally gonna eaten now. My god. What the  hell is that thing ? and so I started to imagining things, eaten by a tiger, members of Sparkle cried, the news are spreading acroos South Korea, families mourn for my death, my crush going crazy. I closed my owl eyes, prayed, hope, think to run. And I knew the things going to eat me, soon or later. I was about to run and I felt my knuckle being gropped by someone. I tried to run and yelled for help. ... but nobody's heard me, maybe I've gone faraway from the camp. The thing backhugged me and spun me around like a hungry beast, and I widen my eyes and gulped when I discovered who it was.

~ Author's Note : DUGU YAH ? DUGU YAH ? Girl or boy ?



..... *evil laughs* kind a mystery, keep reading !



I was half-shcok, half-awake, half-relieve to see him. " You scared me to death ! " I shout at him and began to fell to the ground. My clumsiness start again, in front of him. He laughed a bit and offered a hand. Without thinking, I took it, feeling warm inside my body, feeling safe. " What are doing here ? " he asked me. " Wae ? it's none of your bussiness. " I said, smiriking at him. Sungjong began the tense, " I was joging, a girl shouldn't be here at dawn, they should be in camp, espeacially for the new campers like you. " he explained. " Look, Mr. Lee, I didn't ask you why you're here, and speaking of girl, don't you think you just look like one ? "

" Hello, Ms. Park ~ I'm a man okay. Besides, I knew this place, it's the second time I went here. And I can take care of myself alone, not like you, an ugly duckling trying to find her mom, but sadly her mom chased her away from home, wait... what's that? "

" YAH ! Boragu ?? " I said, hiding the cam recorder behind my back. Staring at him, and try to run away before he realised what it was. I was to late for this pretty guy. He got me and we trembled together on the ground, he on top of me, staring at my eyes, and look at my cam recorder. I was  so lucky because those 60 seconds staring eye to eye, he didn't kissed me, or accidentally. EW ! EW ! EW ! I can't imagine what am I going to say if I did have my first kiss with him. Seriously, he only getting me pissed off with his words.

" Oh... you broke the rules,eh ? " Sungjong smirked, stood up and picked up my cam recorder, when I  want to take it back, he raised up his hands and I knew I was short than him. Great. " Promised me you wouldn't tell the teacher about it, it's so important to me. " Luckily, the battery on the cam low so it shut off immediately. " Promise ? Why would I do that to you ? " Sungjong rolled his eyes.

" Help me please, jebal ~~ Jebal ~~~ " I try to make some aegyo to him, and it works !

" Okay. But one condition ! "

" Mwo ??? " I narrowed my eyes.

" You cannot rolled your eyes on me, cannot curse me anymore, cannot call me girl, girly or anything, it's getting me annoyed everytime I heard that, and last but  not least, call me oppa. I want you learn to respect elder people, arasseo ? You already call me oppa on the day you want me to help you, and when you got first on your music composition, you curse me once again, I don't like that, I have my pride, young girl, arasseo ?"

" Ara. Deal ? " I nodded, playing my toes with the stick while he was blabbering about the promises. But wait, oppa ? How can I call him oppa if he was just like a girl, more similar to Song Hye Gyo eonni. I held out my finger, and he interlock with it, " Deal, now, let's go back, I knew you were hungry, ugly duckling. " he smiled.

" Geure ? I thought your stomach were echoing. " I gave him a fake smile. " We're on a contract right now, hajima. " Sungjong OPPA scolded me. " Neh, arasseo, oppa. " I press the word oppa and he turn at me, glared and said, " Palli. "

At that afternoon, we have some pyhsical activties, climb the wall, grouch on the ground, and flying fox. Eventhough that was the first time I do all of these, but yeah, I feel Tiffany is right, it is fun. At lunch, we have to cook ramen for ourselves, without any help from the others. I immediately cook mine and runaway from my friends. I knew that was against the rules, but I am a good actress. " Teacher, I felt dizzy, can I eat at the cabin ? " The teacher nodded and I mehrong him at his back. Ouh... seems I've change to a naughty girl, right ?

I brought my ramen, and eat at my cabin, I told Nada eonni that I'll be there and pretend that I didn't feel so well. I start to filming again. I didn't lock the door, I forgot. After 5 minutes, I went to toilet. Silly, am I ? I start to feel dizzy, and the world seems to spin around and around, I vomit. UGH !!!! I massage my forehead and vomit again. The smells ~ yuck ! I flushed, and went out with pale face, and walking weakly to my cabin. I feel so dizzy until I almost,

ALMOST fainted.

Someone's arm catched me.

" Duguyah ? " I said in a weak voice. He helped me sat down on my bed, as I opened my eyes to see who's him.

" Cam.. cam recorder  ? " HE took my cam.

" Omona ! Baekhyun oppa ??!! " He smirked and I bite my lower lips. Now, what's next ? God already punished me for my sins, I have to call the irritating maknae of Infinite oppa, then I lied to the teacher and vomit. Next agenda will be what ? Can someone tell me ? Anybody ? !

" Park ____________. It's bad to break the rules..... " He shook his head, glaring at me with his mad eyes.

" I just want to record this pretty memories... " I lower down my head, and lay down on my bed, closed my eyes, and said " BIANHAE ! "

" Well, at least you should do your recordings with me, or else ? "

" Uh ? You want to record .. wtih me ? " Now I'm feeling so dizzy. Migraine ? Not so close to say that. I tried to stood up and say something, but I couldn't my head hurt so much. I frowned and out. Totally nice !

" Good morning, my princess ~ " Baekhyun oppa whispered to my ear. He was sitting beside my bed, wait up, where's this place ???!!!

" You were on the Nurse office. Don't worry you only unconcious for 2 days. " Nada held my right hand.

" Oh .... I haven't brush my teeth yet ! " I tried to make jokes and closed my mouth. " Oh, pity ________. " Ina patted my legs.

" Yeah, your breaths smell. " I heard the voices, I gulped when Nada gave me a glass of water. " Don't worry, we all know your secret and seal our mouth for your own sake. "

" What are you doing her ? " I asked him.

" Simple, visiting my slave !  Remember, you can't curse me. " He smiled to you. " Anyway, Sungjong oppa take care of you when we're not here. You should thank him. " Ina said. I glared at her, and tried to make jokes again. " Oh, is that so.. then you have seen my beauty face when I sleep, is that right , prince Baekhyun-shi ? " I winked at Baekhyun. " Don't worry my princess, he can't harm you at all and only me who can woke you up from your sleeping beauty. " Sungjong rolled his eyes, mocking his friend, Ina and Nada stared at him. What's wrong with this guy ?

" What's wrong with me, why did I faint ? " I asked them. " The nurse said, that you have gastric and that's all. " Nada explained, " In the first place, how did you got gastric ?? "

" I always eat late and skipped my meals. I knew. Sorry if I make trouble to all of you. Thank you for taking a good care of this princess for 2 days, I really appreciate it. " I said. " Woahh, practicing an award congratulations ? " Baekhyun make eveybody laughed.

" But.. your cam, was... " Nada said, and I began to darken my face. " Our class teacher, save it. " I lower down my head, Baekhyun patted my shoulder, " Gwenchanayo, I already told her, if you won the Capture Flag competition, she'll give you back. So, all you have to do is win the game, with me. "

" Hyung, already be her partner ? " Sungjong asked.

" Hmmm, wae yo ? " Baekhyun asked him back, Sungjong shook his head.

Next day, A competition is being held. My conditions is okay, so I can join the others for dinner. I thought that day could be this Capture Flag comp, but shockingly, another comp is being held. At first, we're randomly choosen to be in 4 groups, 10 people each group, in total,, 40 students were here.

Blue team : Sulli, Me, Sungjong, Baekhyun, Onew, Tiffany.

Yellow team : Minah, Kai, Nada, Dongwoo, Ina, Sunggyu.

I told you, randomly choosen. So, there's a word fate in this game is it ?


 It's a partner game, it built up your trust and teamwork with your partner, as the counselor said. I was so pissed off with this thing call fate. In my mind I was humming all the way long when the speech is on. Sungjong tied his left leg to my right leg with blue ribbon. " We gonna win this competition, alright ? " Sungjong smiled. Somehow I felthe was comforting myself. " Neh. Oppa. " I said coldly. " Are you okay, if you feel uncomfortable, tell me quickly, ara ? "

" Oppa, gewnchanayo ~ " I look away. " There, we're ready. "

The game start and Sungjong and me run in the same melody, left, right, left, right, and I spotted Ina eonni and Kai oppa beside us, I said hi and Kai said, " Eh ? I thought you were enemies .... "

Sungjong blushed a bit and look into his eyes. " No, we weren't. " I shook my head, I knew you were blushing there, boy. Anyway, I fell twice so, we didn't won the game, but who cares, the winner didn't get expensive prize, Minah and Dongwoo won, and they must wore their prize, a couple t-shirt ! How cute they are ~ I feel they're soulmates. I was giggling happily and noticed that Sungjong were staring at my face, I knew but I keep pretending not to know it. I want to ask him what's wrong but when I turn my head, he's already gone. I went to Minah eonni, and congrats her, she said, " I felt sorry for your cam case. " I shook my head, " That's my punishment, nan ara and it's okay. "

At lunch, I lose my appetite a bit, so I just finfished half of my meals and went somewhere else. I thought, being alone in this warm breeze would be nice, since it's summer, so I spotted a big tree, not so far away from our camp, just behind it and when I walk closer to it, it's actually a small hill. I climbed and heard someone's singing. I bet there's a ghost there. No, I walked closer and saw Sungjong oppa, closing his eyes, both hands on the ground, 65 degree bent his back, sat on the ground, singing to * Infinite - Julia. I stepped closer, and closer and sat silently beside him,  I was bored so I look at his face, I loosen my ponytail, and the breeze swung my black hair, I tugged my hair at the back of my ear, I didn't realised that I was still looking at him,, singing.

He was handsome at all. but why did we always fight ? his voice is like a lullaby in my heart, as he keep singing the song.

After the song ended, he doesn't open his eyes, he smiled. " Oppa," I whispered, our face was just too close, but I didn't care to back away, nor blushed. Instead he turn to me with a large eyes asking me why am I be there.  I only smile, and mock his lemon candy CF. " Seumail ~ "  

" Chincha, kyeopta ! " he suddenly pinch my cheek, not so hard and smiled. I can feel my heart beats now, Thump ! Thump ! Thump ! OMONA ~~~
I was speechless, and look away. " You know, this is my place to enjoy the scenery, but I guess it's our place, right now. " He said, motioning his head for me to look in front. I look at the gazing blue sky, fluff clouds appear, is it my dream ? I said in my heart. " Woahhhhh ! Yeppuda ! " I laughed.

" Thank you for not mad at me, because we didn't won the game. " I held his right hand. I knew, I was blushing too but that's me, I love skinship, even Ina call me prevert because of my skinship habit. He smiled and brush my hair that keeps covering my eyes, " So, you heard my solo ? "

" Hmmm mmm.  No wonder you won the exam. " I nodded and we laughed. On the way back to the camp.... you stepped into a hard rock and slipped, but Sungjong is there to help you, so you saw a box on your toes, Sungjong help you to open it and there was your necklace. Good, perfect chemistry among us, right ? What a luck ! We only need 4 things to search on.


DOUBLE UPDATE for you ~ These chapter was inspired and adapted from Dream High 2 & a teen novel, Sleepaway Girls by Jen Calonita. Mixing two inspiring things wouldn't so bad right ? BTW, Comment ! Comment !
Sorry for confusing you, everbody !


Maya > Pink > Princess of Beauty
Tika > Green > Princess of Nature
Nada > Red >  Princess of Energetic
Ina > Yellow > Princess of Creativity
Kila > Purple > Princess of Gentleness
You > Black > Princess of Control


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I'm still considering on writting the sequel or not


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I miss this and I miss you, authornim T_________________T
Smileonce133 #2
yeahhhh sungjong
janefelicia28 #3
Chapter 3: the manager's HAWT !
Chapter 45: finally I read the ending of this story.. actually I didn't want to read it because im afraid that I will miss the story if I finish read it. but I'm very curious about the ending so here I am finish reading the story.. thx author/saengi for the great story.. and I hope you will update the sequel as soon as possible. love ya
Chapter 44: i like your part n kila. :)
P/S : haha kidding b-but ;3; *pouts*
hha., special epi for me no ka? hha *begayak cute
Chapter 37: nasib kau x padam..klau tdk kcewa aku..=_=
Chapter 31: This chapter make me crazy. Love it (: