Starry starry night

The competition

Kyungsoo gripped the steering wheel tight in his small hands, his eyes flitting back and forth across the road to be sure not to miss anything. He was a good driver, he knew that, but this was his first time driving without a licenced driver in the front seat with him. To say he was nervous was a desperate understatement.

“Hyung relax.” Kai said with an understanding smile. “You’re doing great.”

“Really?” Kyungsoo asked, shooting a glance to the younger as he loosened his fingers from their death grip just a little.

“Really really.” Kai grinned “Where are we going by the way?”

“Well Mum kind of ruined the place I was going to take you to.” Kyungsoo pouted at the image of the embarrassing photos. He sighed as he could practically feel Kai’s imploring look even with his eyes focused on the road before him. “But I guess we have no choice. You’ll see when we get there.” Kai nodded and looked out of the window with a soft smile. Kyungsoo couldn’t stop glancing at the younger boy and didn’t miss the way his cheeks suddenly blushed a rosy red and he cleared his throat subtly.

“What is it?”

“N-nothing.” Kai murmured, his cheeks flushing even more red from embarrassment. This wouldn’t do, Kyungsoo was curious by nature and his boyfriend’s flushing cheeks were doing nothing to stem his curiosity.

“Tell meeee!” Kyungsoo whined childishly while pouting as he signalled to the left and pulled into the car park. He parked and switched off the engine before turning to face Kai in an attempt to hit the younger with the fill force of his pout and in effect, force the boy to tell him whatever he was holding back. He reached over and gripped one of Kai’s hands in his own. “Please?” His voice was quieter this time and he internally grinned as he could practically see Kai’s resolve shattering.

“Fine.” Kai sighed, hah, Kyungsoo: one, Kai: zero. “Baekhyun thought that your surprise was going to be a .” Kai’s cheeks flamed as he spoke and he let out an awkward chuckle, Kyungsoo wasn’t sure how the boy was still so shy after all of the things that they had done together. It was undeniably cute, but not cute enough to make Kyungsoo second guess his plan to mess with the younger. Kyungsoo schooled his expression into one of shock and slight disappointment, trying his best not to let a smile creep onto his face.

“Damn.” He looked down at his lap and fidgeted with his fingers in mock distress.

“What? What is it? What’s wrong?” Kai seemed to momentarily forget his embarrassment as he brought a comforting hand up to rest on Kyungsoo’s shoulder.

“Baek wasn’t meant to tell you.” Kyungsoo huffed, his teeth digging into his lip to stop his laughter. “It was going to be a surprise.” Kai blanched, his hand freezing on Kyungsoo’s shoulder as his jaw went slack and his eyes popped wide.

“W-what?” Kai stammered, his eyes still larger than Kyungsoo’s own big eyes. Kyungsoo pretended to sigh as he looked up at Kai from his lap.

“Baekhyun is waiting over just a little ways into those trees over there. We were going to christen the new car with a .” He sighed dramatically once more. “The surprise is ruined!”

“A-are you s-serious?” Kai’s face was white as a sheet with the exception of his beet red cheeks. Kyungsoo couldn’t hold it in anymore and laughter spilled from him. His laughter ripped through his body and he had to clutch at his stomach as it started to ache.

“Oh god,” Kyungsoo wheezed. “Your face.” He looked up only to fall back into another fit of giggles at Kai’s scandalized  expression, his hand over his heart. Kyungsoo felt a smattering of light hits against his arm as Kai repeatedly whacked his fists pathetically against him.

“Meanie.” The younger boy mumbled. “Just like your mother. So crude.” Kai folded his arms across his torso and pouted, looking out of the windscreen and making a point of ignoring Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo just leant forward and pecked the younger’s cheek.

“Don’t be mad, I was just teasing. I love you.”

Kai’s pseudo anger seemed to deflate at those words and he turned to place a sweet kiss to Kyungsoo’s lips. Kyungsoo felt his stomach flutter at the touch, his lips tingling, even after so many kisses he still reacted in the same way, the same spark shooting through his body. “Come on, let’s go.” Kyungsoo hopped out of the car and Kai followed, climbing out of his own side. He strode around to the back of the car and heaved open the trunk. A loud, rusty groan sounded through the night due to the age of the worn car. Kyungsoo reached into the trunk and pulled out the wicker basket before locking up the car. “This way.” Kyungsoo motioned with his head as he began walking towards the woods.

The car park that they had stopped in was small and theirs was the only car. It was a place Kyungsoo and his mum used to go to a lot for walks, there was a trail from the car park which ran along the small river to a lake at the end. Kyungsoo smiled at the scuffling noise behind him as Kai scampered to catch up.

“What’s that? Here, let me carry it Hyung.” Kyungsoo was going to protest but the wicker basket had already been whipped from his hands and into Kai’s strong hold. He couldn’t deny that his arms had ached a little holding the weight of all that food so he let Kai take the basket with a shy smile and thank you.

“So what is it?” Kai asked once more.

“It’s a stripper, what do you think it is?” Kyungsoo snapped back sassily.

“Mmmm, a confession of your undying love for me?”

“Kind of.” Kyungsoo smiled at Kai.

After about ten minutes walking Kyungsoo could see their stopping point up ahead. The path widened and the trees beside the water thinned until there was a gap where a small beach slanted down into the river. The sand glowed white in the moonlight in stark contrast to the midnight, almost inky black rivulets that was the river. Kyungsoo scurried off of the path and down onto the mini beach, shucking off his shoes and socks as he went to feel the rough sand between his toes. He walked around the corner where the river meandered, there was a small, two metre cliff and the sandy beach below was hidden from the path. Kyungsoo waited patiently, okay, maybe he wasn’t patient, but he waited for Kai to follow him with the basket.

As soon as Kai was around the corner Kyungsoo grabbed the basked and began unloading things. First was the blanket which he unfurled and laid down on the sand, next was a small gas lamp so that they would be able to see, the stars provided a lovely twinkling light but Kyungsoo wasn’t keen on the idea of missing his face and getting food everywhere just because he couldn’t see properly.

“Well sit down.” Kyungsoo said tugging on Kai’s sleeve after he himself had flopped onto the blanket.

“This place is beautiful Kyung.” Kai said as he compliantly sat down on the blanket. Kyungsoo grinned at the younger as he pulled out tub after tub of food. He also brought out two plates, chopsticks, spoons and drinks.

“It is isn’t it.” Kyungsoo smiled. “Me and my mum used to come here all the time. It’s just up the path a ways where those two photos were taken.” Kyungsoo was glad for the half-light in that moment in the hopes that it would hide his blush.

“We should go there later then.” Kai murmured, his eyes not leaving Kyungsoo’s busy hands once until all of the food was out and spread onto the blanket. “Did you make all of this? It looks absolutely delicious!”

“Of course I made it!” Kyungsoo huffed, the idea that he hadn’t was preposterous. Another glance at his boyfriend’s handsome face told Kyungsoo how hungry the younger was, his eyes staring longingly at the food.

“Eat Kai.” Kyungsoo laughed. “I made it for us, don’t just stare.” He heaped a load of food onto the younger’s plate and Kai grinned thankfully before proceeding to shovel food into his mouth. Kyungsoo couldn’t help but laugh, he was going to get indigestion and there was nothing Kyungsoo could do at this point. Ten minutes of conversation – mostly on Kyungsoo’s part- and manic eating – mostly on Kai’s part – Kyungsoo’s theory was proved correct.

“Hyuuuung.” Kai wailed as he wiggled about on the blanket, large hands gripping his stomach as he laid his head on Kyungsoo’s lap. “My tummy hurts.”

“That’s because you ate too much, too fast dummy.” Kyungsoo smiled lovingly at his idiot boyfriend, contentedly eating his food at a more human pace with one hand while the other through Kai’s soft, silky locks. A few minutes later all of the remaining food was packed back into the basket with the exception of the piled plate of cookies, Kyungsoo was sure that in spite of his complaints now Kai would want them in a little while.

“Come on then, come here.” Kyungsoo lay down on the blankets with his arms wide, beckoning for the younger to lie beside him. Kai grinned and snuggled into Kyungsoo’s side, his head tucked under the elder’s chin. Kyungsoo brought his hand around Kai’s body to slowly rub his stomach, soothing its unhappy grumbling whilst Kai’s own arms wrapped around his hips. Kai’s fingers fiddled with the hem of Kyungsoo’s jumper as they gazed at the night sky above, revelling in its beauty. Kyungsoo felt his skin tingle and zap as Kai’s fingers made their way under the fabric and to the soft, sensitive skin of his hips. He pressed a soft kiss to the younger’s forehead with a contented sigh as they lay in the peace and quiet. The noise of the city was all but drowned out here, the sound of the bubbling river overshadowing any faint car horns or rattling trains.

When Kyungsoo glanced down to take a sneak peek at his boyfriend a moment later he noticed the younger’s large, dark eyes already focused on him. He couldn’t stop the light blush that scattered his cheeks as Kai leant up and claimed his lips in a gentle kiss. Seconds later Kyungsoo found himself fully on his back with an empty space beside him as Kai hovered his strong, toned body over Kyungsoo’s own. Their eyes met and suddenly their lips were crashing together, this time with passion and heat as their tongues swirled and fought together. Kyungsoo moaned into the kiss as he let Kai dominate, his hands trailing up and down the younger’s spine as he panted heavily, lips moving fast and hard. Kai’s hands wandered up and down Kyungsoo’s body, bringing gasps and groans from Kyungsoo’s thick, ravaged lips as his long fingers pushed down past the elder’s waist band to massage his .

Kyungsoo tugged at Kai’s top and the younger was quick to get the message. Leaning off of him, Kai slowly pulled the fabric up and off of his tanned, toned torso, revealing the delicious light muscles below. Kyungsoo groaned at the sighed and reached up to grab Kai’s neck, pulling him back down into a hot, searing kiss. Kai quickly pulled Kyungsoo’s own jumper and t-shirt off of the elder’s body, quick to reconnect their lips once the task was completed. Hands were everywhere at once as the two got lost in the moment. Breaking apart to catch their breath, Kyungsoo bit his lip before ing his hips up into Kai’s where the younger was straddling him. Kai’s eyes glowed and glittered at the friction and his cheeks flamed as a low growl was ripped from his throat.

“Hyung.” He practically purred as he leaned down to a fat stripe up the length of Kyungsoo’s neck. “Let’s go skinny dipping.” One look at Kai’s crazy hair and kiss swollen lips had Kyungsoo nodding quickly as the younger set to work on his jeans. The thought that someone could walk past and see them in the water - while they were protected under the small cliff the river was another story - never crossed his mind as they stripped their clothes from their heated bodies and pressed together contentedly before walking to the water’s edge. Lust and love ruled his senses and emotions and drew him forward.  



Sorry for the wait! Exams and tonsillitis and lots of stuff but here is an update, finally! 

I hope you enjoyed it!

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Until next time ( ^ w ^ )~*~*~*




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Sorry I took a while to update but It was my birthday so I was very busy. Sorry!


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7RunningFools #1
Chapter 103: I've been reading this all night and I wasn't logged in then so I'll say this now:
You were ing born to write, stop making excuses and feel more confident in your writing because damn. This was the first Breakfast fic I've read and it's 1000x better than almost every fic I've ever read, and that's saying something. And I've never liked fics where they change POVs between ships but let me just say I'll sell my soul to keep this fic in existence. Be honored because I'm usually too lazy to actually tell authors my thoughts and holy shiet I love this story so fricking much please keep writing if it makes you happy, because you make me so happy when I'm reading this fic.
Chapter 74: Sehun acts like he's five the way he talks XD
malydil #3
Chapter 111: UPDATE. NOW. PLEASE.
I've been marathon reading this and I'm loving it so much! Hope to see an update sometime! It would be so sad to see such a good fic go unfinished.
BeyondTheVeil #5
Chapter 82: Well, Lay certainly hit me with his confidence.
I'll subscribe because this fic sounds wonderful but I'm not going to read it until the author updates or something cuz i have subscriptions that haven't been updated for more than 3 years. I don't need more disappointment and sadness thank you very much even though I'm already kinda disappointed because the description sounds really good.
sinclair04 #7
Well the description of the story seemed great but I'm having second thoughts about reading this fic since the author has not updated this for at least 6 months.. I really don't want cliffhangers when there's little chance of them being updated.. Hope the author comes back..
Chapter 111: Hi^^ I just want to say, I've been reading this for a while now, and I was just really disappointed that you haven't updated in awhile. :( You're okay right? You don't have to update, just wanted to know. You never mentioned anything about a hiatus??? Anyways, great story so far! Can't wait to see where it goes!
happykitty #9
This looks so good but I'm not if I should start reading it. It looks like the author might have gone on hiatus. If I really get into it–and I do love baekyeol and long fics— I don't want to be left with a permanent cliffhanger! ???
Chapter 111: Author-nim please update.
Exo lives on as 12 through your fic.
we could use some of your fluff.