Chapter 5:

How to Tame Your Dragon.

Chapter 5: Wrapped under the layer of flames



Days passed, and she was still stuck in this tower, unable to escape in any way. Everyday, Kris would come flying back with food for her to eat, but he never utter even a single word with her without getting into an argument next.


It felt as if the building would collapse after. Kris would coldly shrug her off and dash off, and she would be left back inside the room.


I felt like a princess getting locked up in the tower by the dragon... She pouted as she looks out the window. Except that I'm not a princess... She pursed her lips together as she heard soft voice uttering from below. Looking down, she noticed two men standing there, one was Lay, of course, but the other was a new face.


A boy of a beautiful face.


He looked up and raised an eyebrow on her who was looking down. Surprised, she pulled herself back and hid behind the wall, her heart skipped upon his blank, innocent gaze upon her.


He looks so cute! She blushed and hid herself in between her knees. In awhile, she started peeking down again, carefully observing his every move as he talks to Lay. Huge, doll-like eyes which gives off an innocent image... He's nothing but an innocent rabbit.


"Aren't you bored? You're always here in Kris hyung's tower." She flinched and turned around, feeling the hot breath of a person behind her back. The tall figure waved his huge hands on her and grinned. "Annyeong~" He stated and took a step back, reaching the other end of the room.


His hand lifted up, palms opened wide as he stated. "Please, stay where you are." His smiling face suddenly became creepy in her eyes.


She nodded and stayed where she was standing at. "Who are you? If you're someone weird I'm gonna scream-"


"No! Please don't! I beg for mercy I don't wanna get grilled yet!!!" He went on his knees all of a sudden then stopped. "Wait, I won't get grilled... Silly me." He let out a short laugh before standing up again.


"Hi! I'm Chanyeol, and I'm a pheonix as you can see..." He waved his hand, then looked at his hand. "... or not. But I really am! Trust me!" He grinned and moved towards the door.


On cue, the door opened, slamming it on his face causing him to fall onto the ground. "Oops, my bad." The cute boy said, just in time as a click was heard, and a white horse appeared in front of her.


Her eyes widened and she started swaying her hands up and down. "Oh no! What is this! G-go! I can't bear to let Kris see this after-"


"After you fought, geez tell me something new." The horse rolled it's eyes and in a sparkle of light, the familiar figure was turned back. "Peace maker is here to save the day again." Lay yawned and stretched his arms.


Jikyung blinked her eyes upon him. "You... Horse... How-"


"How insulting, I'm a Unicorn dammit!" Lay whined and looked at the boy who was laughing happily with Chanyeol. "What's so funny now deer boy!" 


The boy coughed and smiled at Jikyung, reaching his hand out. "Hi... I'm Luhan. And er... I..." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah so... We're here to help... Just to make sure that dragon wouldn't cause damage any further..."


She nodded slowly, trying to digest what he was talking about, then stopped. "Wait, what damage did he caused?" She tilted her head curiously.


Chanyeol cleared his throat. "Nothing serious, just a few mountains and forests-" 


"JUST?!!!" She unintentionally blurted and gasped.


Lay shrugged. "It's normal, he's a dragon after all. One swing of his tail is enough to break a mountain, so it-"


"It is never normal! Does he have mental issues or what?!" She screamed at Lay all of a sudden. The intiminated Lay's eyes widened and immediately, he flinched and hid behind Luhan, as said to be the oldest among all of them in the room. Chanyeol too, flinched and hid behind the couch while trying to calm her down, not knowing that he's making the situation worse than ever. 


"Look at the bright side, at least he didn't roast the forest... He just broke some... I mean a patch of trees- " Jikyung glared at him. "You know what? Don't tell me anything. This is not where I come from anyway." She hissed, completely snapped upon Chanyeol's words. 


Chanyeol's eyes were as wide as it could be. "Wait you can't!" He panicked. A hand reached for Jikyung's arm and yank her back to her original spot, it was Luhan's hand, and his expression tells her it's not the time to joke around, at least, not with him. 


"Look. I had enough with the innocent act." He stated clearly and tightened his grip on her arm. "You're coming with us." He said.


Chanyeol nodded. "Yeah! You should! I don't want to face the dragon by myself!" Lay whacked his head. "Calm down! Please! For goodness sake Pheonix are supposed to be the quiet ones!" Chanyeol nodded.


Jikyung struggled, trying to free herself from Luhan's tight grip. Should have known that he's two faced... She furrowed her eyes on him. "L-Let go! I don't want to see him-"


"Look. Here." He yank her back and glared. "You're the one who caused this trouble. If you hadn't fought with Kris, he wouldn't have go on destroying things. So you're. Coming. With. Us." He forcefully dragged her towards the door. "Chanyeol!" He turned to the clueless boy.


Chanyeol blinked his eyes for a second. "Oh!" he jumped up and ran towards the door without hesitated. He grinned as he turned to face her. "See ya~" His weight was pulled down by the force of gravity.


She gasped and immediately ran towards the door without thinking, only to have the air around her over, pulling her out of the room with such huge force that cause her to slip and fall.


I'm going to die!! She squeezed her eyes shut and waited for her bones to crack, but nothing happened. And she felt rather... warm.


Opening her eyes, she noticed something, something abnormal.


She's been surrounded by a huge, crimson blood red flames.


"Now. Where to?"  

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Chapter 33: Hahaha! I suddenly remembered this
Chapter 33: Mystical creatures as nannies cuttie
Chapter 2: Why i just find this story now.this is really good story and i will read in just ine day. Still wondering who is he? The one talking with jaekyung. Planet exo muahaha.
Chapter 33: I really liked this!!! (:
Chapter 1: That hole, i just imagined about inuyasha hahaha
12shiningstars #6
Chapter 1: Well... That was straightforward. :)
Chapter 33: XD XD XD XD X____X *pants* I died...
Lua_Irena #8
Chapter 33: So Funny!! Laughed as f. xD
Lua_Irena #9
Chapter 33: My favorite story now! <3
Chapter 24: What the fck happened between kris and jikyung?!?!?! XD