Chapter 8


It was Jaejin’s birthday but the birthday boy wasn’t enthusiastic about it. For five years he went on with his birthday like it was an ordinary day. Before he got to the human world, someone always made that day special. Back then he thought it was ridiculous to celebrate a birthday that comes once in a year since demons lived for thousands of years. He found it pointless but now he found himself looking back to those years when she was there by his side, greeting him a happy birthday.

It was Jaejin’s birthday but Seol was living that day like any other day, after all what more could she do? She was just a fan. She already sent him a birthday message which she thought got ignored by him but she didn’t care for as long as she greeted him. Seol was living her life like a normal human girl, completely oblivious by the fact that she was more than that.

It was Jaejin’s birthday but he didn’t care and he had no idea. Jun was persistent enough to come the next day to Seol’s house and spent time together with her. He used FT Island as an excuse of coming over, saying he wanted to borrow some CDs but actually he went there just to see her and show her that he was serious about her. He even brought her her favorite cake that they shared while listening to FT Island’s songs but he wasn’t that interested compared to how much he was interested in the girl in front of him.

It was his birthday but all he could do was watch from afar and hope it would end soon. He was looking at her and whispered to the crystal ball, “I will believe in the words you said last night.”

The next day was Sunday and their concert was nearing. FT Island went to Japan that day, all of them exhausted from all their work as a human. Despite their tired bodies and mind, they had to control the urge of not seeing her, knowing she was only a heartbeat away. They were now on the same land, breathing the same air, looking at the same sky but they couldn’t let their guard down.

They chose to be in a separate country with her so they wouldn’t give in and check on her personally so they decided that she would be in Japan and they in Korea. It was far enough to keep their distance from her but near enough to have a regular surveillance if she was in threat since they’d go there from time to time. This way, they could lessen the risks and temptation.

The day was Sunday but Jun was with her again. This time he used his bass as an excuse to spend time with her. She wanted to learn how to play the bass for a long time already but never got the courage to do so. So when he offered to teach her, she gladly said yes and that was how they spent their Sunday. All this was witnessed again by them and her lover thought to himself,  “I will hold onto the words you said before we parted five years ago.”

On Monday, FT Island had a full schedule and they couldn’t watch over her so they asked some other demon to continue watching the surveillance and report if there was anything unsual. They also decided to record the day’s event like they usually did when they were too busy. It would only be Jaejin and Seunghyun who would be watching it before going to bed though. After all, that was their only way of seeing the person they loved. As of the moment, the two were in the same boat; a love that was unknown to the other party.

On that day, Jun picked her up from home and took her to school. They had lunch together and even went home together. They stopped by somewhere else before going home and spent more time together. He was completely into her while she was just having her share of fun of his company. The weather was cold because it started to snow. He lent her his scarf because she forgot hers at home. He rubbed his hands together and breathed in them to make them warm. He used his hands to warm her ears before they finally went home. They were getting closer, day by day.

This they had to rewatch before going to sleep. Seunghyun shuffled in his bed and had nothing but feelings of jealousy for the lousy human who got to have a good chance with Seol while he had to completely give up all his hopes right from the beginning when he realized his feelings. Meanwhile, Jaejin had to keep himself together or he would lose his sanity soon. He knew he had to remain strong for her. He knew he had to continue believing. He just said to himself, “I will have faith in you, in us.”, before going to bed.

The week continued like that, Jun spending a lot of time with her and the demons couldn’t help but hope that everything would turn out fine in the end. They still continued their plan of feeding her fangirl side with Jaejin but as reality took more of her consciousness, the other side was slipping away. She had no idea that the fantasy she loved was actually the real reality and not the current one she was living in.

The day of the concert arrived. Though they were really exhausted they were excited to perform in front of the thousands of people that would be cheering their names. They were looking forward to seeing that yellow sea again that screamed their name, “FT Island”. It was priceless for them. They performed live many times already but they couldn’t help but still get a bit nervous inside. Most of all, tonight would be the night that they would be seeing her after five years.

After five years of not seeing her in flesh, in a few more minutes they would be facing her again. How would their longing affect their performance, they didn’t know, especially for the two boys whose hearts were owned by her. They breathed in and out, put their hands on top of one another and shouted a cheer for themselves before going on stage.

Back in the crowd, thousands of fans filled the Yokohama Arena, waving their yellow lights and pentasticks, a sign of support for the band. Amongst the crowd were two female demons, one aware of it, the other wasn’t. Together with thousands of people they awaited the start of the epic evening.

The concert started with So Today. In an instant the entire crowd of thirty-thousand was caught in a trance. The song itself was magic, the lyrics were perfect, the song was able to capture Jaejin’s feelings. He wanted to remind her of their love, he wanted to tell her right now of what he felt, but he couldn’t. Instead, he turned his emotions into a melody, poured everything he was containing to the song. He was hoping her heart could remember that she loved him.

“Jaejin,” Seol whispered, her tears were flowing out from her eyes unconsciously. She was caught in a daze when she saw them but her eyes were only on him. It was just the beginning of the concert but she was crying already, her tears uncontrollably falling. She wondered why she was moved with one mere song and also it was just the opening of the concert. She knew it was normal for fans to cry in concerts but she also knew there were other reasons for her tears. She questioned herself why she was overwhelmed with feelings of longing. She had no idea where all her emotions were coming from and never had it crossed her mind that she was capable of all that. For as long as she could remember she was too numb to feel, too sensible for emotions to overcome her. But at that moment, as the song ended, she was stuck in yearning, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Nee-chan, it’s okay. Everything will be okay.” Adriel said while hugging her, trying to give her comfort. The people around them were wondering why she was crying, some found it absurd and weird but they couldn’t care less. People were judging her from crying but they had no idea what pain she was in, what pain their favorite band was in.

Seol was able to calm down after a few minutes. She didn’t know what she felt or what just happened. She just burst into tears just like that. She knew this band could trigger something in her heart without knowing how or why but her reaction was just too much she thought. She picked up her thoughts and focused on the concert. Her mood changed when the boys started playing lively songs. They were able to change the phase of the song together with the emotions of the audience. It was like a roller-coaster ride.

The boys who were busy performing and entertaining everyone took this chance to at least see Seol even if it was just a glance. The two demons that were in Seol’s side however were able to spot her already and they couldn’t contain the happiness they were feeling upon seeing her. As much as they wanted to stay at her side and look at her, they had to keep the show running for the thousands of people in the venue. Jaejin took this opportunity to play for her, even without the need for introduction; he poured his all in playing and singing so that he could remind her of his presence.

All good times came to an end; the concert was one of those good times that reached its finale. She was just overwhelmed with feelings, with emotions, she suddenly felt complete, as if a big piece of puzzle was back into place but it didn’t last long. It all disappeared when they left the venue and went home. For a few hours, she was whole again. For the whole night she wondered if this was really the feeling of every fan who gets to see their favorite band live. She tried remaining sensible but her heart wouldn’t let her be.

After the concert, they all couldn’t help but smile. It was a success. The concert was a success. They were overwhelmed and thankful for the people who embraced their music. But someone was more emotional, after five years of not seeing her personally, she was suddenly just a few feet away from him. If he reached his hand out a little more, he would’ve touched her. He was able to still stay calm but when he replayed tonight’s surveillance, he saw her whispering his name, with tears falling down her cheeks. This did it; his emotions were rushing in like a wave, he couldn’t stop it. He let himself out and cry. The rest of the members saw him tearing up and gave him pats on the back. He turned to them and said, “I reached out to her. Her heart still remembers.”

While all their hearts were triggered by old feelings, among the thirty-thousand crowd, there were a pair of red eyes who was able to spot something bizarre. She wasn’t expecting it. After all she was just curious what the five high demons were doing in the human world. They did get reports that they were playing “musicians”. There was something telling her there was something else but in five years of hunting they couldn’t prove it. Tonight she decided to play along with the high demons and she pretended to be a Primadonna. She wanted to see for herself the high demons on the stage but he didn’t expect she would find something more amusing than seeing noble demons play “musicians”, she finally found what they had been looking for for five years. “Finders keepers.” She sang to herself.



i know this one is short but i shall see you in 5 days again.. THE REAL PLOT IS ABOUT TO START <3 ;D

@jaceBlue- i wonder what you are thinking of xD but let's just say chapter 1-8 is a loong introduction xD


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Chapter 32: Finally get to comment v.v

And Jaejin, you cant possibly gave up on her right? After all these years..
Chapter 32: i was shocked that you updated this story and fragments. please author just finish the stories that you've started. i know you don't have an inspiration/lack of it but pls. i hope you will have someday. more more more power to you.
Chapter 31: i've been reading your stories for a while. i know you're busy but please finish new beginning and especially this. actually this is my first time reading a short where fti is the main character and it's fiction theme. i'll be waiting for your update author. more power! :))
rachelxzoe #4
Chapter 31: :D KRISHA

and yes im so happy that we talked again <3
Chapter 31: She had just retained her memory for like what? Less than 3 days?
And she's back memory-less...

Scary. Scary what love can do to people...or in this case, demons.
minari_j72 #6
Chapter 31: i hope u can also update your hongki story *^▁^*
anne_shiny #7
Chapter 30: I am just finish reading this. Awesome. Jonghoon description seems very real, too perfect, out of reach, and Casanova :p I love Jaejin Seol couple. Please update soon
jaceBlue #8
Chapter 30: OMG! I knew it! someone's dying~ and I have a feeling its seunghyun TT__TT just the thought of it is making me sad..
anyway its good to see you back! :)
Chapter 30: omo.. i really love this story..i'm too immersed to this.. keep on updating!!
rachelxzoe #10
Chapter 30: praise the high heavens for this update thank you jesus
i was beginning to miss you terribly (of course, not that I didn't miss you before this BUT NOW I MISS YOU SO MUCH MORE)

yes the chapter is slightly different from the drafts, i really liked this one better hehehe :) i'm on msn most nights so i hope to catch you there :)