

“Honey, is everything okay?”

There’s been sniffles and sighs on the other end of the line the entire call and Jonghyun’s worried that Minho’s getting sick again.

“Yeah, I just-”

When Minho’s voice cracks, when the crying starts, Jonghyun can tell he’s been holding on to the emotion for too long.

“Hey now, it’ll be alright, honey. What’s going on, hmm? Talk to me, tell me what you’re thinking.”

Minho takes a shaky breath. “Baby, I’m so lonely.”

Jonghyun had a feeling that this was the cause. Time apart, four months apart, was starting to weigh down on both of them. Jonghyun was lucky. In his new town, he didn’t have four years of memory tucked around on every block. Minho takes another breath before continuing, though he’s still crying.

“I’m so lonely and I’m tired of going to our diner and having to sit at the counter because you’re not here to sit across from me in a booth and I’m tired of not coming home to you and I’m tired of going to bed by myself and waking up by myself and being alone I’m so lonely, baby, I’m so freaking lonely.”

“I know, honey, I’m so sorry, honey. I’m lonely too, honey.”

Jonghyun keeps whispering sweet reassurances to Minho until he mostly stops crying.

“Do you miss me, baby?” Minho asks after a while.

There’s something painful and desperate in his voice and Jonghyun chooses his words carefully.

“Yes, honey, I miss you. I miss sleeping next to you, and waking up with you and having meals with you and that silly way you fold your shirts and the way you sneeze so loud and the way you steal all the blankets and your silly laugh and everything about you. I miss you, honey. I’m lonely for you too.”

It sounds like Minho lets out a relieved sigh.

“Baby I’m sorry I’m trying to be strong I’m really trying it’s just so hard...”

“I know, honey, I know it is. It’s ok, honey, it’s hard. It’s hard for me to.”

“I wish I could see you soon....”

“What if I came between your birthday and Christmas? Came on your birthday and left the day after Christmas?”

“Baby...I know you’re trying to cheer me up but please don’t get my hopes up...”

“What if I already had that time off? What if I had been saving it to surprise you?”

“Really?? You’re coming home for Christmas??”

“Yes, honey, I’m coming home for your birthday. Can you make it til then? I know it’s still a long time away, but it’s all I can give you.”


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Chapter 12: Loving <3
Chapter 9: So soft and warm <3
Chapter 5: Minho is cutie child xD :3
Chapter 2: Super cute :')
hugeyosita #5
Chapter 7: This is SO CUTE T____T
hugeyosita #6
Chapter 4: I love this chapter so much! I felt so blushing right now T____T
JongHolic #7
Chapter 34: OMG!!! ;o;!! I wanna hug Ming so bad!!!
JongHolic #8
Chapter 19: <3 <3 <3 "You and I. Us" That was soooo sweet!!!!
JongHolic #9
Chapter 28: I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! I CAN'T