


Jonghyun’s cleaning out their bedroom when he finds them hidden underneath their bed. Four shoeboxes, all Minho’s, filled so full that they’re nearly bursting open. He pulls them out, opens the most full. Inside is a wealth of papers: restaurant receipts, brochures, little maps. He goes to the next one and finds cards, doodles, lunchbox sticky notes. The last two are filled with pictures: one has pictures of the two of them together from dates and home time; the other is pictures of just Jonghyun. Minho had gotten a job at a store with a photo center recently and had apparently been taking great advantage of his employee discount. Jonghyun can’t help but smile as he goes through the photos of them together, trying his best to make sure he keeps them in the order Minho must’ve meticulously put them in. By chance, he looks at the back and sees that they’re all labelled by date and location in Minho’s familiar handwriting. He’s so enraptured in the memories of it all he doesn’t even hear Minho come home.

“Whatcha doin there?” Minho asks, walking towards the bathroom to take his uniform off.

“Oh, hi honey. How was work?”

“It was alright. Work is work.”

“Well at least you’re home now. Sorry, I didn’t mean to go through your secret stash. I was trying to clean.”

“It’s ok. I just didn’t want you to tease me for it or anything. Didn’t want them to be accidently thrown away.”

“Why would I make fun of you, honey?”

“For being overly sentimental.”

Jonghyun puts the pictures back, walks into the bathroom, wraps his arms around Minho’s waist.

“I’d never tease you for being sentimental. It’s part of why I love you.”

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Chapter 12: Loving <3
Chapter 9: So soft and warm <3
Chapter 5: Minho is cutie child xD :3
Chapter 2: Super cute :')
hugeyosita #5
Chapter 7: This is SO CUTE T____T
hugeyosita #6
Chapter 4: I love this chapter so much! I felt so blushing right now T____T
JongHolic #7
Chapter 34: OMG!!! ;o;!! I wanna hug Ming so bad!!!
JongHolic #8
Chapter 19: <3 <3 <3 "You and I. Us" That was soooo sweet!!!!
JongHolic #9
Chapter 28: I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! I CAN'T