



April 13th 2018, 12:28:54 am · 3 days ago

Jonghyun Solo Song Drabbles: #Hashtag (#13/50)

Three days of bland easy foods, preceded by two days of strong stomach flu, meant that there was a whole world of foods Minho could ask for and Jonghyun’s curious about his pick. 


“Baby, I’m hungry. I’m tired of broth and rice. I want real food.”

“What do you want, honey? You tell me what you want and then we can go and get it as soon as you get dressed.”

Minho tilts his head and purses his lips. Three days of bland easy foods, preceded by two days of strong stomach flu, meant that there was a whole world of foods Minho could ask for and Jonghyun’s curious about his pick. It’s not often that Minho gets sick – this is only the second time in the three years they’ve dated – so there’s not particular comfort food that comes to mind. They both get dressed while Minho continues thinking. He sits back on their bed before apparently coming to a decision.

“Pancakes! NO. Not pancakes. They’re like pancakes though.”

“Not pancakes?”

“No. Not pancakes and not the super thin pancakes either.”

“Not pancakes, not crepes. French toast?”

“No….I want…..I want the pancakes with the hashtags on them. The thick and sorta…sorta crunchy hashtag pancakes.”

“….do you mean waffles?”

“YES! Waffles! Oh my god. I’ve never wanted a waffle more than I do now.”

It’s a quick drive to their favorite diner. It’s pretty empty, considering that it’s 9pm. They order Minho’s waffles with whip cream and strawberries and Jonghyun’s reuben. When it comes out and he takes the first bite, Minho starts to cry a little. The waiter looks concerned but Jonghyun does his best to explain it’s the first real food he’s had in a week. They walk off, still suspicious, and Jonghyun tries not to laugh as Minho lets out a groan with the second bite.

“Do I need to go to the bathroom so you can have a moment with your waffle?”


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