


“If you could rewind time, what would you change?”

Minho stops stirring the pot of soup he’s cooking to turn around and look at Jonghyun.

“How far back can I go?”

“Any amount of time. After you were born though. No ‘if I could rewind time I would avoid the fertilization process’ or weird stuff like that.”

Minho laughs, turning back to stir his soup some more. He thinks for a while.

“So? What would you change?”

“Baby, you have to give me time to think. There’s 25 years for me to think through.”

“Nothing sticks out to you right at the front?”


Jonghyun goes quiet.

“Is there something you’d change, baby?” Minho asks, taking the pot off the heat.

Jonghyun holds bowls for him to ladle soup into, biting his lip as if he is afraid to tell Minho what he’s thinking of.

“You can tell me, baby. I won’t judge you.”

“I wish I would’ve graduated high school properly. I know it didn’t really change anything for me to get my GED, that I still ended up going to college and all that kind of thing, but I wish I would’ve had my senior year. Looking at pictures from yours, seeing your prom pictures and yearbook portrait and pictures in your cap and gown, I’m sad I missed out on that.”

Minho smiles softly, leaning forward to kiss Jonghyun’s forehead.

“We took senior portraits and pictures when you graduated, baby. I know it felt different, but I can assure you that it’s the same feeling every time. As for prom, I know a wedding and prom feel different, but we can take a bazillion prom-like photos before we go to Amber & Luna’s. I know Luna was wanting us to go early so she could get wedding party pictures done beforehand. I know it’s not the same, but it’s the best I can give you.”

Jonghyun looks down at the floor but smiles.

“Thank you, honey.”

Minho kisses his forehead again and they sit down to eat their dinner.

“So did you think of something you would change?”


“No, Mr. Kitchen Ghost,” Jonghyun teases. “Yes you, honey.”

“I’d confess to you sooner. Maybe not at the party, but at the coffee shop or when we went to see the reshowing of Jaws or something. Called them dates sooner. Since we both knew that’s what they were.”

“Why would you do that?”

“So I could start calling you mine sooner.”

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Chapter 12: Loving <3
Chapter 9: So soft and warm <3
Chapter 5: Minho is cutie child xD :3
Chapter 2: Super cute :')
hugeyosita #5
Chapter 7: This is SO CUTE T____T
hugeyosita #6
Chapter 4: I love this chapter so much! I felt so blushing right now T____T
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Chapter 34: OMG!!! ;o;!! I wanna hug Ming so bad!!!
JongHolic #8
Chapter 19: <3 <3 <3 "You and I. Us" That was soooo sweet!!!!
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Chapter 28: I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! I CAN'T