“I have a present for you when we get home.” Minho says with glee.

It’s not often that Minho gets to give Jonghyun presents so they’re both very excited the rest of the ride home. Jonghyun keeps offering guesses to what the present might be: a new iron, guitar picks, a new ream of paper for the printer, all of the left socks that the dryer seems to eat. With each guess, Minho offers a giggly ‘maybe.’ They park and Minho runs inside before Jonghyun’s even finished turning the car off. He gets out and follows him in, turning on the kitchen lights and putting his keys on the hook. There’s a rummaging noise in the closet and Jonghyun wonders what he’s hidden away. He waits in the kitchen until Minho comes out triumphantly, box in hand. He sets in down on the counter and waves for Jonghyun to open it. Not wanting to disappoint Minho, Jonghyun tears the wrapping paper off of it and pulls the contents out. It’s a glass lantern, filled with little paper stars in every possible color.

“I made them all. Well, I didn’t make the lantern, but I did make all the stars.” Minho starts, excitedly. “I’ve been making them this whole time. Everyday, since our first date. I’d make one and make a wish that I’d see you the next day. When I confessed to you, I said I’d give you the stars from the sky if you wanted them. For our thousandth day, I wanted to give you a down payment of sorts. My counting might be off, but there should be a thousand at least in there. A thousand wishes for you.”

Jonghyun very carefully sets the lantern down before reaching up and pulling Minho’s face down so he can kiss him. When they’re both breathless, Jonghyun pulls away slightly, resting his forehead against Minho’s.

“And if all of my wishes are for you? What then?” Jonghyun asks.

Minho laughs softly, wrapping his arms around Jonghyun’s waist. “It’s your lucky day then, because I’m all yours.”

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Chapter 12: Loving <3
Chapter 9: So soft and warm <3
Chapter 5: Minho is cutie child xD :3
Chapter 2: Super cute :')
hugeyosita #5
Chapter 7: This is SO CUTE T____T
hugeyosita #6
Chapter 4: I love this chapter so much! I felt so blushing right now T____T
JongHolic #7
Chapter 34: OMG!!! ;o;!! I wanna hug Ming so bad!!!
JongHolic #8
Chapter 19: <3 <3 <3 "You and I. Us" That was soooo sweet!!!!
JongHolic #9
Chapter 28: I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! I CAN'T