Diary Entry 4: Who am I? I am the sister-in-law in your dreams.

Diary Of An Idol's Sister

A/N: Many many journal entries at different times of the day for this chapter!


-Beast's Dorm-


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. *yawns* *rubs eyes* *scratches head*

Eyes. Open. Eyes. Open sesame!

Sun shining like a yellow big shining.......er.......warmey planet on fire thing. Yessssssss! I am officially not dumb.

I turned to my right, and a smiling face was planted right in front of me.

"WHO ARE YOU?!?!?!!?!??!"

"Your brother. Hee."

"You've been watching me sleep?!"

"Uh....am I supposed to say yes?"

ARGH SON OF A.......never mind i'd be insulting mom. Actually I can insult her. But meh today I don't feel like it. Time to start with my morning routine.

Journal Entry 4

Friday, 27 January 2012.


Got up, took a bath (mm strawberry shampoo), brushed my teeth, blow dried my hair, danced around the bathroom without slipping (I'M A NINJA) and placed condoms in brother's bedside drawer. That shall be my revenge for the missing door and touching my belongings. He will be the only to suffer. BUAHAHAHAHA.


Skipped down the stairs to only meet my other 'roommates' and brother. And the guilty person who raided my underwear. Who was that....? Ah yes! Yoseob-ssi. Couldn't keep his eyes off my Pororo undies. I think he likes Pororo too but I am not sharing my Pororo merchandise.


I should get married to Pororo.


"Good morning." I greeted my brother and roommates. (I have manners!)

The guys were staring down into the ground, not willing to look up and look at me. I could hear murmurings coming from their lips and nudges they were giving each other.


OFFICIALUNDERWEARANDIWASINTERESTEDINIT.I'MSOSORRY!!!!!" Words were shooting out of Yoseob's mouth like bullets. What did he say?

"Yoseob-ssi. Talk slowly. I can't get you."

"Jaehwa, I am sorry for RAIDING YOUR UNDERWEAR, I didn't mean it, it's just that I like Pororo a lot too and you had the OFFICIAL underwear and I was interested in it. I'm so sorry!" Yoseob repeated, head hanging low.

"It's ok. I have an extra Pororo underwear, want it?" I. can't. believe. I. just. said. that.

"Jinjja?! You're giving me one?! Thank you!!!!!!!" He gave me a bone crushing hug.

By the way I haven't exactly recovered from the hug that brother gave me yesterday at the airport.

The rest were stunned with my reaction but they returned to their usual jumpy selves. That's better than being awkward, right?



Just had lunch with Beast and Doojoon. Samgyupsal, bulgogi and kimchi. Officially added into my list of favourite foods.



I see a red underwear underneath the sofa. Wonder whose it is.

"YA DID ANYONE SEE MY UNDERWEAR WITH STARS ON IT?!" Hyunseung yelled from his room.

Owner identified.



The guys are going for their schedule now. Music Bank, I think. Note to self, watch it later at night and have a good laugh.



Half an hour since the guys left. I'm bored already.






Dancing around the dorm like an idiot.



Stole some of Junhyung's cokes. Hehehehe what is life.



Shall google about Beast. And brother. And then tease them. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!



Information collected.

Yoon Doojoon

Born July 4, 1989.

Under Cube Entertainment

Leader of Beast

Acted in All My Love (Another note to self: Watch the sitcom.)

Named as the Nation's Boyfriend.


Jang Hyunseung

Born September 3, 1989

Lead vocalist and dancer of Beast.

One half of the duo Trouble Maker, with Cube labelmate HyunA.

Hm, pretty decent. Question is, who's HyunA? His girlfriend?

Yong Junhyung

Born December 19, 1989

Also known as Joker or Poppin' Dragon.

Main rapper of Beast.

Composes his own raps.

Coooooool he raps? I LOVE RAP. And I shall call him by his nickname when he gets back.

Yang Yoseob

Born January 5, 1990

Member of Beast.

Was in reality show, Oh My School. (Note to self: Watch the show.)

His birthday had just passed? Oh well, the Pororo underwear shall be his belated gift.

Lee Kikwang

Born March 30, 1990

Lead dancer of Beast.

Used to be a soloist with the stage name of Ace Junior.

Acted in High Kick Through The Roof.

Mmmm shall call him Ace Junior. AJ for short hehehe.

Son Dongwoon

Born June 6, 1991

Member of Beast.

Studied in Santa Rosa, Laguna, Philippines.

Maknae of Beast.

Can speak English, Chinese and play the electric flute.

I'd speak to him in English next time.



I'm so bored that I'll take a selca and post it on my minihompy.



*Picture posted*


TIME FOR MUSIC BANK. What's the channel? *google google*



f(x), Sistar, Teen Top, Super Junior, SNSD, MIB, MBLAQ.......when is Beast performing?



No sign of Beast.



If Beast doesn't appear in 10 seconds I'm turning the telly off.










Their performance just ended. And their song title was I Knew It.

I really am psychic.



*computer alert* Hmmmm?

My selca got 200 likes. By people I don't even know.

People are asking me to become an ulzzang.

What's that?



Googled "ulzzang". Ulzzang means best face in Korean.

Wow I have a best face? Cool! So what am I supposed to do?

To: mblaqgirllove

So..........ulzzang huh? What do I do?



From: mblaqgirllove

You take more selcas, and upload more selcas on your minihompy! Then soon it will spread, unnie! ^^



To: mblaqgirllove


So.....take more selcas huh...........no mood today. Shall upload a picture I took back in LA then!

*Picture uploaded*

Caption: A picture I took back in LA!



500 likes......and my 2 pictures are spreading around the net. Feels weird to be around the net.



Shall take a nap.....i'm sleepy.



"We're home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Jaehwa ah, have you eaten?" brother asked.



"I'm sleepy-" And WOOSH I was being dragged out of bed, and brother threw a sweater at me. I'm still wearing my tanktop and sweats! ARGH!



Just had ramen. So fulllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. Taking a stroll with Doojoon now. Aish.....what to say?

"Jaehwa ah......how are you?" He popped the golden question.

"Everything was screwed up after you dusted your and left."

"What happe-" He abruptly stopped, and turned and faced me.

"Look, when you left, I cried nonstop because I actually adored you as a sister. Practically worshipped you. You were there, when I was sad, when I was happy, when I was bullied. You taught me to stand up for myself and I did. When you left, I had to fend for myself. Mom was blogging 24/7 365. Dad was always abroad. I skyrocketed to someone who everyone fears in school, apart from the s with no brains. I got a boyfriend. I felt loved again. Then he decided to dump me for a in the next class. Ha ha ha. How do you think I was?"

"Jaehwa, I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm ok, hahahaha. I got over that bastard."

"I'm sorry for not being a good brother, and being there when you needed me. I was too kept up with my dreams that I forgot about your feelings. I'm sorry." Guilt and sadness filled his eyes.

"I'm sorry for erasing you out of my life in LA, ever since you left. I'm sorry too, oppa."

"You called me oppa!"

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did"





"OPPPPPPPPAAAAA! DOOJOON OPPA!!!" shrieks were heard and an army of girls swarmed over to us.

"Saeseng fans. They're the fans who camp near our dorms 24/7." brother whispered into my ear. *Oh so fans are.....people who like that particular idol.*

"Yah who are you? What are you doing with our oppa?" A bespectacled girl holding a plush toy of Doojoon (wtf?), glared at me.

"Me? I'm-"

"YAH WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH OUR OPPA!!!!!" All the fangirls started throwing questions at me like, 'Who are you?' 'Are you oppa's girlfriend?' 'Who are you to him' 'What are you doing with him at such late hours?'

Doojoon, apparently, was now 6 metres away from me now, surrounded with fangirls, wanting pictures and autographs from him.

"YAH , WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? WHY AREN"T YOU REPLYING?!" A  fangirl from amongst the crowd shouted.

"YEAH WHO ARE YOU?!" The gazes of the fangirls were diverted from Doojoon to me, longing gazes turning into hateful ones.

"YOU MUTE?!" The bespectacled girl screamed in my face, and slapped me.

She. did. not. ing. do. that.

"Yah, don't talk to me like that. I'm your unnie after all, kiddo. Who am I? I'm the sister-in-law in your dreams." I simply answered, hand covering my red, burning cheek.

"Sister-in-law? You mean, you're his......." The girl was shocked and couldn't continue her sentence.

"Yup, this girl right here is my baby sister." Doojoon walked to us, stood beside me and ruffled my hair.

"YOU'RE SO CUTE!" "UNNIE IS SO PRETTY!" Instead of insults and questions, compliments were now heard from the fangirls. *Fakes.*

The girl who had just slapped me, looked at me, wide eyed, speechless.

I walked closer to her. "Hello. I'm the sister-in-law in your dreams. But, you just slapped and insulted me. Which means, you do not make the cut of EVER being my brother's girlfriend. And, if any of you guys want that little hope of being with my brother, then nothing should be revealed about me to others. If the press finds out anything about me, i'll trace it back to you. And when I trace it back to you, you'd be....toast? Let this be a little secret between me, my brother and you guys, ok? So......toodles!" I grabbed Doojoon's hand and ran away from the sea of nodding fangirls.

Finally, we stopped at the front of the dorm.

"Thank you for standing up for me there." I smiled.

"You're my baby sister, I have to be there for you! Does your cheek hurt?" Doojoon carefully touched my red cheek.

"Not anymore." I hugged him.

This time it was me giving him a bone crushing hug.

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Goldie #1
Chapter 34: I love ur story its so fun to read....

Please update soon if ur re writing it again...
KittenPabo #2
Chapter 34: aigooo, I love this story and ur writing style is just awesome... please don't forget about this story. Even if ur rewriting it, its okay, but dont forget about it pleeeeasseeeeee TT TT
CookieDookie #3
Aww poop D: well I'll be waiting for an update :U
Plmokn #4
Update soon
Fanficsftw21 #5
lol yea what happen to her modeling job? XD and what happened to beast coming back home? O.o oh wait they come back in the next few chapters right? btw i luv this manga right now!!! :D <3 it shows my real personality when things like that happen in my life. Thumbs up and highfives to Jaehwa unnie!~ :3
What happened to her modeling job?
lovelynada #7
Unnie!! Why yongie ? :(
CookieDookie #8
Okiie don't stress yourself with this :P
Ah cute story :P haha I love it so much
Can't wait when you update next ~
pinkypn #9
how could mir even think of hitting a girl. they boys all like her