Diary Entry 17: Where is she?

Diary Of An Idol's Sister

I'm ending the poll early, cause I need them by tomorrow! Sorry guys~


"Who are you?" Danbi slurred, and breathed into my face.

Uck. Beer.

"I'm Jaehwa. Where's your house? I'm taking you home." I pushed her away from me and grabbed the beer bottle away from her.

"Give it back!" She grunted, and tried to snatch her beer from me, but failed. "I don't have a home~" She giggled.

"Stop joking around. Where do you live?" I asked, getting a little frustrated.

"I'm not joking! I don't have a home!" Her tone suddenly changed, and as if bipolar, she frowned.

"I'll take you back to mine then...." I forgot about the fact that I had an idol as my brother, and just took her home.


-Beast's Dorm-



"I'm home!" I shouted out and dumped Danbi on to the couch, panting.

She giggled and rubbed her tummy. "Hungry!"


"Jaehwa, is my pancake mix- WHAT THE HELL IS A DRUNK GIRL DOING IN OUR DORM?" Doojoon's eyes widened and he pointed at Danbi.

"She's my classmate. And she's drunk and she won't tell me where she lives. Can she stay over for the night?" I sighed.

"She'd find out about us!"

I glanced at Danbi, who was giggling to herself. "I doubt she'd tell anyone. She seems tough on the outside, but inside, she's pretty harmless."

"Ok then.......I AM NOT BARING THE CONSQUENCES AND I AM NOT CLEANING UP IF SHE THROWS UP." Doojoon announced and grabbed the pancake mix off the counter and placed into the cupboard, before going to his room.

How am I going to deal with this lady?



"Time. to. get. you. changed!!" I lifted Danbi off the couch and helped her to my room.

I grabbed a loose t-shirt and sweatpants and started taking off her clothes.

"Hehehehehe." She giggled and hiccuped.

"Yah, don't be too happy, you're getting it from me tomorrow." I grunted, as I put on a fresh set of clothes on her.

"Eomma....." She started crying.


"Eomma!" She screamed, tears rolling down her eyes.

"What about your eomma?" I asked, trying to get her to say her bit and then shut up.

"If eomma didn't die, then I wouldn't be stuck with the stupid father I have at home!" She growled and threw a pillow on the floor.


"Go on!" I probed.

"Everyone thinks I'm a . The boys, the girls, the homos, the teachers, the principal, the parents.......but I'm actually not! I'm human.......humans have feelings too......I have feelings too........" She sobbed and clung onto my arm.

"Father's a womanizer. He has always been a womanizer....even when mom was around. Mom died because of that bastard! If she didn't protect him from the car, he would've been the one that died! He's better off dead! Mom didn't deserve to die....." She hiccuped, then continued.

"I don't even like being home! It's called a house! Not a home. Home is where the people who loves you and you love them, where they live in. Mine's just an empty shell. So what if it's big?! I only hear moans echoing the house all the time!" She cried.

"That bastard......he brings back a different woman every single night, from young ones to middle-aged cougars. His room is right across mine, and every night, I can't get a peaceful sleep! Moans, groans, screams, they can be heard from my room every single night.....This explains my humongous eyebags! And if womanizing wasn't bad enough, he'd even bring his big clients, men, into the house, get them drunk, then shove them in my room and lock the door with me still inside! Drunk men....think about it. Drunk men and a girl. What else could happen but one thing?" She blurted, choking at certain lines.

"So you've.....you've lost your purity ring?" I asked, concerned.

"Luckily for me,  I inherited my mom's wittiness and wisdom. So whenever the bastard shoves a man into my room, I simply take out my stash of sleeping pills and put them into a glass of wine, offering them to drink it, and a few seconds later, they knock out. Nothing ever happened. I just sat there and stared at their sleeping faces all night." She chuckled.

Whew. She hasn't lost it, or I would've called the police to deal with the son of the !

"My life's pathetic, huh........" She chuckled softly and looked into my eyes.

Before I could even take in what she said, she knocked out, and fell asleep on my bed.

What a tough life she has...........


Journal Entry 17

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Skipped school today to look after Danbi. She's still unconsicous, probably too much alchohol last night.

And.....she's not the that I thought she was.



I'm going to force one of the boys to clean this up for me.




"Argh....my head." Danbi woke up, clutching onto her head and groaning.

"You're awake." I walked into the room with a pot of soup.

"What......where am I?" She growled, covering herself up with the blankets. "Get away from me."

"You're at my place. I found you drunk last night and you refused to tell me where you lived......so I brought you back here." I simply replied, placing the soup on the study table and grabbing a bowl, filling it up with warm soup.

"Did I.....say anything?" She asked, still hugging onto my Rilakkuma plush toy.

"Yup.......I'm sorry but it seemed like you needed to release your bottled up thoughts, so I stayed with you." I smiled warmly, and handed the bowl to her.

She took the bowl from me and sipped on it. "Must've frightened you off with my life story, huh?"

I shook my head. "Nope. I've got one hell of a life too, just probably a tad bit better than yours."

"Look, I'm sorry if I pulled your hair and slapped you yesterday, at the noraebang. Since you know what's with my life, I don't mind telling you this. I went home from school, only to find the bastard hugging onto his new pet, asking me to do it with one of his big client so he can clinch the deal. I said no, and he screamed into my face, about me already being a and losing it, and why can't I do it another time, for him. I left that place, and went to the noraebang with one of my childhood friends. I was pretty pissed and I ran into you, so I would've vented my anger on you, and I'm sorry." She said.

"I don't blame you. I've got a tough life too, but be more optimistic. The more negative you are about your life, the worser it becomes." I smiled.

"Why'd you do all these for me? I thought you thought of me as nothing but a mere ?" She questioned.

"I did, but I was being judgemental. I only knew your face, your attitude, but not your story. After hearing it, I'm not going to stereotype you any longer. Outside, you're tough, but inside, you're just like any other girl. Craving for love from family." I grinned, and took the empty bowl away from her.

"I'm sorry for calling you deaf, blind and mute. I've been a bully in my other school, it's hard to change my ways...." She sighed.

"I'll help you! I'd be your first friend in Seoul High, how about that?" I held out my hand and smiled warmly at her.

"I......I guess...." She shook my hand and smiled back at me.

Friends, at last.



"You haven't met my brother and his groupmates yet, right?" I asked her.

We were gossiping and sharing secrets about our lives, and turns out, we have a lot in common. She has started to open up more and smile more with me.


"LET'S GO! I'LL INTRODUCE YOU TO THEM!" I hooked arms with her, and brought her down to introduce her to Beast.

"Guys! Come out! I've got someone to introduce to you!" I shouted from the living room.

"Is it a girl?!" Kikwang shouted back.


"WE'RE COMING!" The rest shouted together, and within a few seconds, they were all in the living room, looking at Danbi nervously.

"Yah, be yourselves! I feel like punching you guys now! How fake!" I warned them.

I introduced them to her one by one.

"Danbi, this is Doojoon, my brother." Doojoon slung his arm around my neck.

"And this is Hyunseung, Junhyung, Kikwang, Yoseob and Dongwoon!" I pointed to each of them as I said their names.

"And guys, this is my friend, Danbi! Be nice to her!" I shot a look at them.

"Annyeong~" The 6 of them chorused and smiled widely.

"Hello." Danbi simply replied, seemingly uninterested at the 6 gorgeous boys standing in front of her.

"You don't know who we are?" Hyunseung ask, confused at her uninterested expression.

"No, am I supposed to know?" Danbi boredly replied.


"Uh.....don't you know what Beast is?" Junhyung tried to ask further.

"No....?" Danbi raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do you know any KPOP groups, then?" Yoseob asked.

"I only know H.O.T and DBSK."

"DO YOU LIVE UNDER A ROCK? Omg....those groups are from like, 10 and 6 years ago?" Dongwoon gasped.

"They're the legends." Danbi glared at Dongwoon, who dared to talk about her favourite idol groups like that.

"Sorry...." Dongwoon's head hung low.

"Ok......we're going out, seeya!" I pulled Danbi out of the house.



"Let's go to the arcade and go for lunch, ok?" I suggested, and Danbi smiled and nodded her head.



"Wah! So full!" I rubbed my stomach as we walked out of the fast food joint.

"You ate 2 burgers, fries, ice-cream, and drank a bottle of coke! I'd be exploding if I were you! Why are you still so skinny?!" Danbi giggled and asked.

"Because.....I am wonderwoman!" I did the superman pose and Danbi chuckled.

I smiled.

Laugh more, Danbi! Your life will be better soon!



"Arcade~ Arcade~" I singsonged as we walked into a noisy arcade filled with songs that were blasting from the speakers.

"Aigoo! So noisy!" Danbi cupped her ears.

"You've not been to an arcade before?" My eyes widened.


"Then you must have a blast today! You'll get used to the noise soon!" I assured her as we went to the counter to change our notes into tokens.


-At the arcade-


"Wah! Whack the mole! I love this game!" I smiled and ran towards the machine.

"You like cute arcade games, don't you?" Danbi chuckled as I nodded vigorously.

"I'm more of the racer type, so I'll see you after I race for 2 rounds or so, ok?" She smiled.




_____'s POV

"Go hyung go!"

"You can do it! Break the high score!"

"I'm playing this after you!"

I concentrated on my game of Jubeat and I had only 1000 more points to go before I beat the high score.

YESSSSS! High score broken!


Hahahahhaa, such a cute dongsaeng I have.

I laughed as my friends gave me knuckle punched and man hugs, and hyung took me into a headlock and ruffled my hair.

"Yah! Don't mess up my hair!" I whined, and neatened up my hair.

I turned away, and I saw the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life.

She was playing Whack the Moles with glee, as she bit her lip and smacked the moles with the toy hammer, and whenever she missed, she would pout a little and then continued playing.

She's so beautiful.

-end of POV-


*Game over*

Yes! Defeated the high score!

Unnie's still not back yet, so....should I?

I glanced at the toy-catching machines and grinned.

Won't hurt to try once or twice?




Why won't the thing pick up the damned toy?!

My pikachu.................

The mini plush keychain................




"Jaehwa ah, I've spent all my money already! Can't we go???" Danbi complained as I tried to catch pikachu for the eighth time.

"One more time, ok?" I bargained and slipped two more tokens into the machine.





"See, you didn't get it! Let's go!!!!" Danbi pulled me out of the arcade and I pouted.

I wanted that pikachu...........


_________'s POV

I've been looking at her for quite some time and she was trying to catch that pikachu........

She didn't catch it though, and her friend pulled her out of the arcade.

I could try.....and catch it for her?

"Hyung! Wait, let me try this!" I pointed at the toy-catching machine and my hyung nodded.

I slipped 2 coins into the machine and tried to catch the pikachu.

"CAUGHT IT!" I shouted as the pikachu toy dropped into the pick up box.

I grabbed the pikachu and ran out of the arcade, ignoring the calls of my friends.

Where is she?

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Goldie #1
Chapter 34: I love ur story its so fun to read....

Please update soon if ur re writing it again...
KittenPabo #2
Chapter 34: aigooo, I love this story and ur writing style is just awesome... please don't forget about this story. Even if ur rewriting it, its okay, but dont forget about it pleeeeasseeeeee TT TT
CookieDookie #3
Aww poop D: well I'll be waiting for an update :U
Plmokn #4
Update soon
Fanficsftw21 #5
lol yea what happen to her modeling job? XD and what happened to beast coming back home? O.o oh wait they come back in the next few chapters right? btw i luv this manga right now!!! :D <3 it shows my real personality when things like that happen in my life. Thumbs up and highfives to Jaehwa unnie!~ :3
What happened to her modeling job?
lovelynada #7
Unnie!! Why yongie ? :(
CookieDookie #8
Okiie don't stress yourself with this :P
Ah cute story :P haha I love it so much
Can't wait when you update next ~
pinkypn #9
how could mir even think of hitting a girl. they boys all like her