Diary Entry 30: And thus, all hell breaks loose.

Diary Of An Idol's Sister


Oh hello! I'm sorry for going missing-in-action without any notice! School has been extremely tiring and I find myself dozing off every day when I get home! :( But I'll try to find time and update~




Journal Entry 30

Monday, 13 February 2012


Mr Goo should shut up. Forever. His lessons are clearly driving everyone to the brink of dying and still he won't stop rambling about how bad our class is doing and how well the other classes are. And he clearly doesn't see that no one actually gives a . Like Algebra is going to be important in my life. 

Life has been boring since yesterday and Bang Yongguk and his blonde friends wouldn't stop asking me whether I was serious about liking Doojoon. He's my brother so it'll be if I were to like him. The only I can do right now is....nod.

And Bang Yongguk keeps teasing me about Doojoon. Him and his stupid blonde hair should burnnnnnnnn.


"Yoon Jaehwa, what are you doing?"

Oh great, the wrath of Mr Goo.

"Oh, nothing, I was just taking down notes of your glorious and wonderful speech. Perfect pronounciation, I must say." I faked a smile and sweetly, but sarcastically answered.

"I am lecturing you people and our Jaehwa haksaeng right here, has the audacity to take down notes while I'm straining my voice and trying to wake you slackers up!" Mr Goo glared at me, taking out a hankerchief and wiping the beads of sweat on his forehead.

"There were some good vocabulary there that I thought I could use...." I uttered. Those were obviously lies. And then, Piyopiyo started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I hissed, narrowing my eyes at him. He continued to try to hold his laughter, and he was obviously failing.

"Take down notes of his lecture? How stupid, noona." He guffawed. I shot him a deadlier glare. "That was the only thing I could think of, okay?"

"YOON JAEHWA! DID YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID JUST NOW?!" Mr Goo screamed and pointed at me, shaking from anger.

"Uh, no?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at him weirdly. This man is crazy!



"Bwahahahahhaha!" I could hear the stupid duck laughing beside me. Time for revenge.

I stepped on his foot, causing Jihoon to shriek.

"YOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" He screamed, and I was pretty sure the entire school heard him.

"PYO. JI. HOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah yeah yeah~



"I hate you." Jihoon grumbled, stressing on each word.

"I love you too, Piyopiyo~" I cooed, waving my arms in the air.

We were both kneeling outside the classroom with our hands in the air. Jihoon's out here because Mr Goo said he was an annoyance and he'd be better off kneeling with me outside the class. More productive, he said.

"Look what we have here?" A voice echoed down the hallways. That voice.

"Shut up, Bang Yongguk." I looked up at the stupid blonde headed guy and growled.

"Always getting into trouble." He chuckled. "Because you were oggling over your Doojoon oppa again?" He taunted, squatting down to reach my eye level.

"Don't push it, Bang." I hissed, blowing my bangs out of my eyes.

"Huh? How can she oggle at Doojoon when he's her....." My hand instantly covered Jihoon's mouth. Yongguk looked at me curiously and I awkwardly laughed. "Jihoon's losing his mind, ahahhaa, right Jihoon?" I sent him  a glare, and he nodded vigorously.

"Alrighty then....." Yongguk raised an eyebrow. Staring at his eyebrows, I uttered, "You should dye your eyebrows blonde. They don't match."

"What?" He gave me the 'WTF' face. I shrugged. "What are you doing here anyways, blonde boy?" I asked.

"It's free period. I was going to look for Youngjae when I saw you and your friend kneeling here like middle school kiddos." He loosened his school tie. "Anyways, do you wanna come over to my place after school to hang out? With the other guys?"

I hesistated. "Are there cookies?"


"I'm going."

"Hey what about me?"

"Shut up Jihoon."



"So, where's your house?" I walked in between Yongguk and Daehyun, hands in the pockets of my blazer. Girls were drooling over the blondes around me and some were giving me dirty looks. Jealous es, really.

"We've got to take the bus. Probably 3 stops from here." Yongguk answered without looking at me, typing furiously away on his phone.

"Do you have a girlfriend or something? Why do you keep texting?" I asked, inching closer to him to take a peek at his phone, and he instantly jerked backwards. I smirked, because I saw the receiver of the messages that he had been sending.

"Nana, huh?" I lightly punched his arm. "Kyung's been into her as well." I shrugged my shoulders, hoping to ignite some jealousy in him.

"KYUNG?" He raised his voice. "That cucumber looking thing?"

"Yeap." I answered, playing around with my fingers. "You'd better ask her out before Kyungcumber does."

With that, he took out his phone again and started texting.

I silently chucked to myself. Love triangles are complicating.



"We're here!" Yongguk walked up to a white house with a red roof.

"Oh, it's white. Like your head." I pointed to the house, then his hair. "You've got a weird for blonde and white, don't you."

"Very funny, Jaehwa. I don't have a for anything." He faked a chuckle.

"You have a for Nana~"

"No I don't....." He blushed. "Anyway, my brother's at home today. He's hardly around because he lives in a dorm and it's been a long time since he visited."

Bang Yongguk has a brother? Wow, I'm expecting another blonde dude with muscles and a deep voice.



"I'm home!" He shouted from the living room, dumping his bag and himself on the couch. "I've brought friends by the way!"

"Oh, okay, I'm coming down!" Another voice echoed from one of the rooms upstairs. I plopped myself down on the couch and placed my legs on the coffee table.

"Jaehwa, can't you be more ladylike?" Jongup commented whilst sitting down on the floor.

"No." I flatly answered, flipping through a magazine about internet games.

"Guys, this is my brother."

I closed the magazine and looked up, smiling and prepared to introduce myself until I saw who Bang Yongguk's brother was.


And thus, all hell breaks loose.

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Goldie #1
Chapter 34: I love ur story its so fun to read....

Please update soon if ur re writing it again...
KittenPabo #2
Chapter 34: aigooo, I love this story and ur writing style is just awesome... please don't forget about this story. Even if ur rewriting it, its okay, but dont forget about it pleeeeasseeeeee TT TT
CookieDookie #3
Aww poop D: well I'll be waiting for an update :U
Plmokn #4
Update soon
Fanficsftw21 #5
lol yea what happen to her modeling job? XD and what happened to beast coming back home? O.o oh wait they come back in the next few chapters right? btw i luv this manga right now!!! :D <3 it shows my real personality when things like that happen in my life. Thumbs up and highfives to Jaehwa unnie!~ :3
What happened to her modeling job?
lovelynada #7
Unnie!! Why yongie ? :(
CookieDookie #8
Okiie don't stress yourself with this :P
Ah cute story :P haha I love it so much
Can't wait when you update next ~
pinkypn #9
how could mir even think of hitting a girl. they boys all like her