Diary Entry 28: Are you mad?

Diary Of An Idol's Sister

Journal Entry 28

Saturday, 11 Feb 2011


Have been staying here since 4PM. These guys are hilariously funny, apart from Mir, who's a pure moron. While we were chatting (after the Lee Joon incident was cleared up and everyone had a great laugh, apart from Joon who was THIS close to tears), I found out that they were here for some beach photoshoot, and they've already completed it at around 2PM and was just lazing around till they leave tomorrow.

Their hotel room's a mess. The toilet is clogged, the bedsheets have disappeared, cokes spilled on the floors and the tables full of tidbits and sweet wrappers. I pity the housecleaner who's going to clean this up tomorrow. She needs a pay raise.

Or I could just take a photo of this place right now and send it to the media. I'd be rich!!!!!!!! They look like dead bodies lying around in pools of coke!



"Movie marathon, anyone?!" Thunder happily took out a couple of DVDs from his backpack, and waved it around in our faces.

"Back off, Sanghyun! Relaxxxxxx!" I pushed the DVD away from my face. Thunder immediately retracted his arms. "I was just excited!"

"Ok, so what have we got here?" I looked through the pile of DVDs (he actually brought all these along with him, no wonder his backpack was so full).

Horror......comedy.......cartoons.....romance.......drama......chickflicks......WAIT WHAT?!


"Why is there a chickflick here?" I waved the Gossip Girl DVD in Thunder's face. He immediately snatched it from me and stuffed it into his backpack. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him suspectingly.

"What? It's Dara noona's!"

"Ok then................................................."



Watching the Green Lantern right now. The guy with the swelled up head exploding with yellow juices is so ugly. Ew.

And so is the weirdo that's sitting beside me now. Ew.

I fixed my eyes and the TV, and reached into the popcorn bucket for more popcorn when I accidentally touched someone else's hand. As soon as my fingers came into contact with the warm hand, I will not deny, I felt an electricity zip through me. There was this really warm feeling that gave me security, much more then me holding my mom's or brother's hand. Which is weird. And now I can't seem to move my hand away. WHY?!

I turned my head, wanting to find out who was the owner of the hand when I got a shock of my life.

The owner of the really, really really warm hand was.......................


"OH MY GAD DON'T TOUCH ME!" My hand zoomed out of the bucket, and I glared at him with fiery eyes.

"You were the one who touched me!" Mir shot back, cleaning his hand on my shirt. My eyes widened. Who the hell cleans their hand on someone else's shirt?!


"ME!" Mir shot back, and instantly, I could feel myself boiling up and like boiling water, I was going to turn into gas any second. Or probably combust into flames.





That's it. I'm going to lead his anti-fancafe.

"CALM YO , BOTH OF YOU!" shrieked Seungho. The lights have apparently and the movie was stopped.

"ASK HIM TO!" "ASK HER TO!" Both us said at the same time, and we glared at each other.

"You two make such a cute married couple. Always arguing......" Joon muttered, walking into the bedroom.

Joon, I will cripple you.



"Annyeong! Goodnight!" I waved, opening the door and stepping out of the hotel room.

"It's midnight!! Are you sure you'll be safe? I'll walk you!" G.O suggested. I shook my head and smiled.

"Nah, it's ok. You guys need to rest! You've got schedules tomorrow, and I don't want you guys to screw it up! Plus, my room's just down the hallway, so you don't have to worry!" I waved once more, and skipped down the hallway, towards my room.



"Omg omg omg omg YOON JAE HWA, WHERE WERE YOU?! GAD I WAS WORRIED SICK!" Danbi yelled as soon as I opened the door of the hotel room we were sharing. This is the welcome I get?!

"Unnie! I'm so glad you're fine!" Nana ran towards me and gave me a big hug.

"Who were you with?" Tiffany asked, pointing at the Pororo plasters that were pasted on my forehead and hands.

"My brother's friends!" I chirped. Nana raised her eyebrow. "Unnie....you were with MBLAQ?"

"Yupppppppppppp!" I smiled. "So, don't worry! They took great care of me! Grandpa Seungho even treated us to dinner!"

Danbi, Tiffany and Nana sighed in relief. "Glad that you're fine........."

"NOONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" An annoying voice echoed through the room. I shall now fear for my ears. One day it's going to turn deaf!

"Piyopiyo, be quiet! It's midnight, I don't want to get any complains from our neighbours saying that there's a ghost or something!" I hissed.

"I missed you, noona!" Jihoon gave me a big hug. "Soomi was such a ....." He sighed.

"What did she do to you?" I asked, frowning. Jihoon looked at Danbi, who nodded. "She insulted Nana, Tiffany, and Danbi, and she even called me a baby! How am I a baby?! She said, because I sided with you, I'm an immature baby! WHAT IS THIS!" He cried.

*That .* I gritted my teeth. "Don't worry, Piyopiyo! She'll get it if I ever see her again!" I assured him.

"Oh, hi, you're back." Zico walked out of the toilet. "Duh, if not where would I go?" I grinned.

"Minhyuk and the rest are in the room." Zico shrugged, and strided past me. My grin instantly disappeared as soon as I thought of Minhyuk.....and the .

"Guess what happened when you left? Yookwon looked like he was about to punch Soomi! Taeil and Kyung walked off as soon as they realized the situation, and Jihoon actually threw a ball at Soomi!" Tiffany giggled.

"That felt awesome!!!!" Jihoon stretched his arms, and gave me a victory sign with a cheeky grin.

"About Minhyuk and Jaehyo-" Nana tried to explain but I interrupted. "It's ok, I don't need to know about those two." I smiled.


"Jaehwa, don't turn around." Danbi looked straight behind me and hissed. Me, being a moron, just HAD TO TURN MY HEAD.

My face stiffened as both Minhyuk and Jaehyo stood in front of me.

"Jaehwa-ah......mian-" Before Jaehyo could complete his sentence, I interrupted him with my own announcement. "It's late! Go to sleep everyone!" And with that, I pulled the girls along with me to our room, and slammed the door shut.



Nana, Tiffany and Danbi recounted the incidents that happened after I left. One of Soomi's friends tripped Nana, another took Tiffany's towel, so she had to go back to the hotel, shivering from the cold, and Soomi insulted Danbi when they met in the changing room.

If I ever see Soomi the again, she'll get what she deserves.




What a great way to start my morning.

"WHAT, JIHOON?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I growled, covering myself with the blankets.

"There's a eat-all-you-can breakfast buffet from 8-12!" Jihoon pulled the blankets away from me. I shot out of bed.

Eat-all-you-can buffet? Here comes Jaehwa!



Still ignoring Minhyuk and Jaehyo, huhuhu. Honestly, I'm not the type of person that can be angry at someone for so long, but I'll just let them suffer. MUAHAHAA. Evil Jaehwa strikes again!



Piling my plate up with all the delicious food and the guy beside me is gawking at the amount I'm taking. Can't a girl eat? Seriously.

"What the hell, Jaehwa, what the hell." Danbi walked up beside me, holding her plate that contained a extremely tiny amount of food.

"What?" I glared at her, and continue to take 10 pieces of honey bacon. Oh how I love honey bacon~

"Why the hell are you piling up your plate? It's a mountain, Jaehwa, A MOUNTAIN." Danbi pointed at my 'mountain'.

"Don't be disrespectful to the food!" I slapped her hand away. She stalked off, muttering. "I won't be surprised if I see you fat one day."

"YAH!" I shrieked, as I chased her around with a pair of tongs in one hand.




 "WHAT THE HELL, NOONA." Jihoon gaped at me and pointed at my plate. "It's your 5th mountain already! In half an hour!"

"I'm hungry, what can I do? And Pyo Jihoon, how many times have I told you NOT to point at the food like that?! It's so disrespectful! Apologize!" I demanded.

"Hahahahaha! I am NOT apologizing to the non-living things that were once living." Jihoon chuckled.

We'll see about that.......



"I, Pyo Jihoon, solemnly apologizes to the food on Yoon Jaehwa's plate for the utter disrespect I have given it. Mianhamida." Jihoon bowed, avoiding the curious stares of the people who were having breakfast as well.

"I hate you, noona." Jihoon hissed as he took his seat.

"I love you too, Piyopiyo-ah." I grinned.

"Now, what do we have here? The immature babies!" A very familliar high pitched voice sounded from behind me.

"And what do we have behind me? The crazy es who're just waiting to be sent to the mental hospital!" I answered in the same tone (but not the same pitch, because her pitch is disgusting), and still looking straight at Jihoon, who was glaring.


I should have recorded that and sent that to Guiness World Records. Would definitely make the cut for the world's most annoying voice. Pyo Jihoon, you have a strong competitor.

"Minhyuk oppa, Jaehyo oppa, why are you two still sitting with this bunch of babies? Come sit with me and my friends!"

Minhyuk and Jaehyo stood up. "No thanks, we'd prefer sitting with them."

"What? Why would you want to sit with those fools when you can sit with us?"

"Are you mad?" I stood up and turned to face her.

"Bwoh?" Soomi widened her eyes at me.

"I said, are. you. mad." I poked her shoulder at every word.

"Don't touch me!" She shrieked, grabbing a napkin and cleaning her oh-so-expensive-and-beautiful-shirt-that-looks-horrible.

"Don't touch you? Ok then, I shall substitute it with......this." I smirked, grabbed Danbi's cereal (much to her displeasure) and poured it all over Soomi.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Her high-pitched dolphin screamed echoed through the restaurant, and the glasses on one of the tables broke. She glared at me with milk flowing down her face.

"Didn't you tell me not to touch you? Well, the cereal wanted to touch you so I did it a favour." I shrugged, biting my lip to stop me from laughing at her disastrous sight now. Danbi gave me a high five and the rest clapped.

"Now, seems like nobody wants to sit with you and your disgusting little s so bye bye!" I waved, and signalled them to leave.

"Hrmph! This isn't over, Jaehwa! I'll be back!" Soomi screamed and stormed off, along with her minions that followed behind her.

"Then i'll see you on the battlefield!" I shouted, and smiled as I sat down and continued eating my food, while the rest stared at me with jaws open and eyes wide open.

"What? I'm still hungry!"



"So full!!!!!" I stretched, and rubbed my tummy as we walked out of the restaurant.

"You ate so much!" Tiffany nudged me. But what can I do? The food was awe to the some!

"Jaehwa-ah....we...." Minhyuk and Jaehyo stuttered, as they walked up to me. They seemed so earnest and sorry! As the ambassedor of all angels on Earth, I shall stop my evil act.


"So.....you're not angry?" Jaehyo brightened up slightly.

"I am." My smile disappeared and I stared at them emotionlessly. Jaehyo lowered his head and sighed.

"Not!" I smiled, and hugged them tightly. It was such a nice and warm moment, when Jihoon decided to be a moron again.

"Group hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




On the way back right now! The trip was awesome, excluding Soomi! Nana isn't here as she was picked up by her company car, she has to rush back for rehearsals for their upcoming debut!

Shall tweet tweet~


@jaehwa0510: On the way back from a beach trip that I went to with @imdanbi @tiggytiffany @nanakim @piyopiyojihoon @woozico @leetaeil @parkkyung @leeminhyuk @ahnjaehyo @kimyookwon! :) Had so much fun!



@nanakim: @jaehwa0510 I had so much fun with you guys, and everything was awesome, apart from the b*tch /coughcough/! Miss you guys already!

@imdanbi: This girl @jaehwa0510 is a pig. Do watch out for her.

@BeeeestDJ: @jaehwa0510 Seems like you had fun!

@bangwarrior: @jaehwa0510 Yoooo! Seems like I found your twitter! You went with the other guys from our school? Why didn't you call us T_T

@zelo96: @jaehwa0510 @bangwarrior YEAH WHY DIDN'T YOU, NOONA. ZELO IS SAD.

@kimhimchan: @jaehwa0510 @bangwarrior @zelo96 Quit bugging her! Let's go out tomorrow!

@yooyoungjae: @jaehwa0510 Seems like the rest are bugging you! I'm the only nice one here, right? :)

@moonjongup: @jaehwa0510 WAH YOUR PICTURE. SO PRETTY.

@jungdaehyun: @jaehwa0510 I've texted you, noona! Go seeeee! ^^

@piyopiyojihoon: @jaehwa0510 @bangwarrior @zelo96 @kimhimchan @yooyoungjae @moonjongup @jungdaehyun YAH DON'T TOUCH MY NOONA. SHE'S MINE!



@jaehwa0510: @nanakim Yeah, I know right! I miss you too, and I'm sure the rest are! :)

@jaehwa0510: @imdanbi is a monster in disguise. Beware!

@jaehwa0510: @BeeeestDJ Yes, I did! ^^

@jaehwa0510: @bangwarrior YOU STALKER. Hahahaha will call you guys on a roadtrip next time!

@jaehwa0510: @zelo96 @bangwarrior Don't be! We'll go on a roadtrip together next time, I promise! :)

@jaehwa0510: @kimhimchan @bangwarrior @zelo96 Haha, they aren't! And sure, let's go out tomorrow! Text me the details alright!

@jaehwa0510: @yooyoungjae You're the meanest. Kidding! Hahaha!

@jaehwa0510: @moonjongup Thank you, Jongup! :)

@jaehwa0510: @jungdaehyun I already did! It's the details for tomorrow right? I've texted you back already ^^

@jaehwa0510: @piyopiyojihoon @bangwarrior @zelo96 @kimhimchan @yooyoungjae @moonjongup @jungdaehyun Don't be silly, Piyopiyo! I'm nobody's :)

I locked my phone, and drifted off to sleep.

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Goldie #1
Chapter 34: I love ur story its so fun to read....

Please update soon if ur re writing it again...
KittenPabo #2
Chapter 34: aigooo, I love this story and ur writing style is just awesome... please don't forget about this story. Even if ur rewriting it, its okay, but dont forget about it pleeeeasseeeeee TT TT
CookieDookie #3
Aww poop D: well I'll be waiting for an update :U
Plmokn #4
Update soon
Fanficsftw21 #5
lol yea what happen to her modeling job? XD and what happened to beast coming back home? O.o oh wait they come back in the next few chapters right? btw i luv this manga right now!!! :D <3 it shows my real personality when things like that happen in my life. Thumbs up and highfives to Jaehwa unnie!~ :3
What happened to her modeling job?
lovelynada #7
Unnie!! Why yongie ? :(
CookieDookie #8
Okiie don't stress yourself with this :P
Ah cute story :P haha I love it so much
Can't wait when you update next ~
pinkypn #9
how could mir even think of hitting a girl. they boys all like her