Diary Entry 23: Zico hyung..........is reading.

Diary Of An Idol's Sister


We finally finished our food, thanks to the boys who decided to rip us of our money help us to finish it.

"So full!" I stretched my arms as we walked out of the restaurant.

"Who asked you to eat like a pig?" Himchan joked, earning a slap on the arm by me.

"Damn, you're so violent!" Himchan rubbed his sore arm.

"I'm only violent to people like you." I winked, and ran up to Daehyun. Nana and Yongguk were getting to know each other, and I didn't want to play gooseberry.

"Hellooooo Daehyun!" I tiptoed and placed my arm over his neck.

"Noo-noona." He stuttered.

"Why are you stuttering, are you sick?" I removed my arm from his neck and placed the back of my hand on his forehead. "No fever." I shrugged.

"I'm not sick, noona!" He shook his head.

"Let's go to the movies! I've not been there in so long!" I suggested.

"OK!" The rest agreed, and we walked together towards the cinema.


Daehyun's POV

Omg omg omg omg. Noona placed her arm over my neck. Omg omg omg.

Cannot breathe.

Can you feel my heartbeat?  (A/N: 2PM!)

-end of POV-


-At the Cinema-

I tapped my finger on my chin as I looked at the numerous posters.

"Ugh. Twilight." I shook my head and moved on to scan the next poster.

I turned around and asked Nana and the boys. "What'd you guys wanna watch?"

"Horror!" "Sci-fi!" "Comedy!" "Romance!" "Cartoon!"

"Who said cartoon?" I asked, looking at every one of them suspiciously.

"Me...." Zelo squeaked, avoiding my eyes.

"THAT'S AWESOME!" I high fived Zelo, who instantly brightened up.

"Why not, we watch different movies and meet back here at 8?" I suggested, and the rest agreed enthusiastically.

Himchan, Youngjae and Jongup eventually decided on watching a sci-fi movie, Nana and Yongguk were going for comedy whilst Daehyun, Zelo and I were watching a cartoon.


-In the theatre-

I'm sandwiched in between Zelo and Daehyun. This is awkward.........I FEEL LIKE A MOTHER OMG.

"Noona noona! I'm so excited!" Zelo excitedly chattered, like a little kid getting candy.

"I'm excited too!" I smiled warmly at him and I turned to look at Daehyun.

"Are you sure you wanna watch this? You look more like the sci-fi movie type of person." I asked.

"Yup, I love cartoons too!" He grinned, and sipped on his coke.

"Liar!" Zelo hissed softly, earning a glare from his hyung.



Halfway through the movie. It's cute but pretty meaningless.

My eyes were fixed on the screen when I felt a weight on my shoulder.

I glanced down, and saw a sleeping Zelo.

Awwwwww what a cutiepie! I softly ruffled his hair and continued watching the movie.



Daehyun's POV

Gah. This movie is so boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss my sci-fi.............but Jaehwa noona's watching this, so I'll watch this too!

I was blankly starting at the screen when I felt weight on my shoulder.

I looked at my side, and Jaehwa noona was sleeping soundly beside me, with Zelo sleeping on her shoulder.

Aigooo, these two.

I pushed Zelo's head away from noona's shoulder, causing his head to lean to the other side, and carefully pushed up the armrest seperating noona and I.

I inched closer to her and placed my jacket over her shivering body, and she snuggled up to me.

I wish this moment could last forever.

-end of POV-



*yawn* Where am I.........

Omo! I shot up.

"Mianhe......." I apologized to Daehyun, after realising I was sleeping on his shoulder the entire time.

"It's ok, you can sleep on my shoulder any time." He smiled, as I handed him his jacket back.

"Zelo, ireona!" I lightly shook the sleeping Zelo, who yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Noona......that cartoon is boring." He spoke in gibberish.

"I know."



The three of us walked out of the theatre and spotted Himchan, Youngjae and Jongup sitting by the fountain.

"We're back!" I cheered.

"She's back! She's back!" The three of them singsonged for like, the hundredth time today. (A/N: Infinite!)

"Where's Yongguk and Nana?" I asked, as I sat down beside Himchan.

"They're not out yet.........." Himchan sighed. "I'm bored already! How was the movie anyways?"

"It . Zelo and I slept in the cinema." I replied.

"Told ya that cartoons ." Himchan shot back, smirking.

"Yah! They don't ! It's just that this production ." I fought back.

"The lovebirds are here~" Zelo informed us, and we all turned to look at Nana and Yongguk, who were happily chatting away.

"Yah, it's late! Let's go home!" Youngjae yawned, and stood up.

"Ok then................I'll walk Nana home and Daehyun, you walk Jaehwa home, alright?" Yongguk said, and Nana smiled at the thought of walking home with him.

"WHAT, NO!" I shrieked, and everyone looked at me. Daehyun seemed pretty bummed.

"Uh....it's not convenient. If you'd like, you could walk me to the bus stop!" I told Daehyun, smiled at my statement and nodded.


-At the bus stop-

"We're here! Thanks for walking with me, Daehyun-ah! I'll see you next Monday!" I waved, as I walked towards the row of houses.

"See you, noona!" He waved back, smiling at me from the bus stop.

I smiled back, and walked off into the night.


-At MBLAQ's Dorm-


"Yah, where did you go?" Mir asked as I walked into the dorm, slamming the front door shut behind me.

"No where." I replied, dumping my bag on the table and plopping myself comfortably on the couch.

"You shouldn't come back so late! The saeseng fans may be around and I don't want YOU runing our reputation. What if there's a scandal?" Mir nagged.

Even though I'm talking to him without calling him a freak, doesn't mean I don't hate him anymore.

"Then don't even agree on letting me stay here in the first place. I could go live with Block B." I the television, browsing through the channels.

"WHY ARE YOU SO RUDE?" Mir glared at me, standing in front of the television.

I narrowed my eyes. "Because you're Mir. Now get the hell out of the way." I snorted, standing up and shoving him to the side.

"I'm bored. Bye." I walked off to the room and slammed the door.

"You're impossible!" Mir shrieked.


Journal Entry 23

Friday, 10 February 2012


2 days gone, 2 to go. Why is time passing so slowly................

Went out with Nana and met the boys while eating today. Their presence was warming but I miss Block B.......

Shall call Piyopiyo!


*ring ring* *ring ring* *ring ring*

After 3 rings, the call was answered.

"YOBOSEYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed the other end. I moved the phone far away from my ear as soon as I heard the oh-so-familliar voice.

"Shut up, Piyopiyo. I'd turn deaf." I answered.

"Sorry noona! Noona! I miss you......"

"I missed you too. How are the rest? Doing fine?" I asked.

"Taeil hyung's cleaning up his aquarium, Minhyuk and Yookwon hyungs went out with their friends from dance class, Jaehyo hyung's texting, Kyung hyung's sleeping, and Zico hyung........is reading."

"READING?! HAHAHAH WTF." I burst into laughter as I tried imagining the bad boy, Zico, reading.

"He's wearing huge glasses! Like a grandpa!" Jihoon chuckled along with me.

"YAH DO YOU WANT TO DIE?" Zico's voice could be heard from the background.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO." Jihoon squealed. "Noona, I'll text you later ok? Got to escape the wrath of Zico hyung!"

And the line went dead.

Great. I'll kill you, Zico.



What day's it tomorrow? Saturday?


Korea, why are you so boring?

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Goldie #1
Chapter 34: I love ur story its so fun to read....

Please update soon if ur re writing it again...
KittenPabo #2
Chapter 34: aigooo, I love this story and ur writing style is just awesome... please don't forget about this story. Even if ur rewriting it, its okay, but dont forget about it pleeeeasseeeeee TT TT
CookieDookie #3
Aww poop D: well I'll be waiting for an update :U
Plmokn #4
Update soon
Fanficsftw21 #5
lol yea what happen to her modeling job? XD and what happened to beast coming back home? O.o oh wait they come back in the next few chapters right? btw i luv this manga right now!!! :D <3 it shows my real personality when things like that happen in my life. Thumbs up and highfives to Jaehwa unnie!~ :3
What happened to her modeling job?
lovelynada #7
Unnie!! Why yongie ? :(
CookieDookie #8
Okiie don't stress yourself with this :P
Ah cute story :P haha I love it so much
Can't wait when you update next ~
pinkypn #9
how could mir even think of hitting a girl. they boys all like her