Diary Entry 26: .

Diary Of An Idol's Sister


"I hate you, Minhyuk!" I shrieked, as the volleyball bounced off my head.

"I love you too~" Minhyuk cooed, sticking his tongue out.

That Minhyuk! It's on purpose! This is on purpose!

"I've lost 4 brain cells because of that! Pay me back! Pay me!" I extended my palm out and demanded.

"It's ok if you lose 4 brain cells, because you're already pretty dumb." Minhyuk smirked.

"YAAHHHHH!" I jumped on his back and wrapped my legs around his waist, and continuously hit his head.

"Ouch! Ouch!" Minhyuk groaned, and I pulled his hair and laughed merrily. The rest laughed together with me, rejoicing over the amount of embarressment that I gave him in just 2 hours.

"Excuse moi." A high pitched voice said, and Minhyuk spun around, and put me down on the ground.

"Yes?" I asked, still giggling over the incident that had just taken place.

"We would like a match." The girl, in a extremely skimpy bikini, cocked her head to the side, and gazed at Minhyuk seductively.


Minhyuk glanced at me, and before he could say no, I interrupted. "Sure, why not?"

Jaehyo and Tiffany glanced at me worriedly and shook their heads slightly.

"Let's play then! 5 vs 5! We've got all girls here, so could I get 3 of the boys to join us? And by the way, my name's Soomi." Soomi requested, scanning every single guy from head to toe.

"Sure then, take your pick."

Soomi walked over to the boys, and winked at every single one of them. Then, she opened her annoying mouth and the annoying high pitched voice of hers sounded yet again.

"I'll pick you, you, and you." Soomi pointed at Minhyuk, Zico and Jaehyo.

Jaehyo sighed, and walked over to the other side of the court. Minhyuk and Zico silently followed behind.

"Then I'd have Nana, Danbi, Jihoon and Yookwon." The five of us walked to our side of the court.

"I'd be the judge, then!" Taeil chorused, skipping to the side of the court, smiling with glee.

"I'd go to the beach bar, then!" Kyung flashed a smile, and walked off to the bar.

We stood in position, and Jihoon whispered from beside me.

"Noona, you didn't call me Piyopiyo." He pouted.

"It's not the time to talk about this!" I hissed, and he immediately retreated back to his position.



Soomi's POV

I don't understand why are those guys flocking around her. She's not even pretty! I'm prettier! I shall thrash her in this game, victory and the boys will be mine.

-end of POV-


"Are you sure you can beat us with 3 girls and 2 guys?" Soomi smirked from the other side.

"I have confidence in my team." I proudly smiled, looking at my teammates, who were pumped up and ready to play.

"Soomi's throw." Taeil tossed the ball over to Mika, and she caught it perfectly.

Soomi smirked once more, and served the ball perfectly.

"Mine!" Nana yelled, scrambling for the ball, and managing to save it before it touched the floor.

Soomi's friend, from the other team, swiftly set the ball, and Soomi jumped and spiked the ball.

It was a beautiful spike, however, Yookwon managed to hit it and it went over the net, towards Zico.

Zico then hit the ball over the net once more, and like that, the ball went back and forth for a few times, before it landed on the sand at my court.

"It's ok! It's ok!" I clapped, grabbing the ball and walking to the end of the court, preparing to serve.

At the sound of Taeil's command, I threw the ball in the air and served it, however, it accidentally hit Soomi, who was standing around, talking flirting with Minhyuk.

"OWWWWWWWWWWWW!" and Soomi collapsed in the sand.

Oh, the disgusting and horrible sound of her annoying pitched voice.

"Are you ok?" Minhyuk quickly bent down, helping her to sit up.

"It....hurts." Soomi whined, holding onto her arm that seemed very much fine, and stared accusingly at me.


"Hey, you were the one that wasn't focused in the game. You ought to be paying attention the ball, instead of flirting with Minhyuk." I scoffed.

"Jaehwa! Take those back and apologize! You almost injured someone!" Jaehyo shot me a glare, as he went over and helped Soomi as well.

"No, I won't. She obviously wasn't paying attention." I shot back, and looked as Minhyuk helped Soomi stand on her two feet. "If you're fine, then let's continue." I snorted, and walked back to my side of the court.

"Relax, unnie." Nana patted my back.

"C'mon, don't waste your energy on the ." Danbi added, glancing at the whimpering Soomi.

I nodded, and took the ball back from Taeil, and stood in position.

And I swear I saw Soomi smirking at me when she walked back to her position.




10-10. Tie. We just need one more goal. One more.

My heart pumped faster, and adrenaline start to build up as I hit the ball back, with force and skill.

Soomi held out her arms, and hit the ball. But, she hit it too low and it flew towards the centre of the net, right towards my face.

Instinctively, I covered my face, with my palms facing outwards. The ball hit me, bulls-eye on my hands and face.

The impact was great, and considering that the ball was well-pumped........well, it hurt. My head jerked backwards at the force of the ball, and I fell on my .

However, because the ball came into contact with my hands, it flew back towards Soomi, and it hit her shoulder.

Being the big drama queen she is, she immediately fell on her knees, grabbing onto her shoulder, she shrieked.

How fake. Ew. Allow me to puke into the ocean. The fishes must be puking as well. Disgusting.

"Ouch!" She cried out, and all the guys (except for Zico and Jihoon) ran over to her aid, totally ignoring my presence and the fact that I got hit as well.

"You!" She pointed, and sniffed. "I know you hate me, but you don't have to purposely do this right!" Crocodile tears came spewing out of her eyes and she sobbed into Minhyuk's shoulder, hand still holding onto her slightly bruised shoulder.

I continued to cover my face, not because I couldn't face her, but because I felt blood somewhere on my face as well. It's embarressing!

Nana, Danbi and Tiffany hurried over to me, and checked me all over (apart from my face, which was still covered with my hands), and sighed in relief as I was fine.

"Noona.....you alright?" Jihoon placed his hand on my shoulder from behind and shook me lightly.

"Yup...." My voice was muffled, and I sighed, hoping that all this would be over soon and I could get back to my room in the resort nearby.

Yes, we checked into a resort. Sorry for not elaborating. Gah. I'm not of the best mood now.

"Yah! Jaehwa, stop being so childish! Once is fine, but twice is just too much!" Jaehyo warned. "Apologize, now!"

What the hell? Me? Apologize to her? Over my dead body!

"Why must I? It wasn't my fault." I shot back, but my voice was muffled as I have not yet removed my hands away from my face.

"Then why are you covering your face? Out of guilt?" Minhyuk joined in, crossing his arms.

"Jaehwa, just apologize......you really injured someone this time." Yookwon persuaded.

"Yeah, Jaehwa, apologize!" Taeil and Kyung (that came back, probably got dumped by a girl at the bar) repeated after Yookwon.

"You don't have to do this." Jihoon whispered, still holding on to my shoulder.

"APOLOGIZE NOW! YOU'RE SO ING STUBBORN! JUST QUIT PROTECTING YOUR EGO AND APOLOGIZE FOR ONCE!" Minhyuk yelled, and everyone flinched at his sudden outburst.

I shrugged my shoulders, and slowly removed my hands that covered my face.

Everyone gasped, and Minhyuk stepped back, bewildered.

My forehead and hands...................................................................were bleeding.

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Goldie #1
Chapter 34: I love ur story its so fun to read....

Please update soon if ur re writing it again...
KittenPabo #2
Chapter 34: aigooo, I love this story and ur writing style is just awesome... please don't forget about this story. Even if ur rewriting it, its okay, but dont forget about it pleeeeasseeeeee TT TT
CookieDookie #3
Aww poop D: well I'll be waiting for an update :U
Plmokn #4
Update soon
Fanficsftw21 #5
lol yea what happen to her modeling job? XD and what happened to beast coming back home? O.o oh wait they come back in the next few chapters right? btw i luv this manga right now!!! :D <3 it shows my real personality when things like that happen in my life. Thumbs up and highfives to Jaehwa unnie!~ :3
What happened to her modeling job?
lovelynada #7
Unnie!! Why yongie ? :(
CookieDookie #8
Okiie don't stress yourself with this :P
Ah cute story :P haha I love it so much
Can't wait when you update next ~
pinkypn #9
how could mir even think of hitting a girl. they boys all like her