Guns and Punches

Before Dawn Breaks, Will You Be Free?


"Mi Young-ah! Mi Young-ah!" I shouted to her, she looked so pale earlier. And her body was hot, sweating even. 
"What?!?!" she shouted at me, I knew she didn't enjoy being woken up. But I thought something was wrong.
"Mi Young-ah, you were burning up so I woke you up." I made up.
"Oh, thank you Chunji." she smiled at me, a real smile. I hadn't seen one of those in a long time and it blinded me.
"N-N-No problem, Mi Young-ah," I stuttered like an idiot.
She was happy again, she hasn't been this way in a while.
{Mi Young}
Chunji woke me up before I could find out how they knew my name. But I wasn't going to be mad at him about it. I wasn't even sure if they would say how they knew me.
For now, while the dreams are away, I will be happy. I know Chunji's worried that's why.
We walked back to class, but the headache came back. It was even more painful this time, like that last dream increased the pain.
Despite the fact that we were sitting close to the front, I gently put my head down, closing my eyes.
Trying to bear the pain was just too much to handle for class. And I fell again.
I was in the arena once more, Woohyun and Howon were there again, fighting each other, flips, punches equal at every hit. This time, however, Dongwoo was there as well. He had a table full of guns in front of him.
And there were targets at different lengths. He shot the small gun at the target, hitting the bullseye dead on and put it down. He picked up a sniper rifle and shot at the farthest target, hitting it dead on. "Which shall you choose, Dongwoo?" the Devil asked.
He picked up the smaller gun, "This one." he said.
"Great, you should practice more." I could tell the Devil was grinning. He summoned more targets for Dongwoo and they floated, moving around, so he could work on his aim.
I took my eyes off of him to watch Woohyun and Howon.
They were panting heavily but they were equally matched. Every punch Woohyun threw Howon blocked. Howon's every kick was blocked by Woohyun skillfully.
*bang* a bullet swooped past me. I was so focused on Woohyun and Howon fighting I didn't realize a target moved behind me.
I looked straight at Dongwoo who stood there in shock, staring at me. He put down the gun and walked closer, "Mi Young-ah.. I am so sorry.." He whispered, the Devil's shadow coming closer, it slowly formed a hand, but I couldn't move. Dongwoo saw the hand coming and he pushed me.
That was the first time any of them actually touched me. But as soon as Dongwoo pushed me, I was pushed out of the dream. 
I tried to control my reflex so I wouldn't jump in my desk. Slowly, I woke up, the class was empty except Chunji.
"I'm worried about you, Mi Young." he told me.
"Chunji, don't worry. I have just had some bad dreams lately, so I haven't been sleeping well." I brushed it off, grabbing my bag to go back home and write everything down. "I can walk home, Chunji." I practically ran out of school, to escape his questions.
Author's Note:
hey update~
sorry i just love this story~
and i had an epic idea for later... :D
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Before Dawn Breaks: If you guys could help me out with my homework then I'll love you forever, it's my most recent blog post, please and thank you~


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Chapter 45: I really love the fanfic it's really amazing n the ending was really awesome keep writing your story's is very impressed I will sport you always n if you had another fanfics related to infinite please let me know xoxo
Chapter 45: lol OMG amzing reaally love it lol the best ff ever reaallyyy good jobb
Chapter 45: Omg this is soooooo adoooorableeee~ I loved the parts where Mi Young saved infinite from the devil~~ hihi
yooamie #4
Chapter 45: naaaaw this is really good! i enjoyed it :)
Lyli21 #5
Infiniteee.... I wanna read it.
Sugenlove #6
Chapter 45: pls pls write more of these kinds of story i love it i read this about.......well...........15 times hehe yeah its that good
Danieea #7
Chapter 45: I <3 it^^ you're a great author ^^ keep writing L's fanfics^^
JungRoxy #8
Chapter 32: he looks nice with red eyes
OMG this is really one of the best fic's I have ever read! Please keep writing I seriously love this one :)
Rianne2580 #10
@everyone~ thank you for all the comments :D hehehe :3

@TripleKisSpirit aww.. thank you~~ i try~ :D hehe :3 i will try~ <3 to write like this~ <3