Memories From The Past

Before Dawn Breaks, Will You Be Free?


{Mi Young}

I felt my body give out on me and I out. But that's when my mind won over my body.


I slowly had to sift through the memories, putting them together through the different lifetimes.


From the Victorian times to the present, I went through all my memories. I saw different versions of myself.


But they were all the same, my name was Mi Young. But I just had different clothes on.


One particular lifetime stood out for me..


It was the ballroom dancing memory. I was wearing a deep blue ball gown and I had meet all these people with my parents. I was a princess, I even met this man called Hyunmin. I didn't like him, he looked at me funny.


I found out who I danced with, it was Myungsoo. He smiled as he spun me around and everyone else in the room disappeared.


I saw everything we did together, with all of them. My protective brothers. Myungsoo was the one I was with in the falling snow.


I loved him, I never told him. I couldn't, I wasn't allowed to be with him. My mom and dad tolerated us playing together, but they had different plans for me. I was to marry Hyunmin. Which I didn't want, and neither did the boys.


That day we were in the falling snow was the last day we were allowed to play together. After that, I had to forget them. But I never told him that I loved him. Instead I said that my parents wanted me to marry Hyunmin, and he got mad thinking I didn't want to fight it.


If I did fight it, then my parents would have sent them away... Far away... From me.. And I couldn't handle that, at least this way I would have been able to see him, see them everyday.


Then, they went missing.. And I had to save them but I failed. Sunggyu oppa hurt me and I died. That's when my reincarnation started.


I also realized that voice from my dream of fighting Sunggyu, it wasn't a random person... It was my own.. Like my past lives telling me that. To warn me. Or something.


With everything organized together, I felt this need to wake up. So I opened my heavy eyelids, to find myself on my bed. In my apartment.


Something heavy was in my hand and I looked to see Myungsoo at my side, his head down.


"Myungsoo-ah?" I said softly.


He lifted his head up, blinking his eyes, "Mi Young-ah! Finally!" he pulled me in for a tight hug.


"Myungsoo-ah.. I know everything..." I told him, looking at him directly after I pulled away.


Author's Note:

i have a cinderella complex..

AND a returning memory thing~~ XD

oh goshh.. i'm so weird.

ANYWAY.. I just love writing Myungsoo and Mi Young.

But for those that supported Sunggyu~~

I started my other Infinite fic ;D

check it out~~ it's my take on Paradise~

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Before Dawn Breaks: If you guys could help me out with my homework then I'll love you forever, it's my most recent blog post, please and thank you~


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Chapter 45: I really love the fanfic it's really amazing n the ending was really awesome keep writing your story's is very impressed I will sport you always n if you had another fanfics related to infinite please let me know xoxo
Chapter 45: lol OMG amzing reaally love it lol the best ff ever reaallyyy good jobb
Chapter 45: Omg this is soooooo adoooorableeee~ I loved the parts where Mi Young saved infinite from the devil~~ hihi
yooamie #4
Chapter 45: naaaaw this is really good! i enjoyed it :)
Lyli21 #5
Infiniteee.... I wanna read it.
Sugenlove #6
Chapter 45: pls pls write more of these kinds of story i love it i read this about.......well...........15 times hehe yeah its that good
Danieea #7
Chapter 45: I <3 it^^ you're a great author ^^ keep writing L's fanfics^^
JungRoxy #8
Chapter 32: he looks nice with red eyes
OMG this is really one of the best fic's I have ever read! Please keep writing I seriously love this one :)
Rianne2580 #10
@everyone~ thank you for all the comments :D hehehe :3

@TripleKisSpirit aww.. thank you~~ i try~ :D hehe :3 i will try~ <3 to write like this~ <3