Saving Sungjong

Before Dawn Breaks, Will You Be Free?


{Mi Young}

"I remember bits and pieces of every lifetime though. Just certain ones stand out more than others." I told them.


"Oh, I see." Howon said.


"Hmm.. Sungjong has two daggers..." I pondered a thought. "So if I can just separate them..."


"I really hope you can get past him, you have the past few times." Howon told me.


"You know I hope so too." I walked down the hallway again. And I heard a blade becoming unsheathed. Where was he? I tried to listen but I couldn't tell where the noise was coming from.


Footsteps running towards me, I ducked. Sungjong slicing off an inch of my hair.


"Yah!! At least cut it evenly!!" I scolded him.


"Sorry, Mi Young-ah. I'll fix it after you win." Sungjong apologized.


Hmm.. How to eliminate one dagger.. I tried to remember anything from my dreams while avoiding Sungjong. I watched him carefully, my memory helping me plan. Sungjong's left hand was a second slower than his right. So if I can just get rid of the left one...


He came closer again and I decided to steal a trick from Howon. I swept my foot across the floor underneath Sungjong and he tripped.


"Yes!" I heard Howon say. I rushed to the side and kicked away the daggers. Sungjong stood up and resorted to hand to hand. This was a better advantage for me.


Sungjong was better with his punches than his kicks, so it was back to ducking for me. But I took some skills from my dreams of watching Howon block Woohyun's punches.


I blocked one of Sungjong's arms and pulled him forward, kissing him.


And the third glass orb shattered in my head, revealing more memories. Sunggyu came to my side when I cried out in pain again.


"Why is she getting them back?" Sungjong asked.


"I have no idea." Sunggyu said, hugging me until the pain went away. "I just know that she is. And she is learning from her dreams. That's how she blocked your punch, she learned from Howon." Sunggyu explained.


I opened my eyes and met Sunggyu's, "Hey, MI Young-ah.. Feeling better?" he asked me.


"For now.. I got back another lifetime. Embarrassing lifetime. I was a flapper.." I told him.


Sungjong smiled widely, "I remember that one. You were so pretty." He said, dazing off.


"Yah.. Back to the present. Fix my hair." I said, standing up, turning my back to him, moving all my hair back.


"Just even it out to match the shortest?" Sungjong asked, picking up a dagger.




I felt him swipe straight across once and he moved my hair forward. He had cut off about an extra half inch to even it out.


"Great, let's go." I led the way back to the stairway to find Sungyeol.


Author's Note:

Double update~~

:D i am so ahead right now..

already at woohyun.. XD

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Before Dawn Breaks: If you guys could help me out with my homework then I'll love you forever, it's my most recent blog post, please and thank you~


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Chapter 45: I really love the fanfic it's really amazing n the ending was really awesome keep writing your story's is very impressed I will sport you always n if you had another fanfics related to infinite please let me know xoxo
Chapter 45: lol OMG amzing reaally love it lol the best ff ever reaallyyy good jobb
Chapter 45: Omg this is soooooo adoooorableeee~ I loved the parts where Mi Young saved infinite from the devil~~ hihi
yooamie #4
Chapter 45: naaaaw this is really good! i enjoyed it :)
Lyli21 #5
Infiniteee.... I wanna read it.
Sugenlove #6
Chapter 45: pls pls write more of these kinds of story i love it i read this about.......well...........15 times hehe yeah its that good
Danieea #7
Chapter 45: I <3 it^^ you're a great author ^^ keep writing L's fanfics^^
JungRoxy #8
Chapter 32: he looks nice with red eyes
OMG this is really one of the best fic's I have ever read! Please keep writing I seriously love this one :)
Rianne2580 #10
@everyone~ thank you for all the comments :D hehehe :3

@TripleKisSpirit aww.. thank you~~ i try~ :D hehe :3 i will try~ <3 to write like this~ <3