No Longer

Before Dawn Breaks, Will You Be Free?



"This is just like before..." Sungjong said, as we gathered our stuff together and an extra set of clothes of Mi Young. She might need one if Chunji gets angry with her.


"I know.. I can't believe that this is exactly what happened with Hyunmin." Sunggyu answered the maknae.


"Let's just go. Hurry up. She's still with him..." I growled, leading the way to her.


"How do you know where they are? I'm sure he either blindfolded her or she was unconscious when they went where they are." Sungyeol asked me.


"I know, there's only one place where he loves to be. Don't you remember?" I ran out leaving them behind.


"The house..." I heard Sunggyu say before I was out of hearing range.


{Mi Young}

"Myungsoo will come. He loves me. He'll come." I insisted.


"Don't you think I know that, Mi Young? That's why I'll get rid of him when he comes" Chunji smirked scaring me. "But first, we need him to be blindingly angry." Chunji flicked open a knife, easily cutting through the sleeves, he started carving.


My arms, I watched as blood poured out, my screams hitting the walls of the room, unheard by anyone.


Chunji continued run it up my arm, leaving a long line behind it. Moving away, he started with little shallow cuts all over. He even reached for my legs, and cut through the jeans easily, leaving open wounds in his wake.


"There, that should be enough for your dear Myungsoo to be a blinded angry mess, don't you think?" Chunji's eyes had an unfamiliar glint in them shrouded with a dark aura.


"Why, Chunji... Why..." I pleaded, hoping he would come back to help me, free me, save me.


"I'm not Chunji anymore Girly~" an unnatural voice growled from Chunji's mouth. "And you should be scared for your life. I promise you, things won't get better from here."


Author's Note:

ooohh. another short chapter..


okay.. next one will be longer i swear..

(mostly because they have to rescue her)

And for the cutting and the blood thing..

yeahh.. need a reason for her to be changed :P











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Before Dawn Breaks: If you guys could help me out with my homework then I'll love you forever, it's my most recent blog post, please and thank you~


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Chapter 45: I really love the fanfic it's really amazing n the ending was really awesome keep writing your story's is very impressed I will sport you always n if you had another fanfics related to infinite please let me know xoxo
Chapter 45: lol OMG amzing reaally love it lol the best ff ever reaallyyy good jobb
Chapter 45: Omg this is soooooo adoooorableeee~ I loved the parts where Mi Young saved infinite from the devil~~ hihi
yooamie #4
Chapter 45: naaaaw this is really good! i enjoyed it :)
Lyli21 #5
Infiniteee.... I wanna read it.
Sugenlove #6
Chapter 45: pls pls write more of these kinds of story i love it i read this about.......well...........15 times hehe yeah its that good
Danieea #7
Chapter 45: I <3 it^^ you're a great author ^^ keep writing L's fanfics^^
JungRoxy #8
Chapter 32: he looks nice with red eyes
OMG this is really one of the best fic's I have ever read! Please keep writing I seriously love this one :)
Rianne2580 #10
@everyone~ thank you for all the comments :D hehehe :3

@TripleKisSpirit aww.. thank you~~ i try~ :D hehe :3 i will try~ <3 to write like this~ <3