Talking About the Past

Before Dawn Breaks, Will You Be Free?


{Mi Young}

I turned to face the three boys in the dark, and their bright red eyes blinked back at me. "Oppa deul, your eyes are scary." I told them.


"Mian hae, Mi Young-ah." Sunggyu looked away from me.


"So, I have a question." I said.


"What is it?" Howon asked me.


"Did something between me and you guys?" I asked.


I saw the hesitation in their eyes, but Sunggyu turned to me. "There was something. But I am sure you can wait until you remember it."


"Okay, I will wait until I fully remember it, because I think I'm getting bits and pieces. There's a time when I danced with someone.. But I can't see his face." I told them, turning around to go back down the stairs to find Sungyeol on the next floor.



So she is remembering the first lifetime a bit. That was the first dance her parents allowed between the two of them. They were so happy that night together, all of us stayed around to make sure no one would ruin their moment.


Especially not Hyunmin.


That suitor that was chasing after Mi Young, our princess.



I hope she remembers her first lifetime. Maybe he'll actually find a chance to smile again. It has been too many years since he last did.


But she is better in this lifetime as well, she adapted and learned from her dreams. The dreams we sent to her, so she could find ones to beat us.


She never used Howon's trick on me before, but I am glad it worked and she got past me without getting injured. For the first time. Usually, I nick her arm but that didn't happen this time.


"So you know where Sungyeol is?" I asked her.


"Yup, on the map, he's at the end of the hallway." Mi Young replied as she thought about the map. I saw it in her head. It was pretty accurate where we all were.

Author's Note:
double double update~
lol. XD
anyway, Hyunmin is just an OC that i'm bringing into this..
for a special reason later..
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Before Dawn Breaks: If you guys could help me out with my homework then I'll love you forever, it's my most recent blog post, please and thank you~


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Chapter 45: I really love the fanfic it's really amazing n the ending was really awesome keep writing your story's is very impressed I will sport you always n if you had another fanfics related to infinite please let me know xoxo
Chapter 45: lol OMG amzing reaally love it lol the best ff ever reaallyyy good jobb
Chapter 45: Omg this is soooooo adoooorableeee~ I loved the parts where Mi Young saved infinite from the devil~~ hihi
yooamie #4
Chapter 45: naaaaw this is really good! i enjoyed it :)
Lyli21 #5
Infiniteee.... I wanna read it.
Sugenlove #6
Chapter 45: pls pls write more of these kinds of story i love it i read this about.......well...........15 times hehe yeah its that good
Danieea #7
Chapter 45: I <3 it^^ you're a great author ^^ keep writing L's fanfics^^
JungRoxy #8
Chapter 32: he looks nice with red eyes
OMG this is really one of the best fic's I have ever read! Please keep writing I seriously love this one :)
Rianne2580 #10
@everyone~ thank you for all the comments :D hehehe :3

@TripleKisSpirit aww.. thank you~~ i try~ :D hehe :3 i will try~ <3 to write like this~ <3