My CEO's Secret Love


Oh Jin Hye, just like any other cliche novel haracter, face a hard life. Keep changing jobs, keep moving houses and keep thinking that she would sell her soul for money. But maybe not a soul. That would be ridiculous. But heart? Feelings? Mental stability?

It wouldn't hurt. Or would it?


1. Longest highschool crush

2. Mr. Perfect with the prefect timing. And perfect face, perfect car, perfect life... damn, scratch that

3. An uptight, strict, unpermissive, punctual-freak boss

4. A secretive online-chatting admirer


Could life get even more soapyyy operyyy?

Or chick-lityyyy dramyyy?

Of course, it could.

With Oh Jin Hye's name at the top of the cast rolling credit.

And there is one day, she'd rather be homeless than had her heart broken.


"It's possible, isn't it? It's possible that you could meet somebody who's perfect for you even though you're commited to somebody else."
"No, no, see, I think if you're commited to somebody, you don't allow yourself to find perfection in someone else."


"I don't really believe in what ifs."
"Well, that's a very convenient philosophy for someone like yourself."'


"I'm so not interested living in a world without you in it."
"Are you?"





Hey, beloved readers! So this is my new fanfic starring our most beloved BTS's Park Ji Min. ><

If you love Ji Min as much as I do, you'll like this story. Okay, just kidding. That is like the lamest marketing skills you'll ever found on earth. I mean, who doesn't love Park Ji Min, right?

If you are my new reader and never read any of my fics, you probably should know this; ALL of my fanfics main character is PARK JI MIN X OC. When I said all, I mean; ALL. I've written about 3 fanfics including this one so if you like this, I hope you'll check out on the others too! :)

I don't write any s or rated M scenes in any of my fanfics. It wasn't because I don't want to but I really at it. If your concern is being underaged, that wouldn't be a problem reading my fanfic. I do write stuff like passionate kissing (if you know what I mean) and all but it just the exact right amount of it for you to immerse to the story. Not too much, not too little, but the EXACT RIGHT AMOUNT; ERA of it. :)

I'm not a really good writer but I'm in process of being one. English is NOT my first language so please ignore all the grammatical mistakes and overlook all the typos and such. I hardly reread before updating. One more thing, I'm like letters freak. You WON'T find any mistake of capital letter or small letter in every word, sentence and dialogue. I am very concern of the usage of them so please bear with me. :)

Just in case you have prediction on the storyline or where the story is  going to, please don't comment about that because that would be spoilers and what's fun in that? :)

I made such a great effort on this story so PLEASE! Please don't plagiarize it in anyway because that would be mean and I'll be sad. Any works similar to this is just pure coincidental. I've been working so hard on this. For the y Ji Min's sake, please respect that. Okay, ignore the Ji Min's part. Although it is indeed pretty hard :)

Please do subscribe, comment and upvote. Especially comments! I loved them so much! :)

You can also check up on my instagram, nabellllll. But there isn't much there to look at.  Just some random girl posting pictures about any worthy-taking-picture moment. :)

LASTLY, please do enjoy the story and spread it to your friends. It means so much to me.
Hugs and kisses, Love_Hurt @ Nabellllll

My other fanfic:
My Girlfriend Is Going To Kill Me!
18 Years Old Mother



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Chapter 21: This is soo nice! Waiting for the next chapters!! And i think i have a clue as to who machine gun is;) But this is a great story!!!
BilliePark #2
I think i know who machinegun is. Kekeke