
100 Days
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16 | Sleep




“But Omma, I like the other one. This one is not my type.” Fifteen year old Yoong cried when he saw the blue car that his mother bought, instead of the red one that he had been pointing earlier.


“That’s actually a cool car. Why aren’t you liking it?” His mother wonders, crouching down to level their eyes.


Yoong looked at the car in his hands and then gazes back to his mother with a sad pout. “Red car and its features is different from this, Omma. This Blue car only opens its roof but the red car will not only open the roof, the hood and the doors will also open. The speed of that red car is also faster than this blue one, Omma."


"I insist. You take this. It's more than affordable." Jessica stubbornly replied.




"No buts! It's not all you like you can have, son."


Sad Yoong looked down and glances to the red car he had been eyeing.




"Omma! She's a good person, why are you blocking her from me?"


"Her family isn't as what I imagine. You cannot hang out with those kind of person. There's more than better out there."


"You just want me to stay lonely always, aren't you?"


"What? No! It's not like that! What I am concern is that... you can't hang out with her when she's a bad influence. You see, her parents are both involve in illegal drugs. I can't let you get near with someone who has bad family background!"


"But she's not the same as her family!"


"Even so! We cannot trust easily, Kwon Yoong! Again, you can't have whatever you like!" 




"That's my favorite stuff toy, why are you taking it?"


"We'll buy another one. This is too old and dirty already."


"But Omma, it holds a lot of memories... Kkuma is my best friend."


"You will get sick if you continue keeping that. Don't be stubborn, son."


Sad Yoong just shut his mouth and watch as his mother takes his favorite rilakkuma stuff toy to the garbage truck awaiting.


'It's not all I like, I can have.' Once again, he reminds himself with that phrase.


An hour to wait – Yoong is a bit regretting that he booked a flight at 11pm. But it’s the last flight that is available for the night. There seems to be no more choice and he did as what he plans. But waiting for an hour is a bad idea. It causes for him to recall the past - and how strict his mother always when he likes something. It's once again happening, which he hates and fears of.


Wiping that tears off of him, he checks the time for the nth time but end up groaning. It's still 45 minutes left before his flight. The airport hasn't even announce for passengers to go inside. Normally 30 minutes before takeoff passengers are allowed to go inside the plane.


Grabbing that plastic bag in the side, he took the bag of potato chips and started eating. He hasn't dinner, but a junk food would do. He doesn't have enough money to go to a restaurant at the moment. 


Suddenly, his phone rings under the pocket of his jacket, he took it out, only to grit his teeth once he find out it's his mother's number. He just put it back and continue munching the chips. Unfortunately for him, his chest got heavy when he spotted a little boy and his mother, happily eating ice cream. He can't help himself but cry again, while eating this time.




A long sigh of disappointment escaped the blonde's lips after her call was only ignored. But she cannot give up. She once again rings her son's number, but to no avail, she frustratingly stomp her feet. It wasn't only about that, it's also because she can't think of a reason for her son to run away. Just when she and him had been quite close now, this is happening.


"Kwon Yoong, what's in your mind right now?" Mumbles her nonchalantly while she hugs herself under the night sky, outside her mansion. With the weather being cold already, it got even colder now that her son is away from her.


Suddenly, she felt something behind her. She slightly tilt her head and find out its Yul, putting a warm jacket on his shoulders. 


Her eyes closes as Yul slowly put his arms around her, giving her back hug. Slowly, she felt the warmth all over her body. Comforting her heart amazingly.


"I know him. He'll comeback." Whispers Yul, gently placing a kiss over the top of the blonde's head.


Jessica slowly nodded her head, as she keeps her feelings on check. She doesn't want to risk her own life again because she couldn't control her feelings.




Upon learning it's already 11pm, Seohyu cursed under her breath. She practically rushed inside the airport and look for the doe-eyed boy. Although she's not sure if his flight have already left, she still went and hold that five percent of chance she can still see him. 


"Oh no." But the moment she reads the plane for Chicago have taken off 10 minutes ago, her hopes have fallen as her world have stops. There's no more chance to see him back. Nor there's no more chance to bring him back (?). Everything comes to an end right here. It must be really the fate, she's going to fail her mission; getting back the Kwon-Jung. What have she done and it ends this way? She must be so focus on avoiding him that she did not notice any weird behavior from him. She felt so bad and sorry. If only she could turn the day back. Back when they're so happy having fun in the car. Sigh. It's really unfortunate.


Seohyun can feel her legs are weakening as her visions are getting blur. She just realized she is tearing up because of her vision. 


Wiping that off of her eyes, she tried to stay strong as she keep her breathing at bay. 


Turning around, she lifelessly drags her feet to somewhere. Her head is low, arms ate hanging low and obviously tired.


"Aigoo, I'm sorry Ma'am." She mutters to herself, feeling like has failed big-time her boss. And it did help her situation when she recalled the Chairman's words, she will fire her if she can't bring her son back to the mansion. "What a ridiculous blackmailing strategy to fire someone." She couldn't help herself and chuckle bitterly.


As stops on her tracks to continue wiping her tiring tears, she spotted a bench and slowly drags herself there. She sat down and let out such a loud exhale. 


'Just when everything is going to be alright between us, Yoong. Why are you suddenly doing this to us? I thought you won't let me date Ji Soo? My heart is apparently hurting, don't you know that right now? Aigoo...' she thought while rubbing her chest gently. 'I must really be so unlucky when it comes to this thing. Ji Soo then you. Tsk,tsk.' there's no way she's gonna fall for someone again if the same fate happens to her.


Closing her eyes, she keeps on rubbing her chest to ease the pain inside while at the same time, her mind is recalling all the good times she had shared with him. From the very first day until the recent memories. This causes for a smile to form in her dry lips. Despite the pain, she feels like stupid, feeling happy at the same time, reminiscing those crazy events, which were so memorable. 


In the middle of her own world, she suddenly heard groaning and cursing from the corner. Specifically in her right side. Her eyes unconsciously opened as she also tilt her head to the side. Her heart skips a beat as her arms goose bumps in a good way. Slowly but surely, the hope comes back as apparently, the person that she had been thinking a while ago is right there, in another bench. He's sitting there with a trouble expressions.


She bit her lip, as her tears started flowing again. But she hastily wipes them off and control her feelings. There's no time for it at the moment. She believes so.


Composing herself, she stands up and takes baby steps closer and closer to him - until she stops when Yoong hugs his knees and buries his face between his legs. Her heart felt a little pang as she suddenly can see a younger version of him. She suddenly can see his kid version. She doesn't know why but she feels like, his sadness came from his childhood. The problem must be there that he decided to run away. But what could it be?


"Yoong..." She softly called, but as expected, there's no answer. She sighed and just continue watching him. She wanted to ease that sharp in her heart after all, before she approached him.


After a while, she decided to finally move.


"Not all things can be solve by running away." She softly started after taking her seat next to him. When she receives nothing, she added, "Whatever was the reason of this, you know you can always share it on me. You know you can solve it with me."


Yoong, who have finally sensed someone sits down beside him, slowly lifted his head up. He sighs when he find out its Seohyun. He didn't reply and just hide his head again.


Seohyun's heart flutters. She did not miss it. Which she finds adorable. Yoong look like a kid before her eyes at the moment.


"Thanks for not... Flying by the way." But before anything else, she can't forget and be grateful.


"I'm flying on the next flight that was opened." Came Yoong's dry reply.


"What?" Yet, it did not reach clearly Seohyun's ears.


Yoong slowly lifted up his head again. Without caring giving her a look, he drly speaks again. "I've missed the 11pm flight. They opened another one thankfully, so I booked one."


Seohyun almost didn't get what she heard. The hope she had inside earlier was a littl shook. "No. You-You can't leave. Not this time, Yoong." She's a little in panic.


Yoong finally looked at the younger girl in the eyes, with his cold gazes. "Sometimes to be able to solve the problem, you have to leave."


"I'm confused." Seohyun huskily replied, as she looked at Yoong with begging eyes for explanation. "Please tell me so that I can understand." She is now starting to get piss.


Yoong looked away and sighs.


"Yoong..." She reached for her hand but he yanks it away.


"You shouldn't be here."


"And why?" Seohyun can't help it and raised her voice a little. "You called me and that sounds like you even wanted to see me. Tell me if I'm wrong."


"I'm sorry though." Yoong looked down to his lap. "I'm a bad person." 


Seohyun scooted closer. "No one is bad. But if you're not going to tell me what is giving you a reason to run away, I would consider you as a bad person indeed." She can't miss one beat anymore. Time is running, she should convince him to comeback as soon as possible.


Yoong bit his lip and fists forming his hands. He slowly once again looked at Seohyun in the eyes. "I'm a bad person because I hate her. But that was because... She made me like this... born to be alone, Joohyun. Well, I really can't have it all."


"That's why you're leaving." Seohyun is not sure but she sense it has something to with the chairman, being so strict towards him. "You wanted to leave her side so you can do whatever you want. So you can have whatever you wish to have?"


Yoong nodded his head slowly.


"I understand. I truly do. But do you think... It's a good idea? I don't know but I feel like, the more you want to leave her side, the more she will come closer to you and she would be stricter. If I were you, confront her instead of keeping it. Tell her what she had been doing that she missed to see. Whether it's good or bad for her, listening to your feelings will change her mind. I believe she will listen to you. No mother can't, Yoong. All they want is to know how is their child doing so they will do better if ever they have done something wrong. Running away won't solve this, I tell you... You're brave, aren't you?" Seohyun ended it by hold the doe-eyed's hand. She gives him a gentle squeeze which made the latter to look at her. Before she knows it, Yoong leaned in to her but only to put his head on top of her right shoulder. She smiled as she flutters. Her free hand unconsciously made its way to his back. And slowly, she rubs it up and down, caringly. She closed her eyes and lean into the latter's touch through his hand and the heart beats she can feel. Although they're not bright, she's glad he decided to rest. "Let's go home after this." She whispers softly.


Yoong who had his eyes close are letting his sad tears streams again. But this time, he made sure this is the last time. He is done being weak.




"No, I am not going home." Yoong almost immediately pulled his hand off of Seohyun's grasp the moment he saw the Jung car waiting for them outside.


"Why not?" Seohyun frowns. "I thought-"


"At least for tonight. I don't want to see her." Yoong interrupted firmly. He walks away without warning.


Seohyun chases and block the deer automatically. "Okay. I'll give this to you this time. But you have to promise me. You're coming home tomorrow."


"I can't assure you that." Yoong said it straight. "My mind might change."


"As long as you're not going to Chicago that's gonna be fine for me." Seohyun realized Yoong needs time for himself before going back to the mansion. "But let me know where will you staying, araso?"


"Cool, then." Yoong walk passes from the younger and held a cab. He casually put all his luggage inside and stepped in without giving Seohyun a look anymore.


Seohyun decided not to chase. She waves to Yoong as the car passes before her eyes, but Yoong only made a smile towards her. She then took her phone and informed Mister Kwon.


To Mister Kwon: I've change his mind from flying to Chicago. But I couldn't bring him home yet. I thought it's a good thing. Let's give him some space for the meantime.


She waited for a while until a response was received. But as she thought would come from him, she feels like it came from the chairman.


Mister Kwon: Don't leave his side. Sleep with him if needed. But just a SLEEP. I don't mean anything.


"So that means, I'm going to follow him tonight." Seohyun let out a groan of frustration. She thought she could go home already. "Aish!"


From Mister Kwon: I'll triple your salary this month if you follow my command.


"Well, I'm following my love. I wouldn't mind." She bit her lip and cheeks turning a light red after she blurted those words.




A contented smile plastered Yul's face as soon as Jessica handed his phone and lies down back to bed, just like she promised. "See? You don't need to stress it out. All you have to do tonight is to have a beauty sleep." He softly says, caressing the woman's cheeks with his thumb.


Jessica close her eyes, leaning into the warm touch she is receiving from Yul. "I'm glad he change his mind. Otherwise, I couldn't forgive myself. I am not even yet sure what made him do it."


"We'll know later on. For now, relax and go to sleep." Yul huskily whispered.


Jessica open her eyes slowly. "You're not going somewhere too, right?"


"I'm not. If you want, I can cuddle you to sleep." Yul suggested, grabbing the big chance. 


"Can you?" Jessica thought it would be hard for her to sleep knowing her son is out of the mansion. She needed company to sleep so she can forget the current stress in the mansion.


"You don't have to ask." Yul said as he put himself under the covers as well. "I miss doing this with you." He sweetly smiled. "I mean, sleeping next to you." while his gazes are full of love and care. He tuck Jessica's hair strands behind her ear and leaned in, gently pressing his lips against her forehead. "And this."


Jessica smiled, feeling so secure in Yul's side. It had been a decade indeed. She missed being this close with Yul. She loved the feeling of his voice so near to her ears, it would always flatter her heart. Unconsciously, she wraps her one arm around his waist and her face is on her chest. "Thanks for coming back." 


Yul did not hesitantly and gently hugs the blonde back. "I would have done this early. But better late than never." he whispered back.


"Silly." The blonde tightened her hold over Yul. She can feel herself getting sleepy as she felt so overwhelmed around his arms.


"You don't have plans tomorrow right?"


"Yes." She simply replied.


"Then we will have a lot of plans tomorrow."


"You haven't forgotten about our son, have you?" 


Yul smiled. "Of course. He's part of the plans tomorrow."




"Aigoo..." Without hesitation, Yul tangled his one leg into Jessica's and give her a forehead of affection once again. "Sweet dreams, Sica."


The mention of her nickname made Jessica a little disappointed. Just earlier, he called her 'baby' but now her nickname. "Sweet dreams." But she's definitely couldn't complain. It's already sweet for him to stay by her side, she couldn't ask for more.


Yul, he's satisfied with his work. Without changing his smile, he slowly drifted to his dreamland. 




Bracing herself, Seohyun knock on the door twice gently. After receiving the floor and room number Yoong booked to stay for the night, she never wasted her time and drives all the way to the hotel.


But to her surprised, she couldn't hear any footsteps gain. So she tried for the second time.


She let out a sigh of relief when she did not even hear the footstep but also his voice.


As soon as the door opens and Yoong appeared behind it, she hastily hold up the paper bags she had been holding. "Midnight snack, Yoongry?" Along with her infamous bright smile. Her eyes would disappear every time she does it.


Yoong supposedly doesn't want to put an emotion but his smile couldn't be stop the moment he saw her smile. His heart even flutters. "Midnight snack, indeed." He grabs gives her a way, indicating that he's allowing her to come in.


"Thank you." Seohyun playfully replied, walking inside. She automatically look around as soon as she was in.


"I bet, she made you follow me." Yoong said as he follows behind the younger.


Seohyun abruptly turned around. "Of course not. I just thought I couldn't leave your side." She chooses to lie.


Yoong was about to reply when he realizes her words that makes his heart felt giddy. "What? And why is that?" He creases his brows in confusion, although he's a bit aware of her feelings through that text message.


"Eh? Why?" The younger just also realized what she blurted. But she quickly explained it. "Of... Of course... because you're my friend. And I care for you. I don't like it if something bad happens to you." Heck, she ends up adding it more. She hastily rushed to the couch and brought the paper bags there before Yoong can make another question.


'Silly. She's obviously just lying.' Yoong thought as she follows her to the couch. "What is that?" But he chooses to shrugs it off. Otherwise, it will be awkward for her.


"Tada!" Seohyun brought the box inside, containing the fried chicken. And followed by the drinks.


Yoong couldn't help but chuckle. "Midnight snack or dinner?"


Seohyun shyly smiled. "Dinner." As she admitted it.


"You haven't dinner?" Yoong frowned. "It's almost midnight. I thought you don't eat late?" Suddenly, he got worried.


"Nah, it's okay. I was too busy earlier." Seohyun lowly replied. She took the other box and handed it to the deer. "I just realized it on the way here."


Yoong scoffs. "I can't believe you."


"Something happened. You can't blame me."


"Whatever it is. Don't forget to eat. You know how important our daily meals." Yoong strongly scolded and reminded the younger. 


Stunned, Seohyun feels like it's the first time Yoong is like that to her. The care is so obvious. "It was just one time, though. You shouldn't be taking it seriously." She pout her lips cutely, hoping it will soften the doe-eyed.


Yoong sighs. "I was just reminding you. I'm not giving it a big deal. What happened and you are too busy though?" He casuslly started his meal, couldn't miss the chance and eat.


"Your mother. She had a little break down moment." Seohyun said and grabs her chicken as well. "I have to make her calm." She added and bite on her chicken.


Yoong slowly turned his head to Seohyun. He was a bit surprised to know it. "Why?"


"When... She.. finds out. You... Run away." Said Seohyun between her munch over her food.


Yoong shrugs it off and decided to put his attention on his meal. He will only lose his appetite if he continues the topic. Seohyun sensed the other person is uninterested with her topic. So she decided to dropped it and focus back to the food.


The room fell into a complete silence. But as the two keep their mouth shut, both couldn't hold back and glances to each other. Their eyes would sometimes meet, but they will eventually looked away, blushing in the process after getting caught. It's as if their feelings are caught on act, they will always feel shy. It goes on and on until both have finished their meals.


"Well, that was good." Yoong exclaimed, smiling in satisfaction.


"I'm glad I've choose the best chicken." Seohyun can't help herself and pat her stomach. She had no time to think for a healthy food when her stomach is already calling for it.

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yoonalim__ #1
Chapter 7: nah it's been discovered that yoong is very fascinated by Seohyun's beauty tsk tsk who's the first to confess love eh.. it's crazy how bad they slept together for the first time well even though they just hugged but at least yoon felt something different hehe maybe they have started to fall in love. the three of them went fishing and hopefully there is progress between the mother and daughter wow yuri came to jessica's office
yoonalim__ #2
Chapter 6: Seohyun is really afraid of heights eh haha ​​funny.. wow Seohyun was drunk and told everything including about Jessica who was sick whether yoong would believe it or not?
yoonalim__ #3
Chapter 5: so that's the reason yoong hates his mother because jessica sleeps with other men in the bedroom and that's also the reason yuri divorced jessica. yeah Seohyun unite the mother and child again so that you always don't get pressure anymore hahaha.. wow it's the first time they do skinship and it looks so sweet hehe and it seems yoong has started to be interested in Seohyun eh
yoonalim__ #4
Chapter 4: ciee yoong who was fascinated with Seohyun for the first time called Seohyun an angel she is a goddess, yoong you should call Seohyun a goddess
yoonalim__ #5
Chapter 3: it looks like jessica made mistakes in the past that's why her husband and child left her. Seohyun is really great eh melted jessica jung's ice with soft words hahaha... their first meeting again yoong made Seohyun annoyed eh haha ​​but it's funny and now yoong is teasing Seohyun be careful, you both fall in love. aww Seohyun you are so baper eh with yoong's actions earlier.. they swear their first meeting was really crazy okay they are like children on the street like tom end Jerry
yoonalim__ #6
Chapter 2: Are yuri and jessica divorced? and yoong went with his father. yoong angry with jessica? what's the real problem? yoong seems to have a lot of problems in other people's countries, aka making trouble. first meeting yoonhyun by phone, yes later when yoona returns to Seoul they will meet again hehe
yoonalim__ #7
Chapter 1: here the story is jessica is sick with stage 4 cancer and Seohyun is her nurse for 100 days.. soon yoonhyun will meet in the next chapter
yoonalim__ #8
from the teaser it looks like the story is interesting
seojoohyun_lim #9
Chapter 2: in this story here jesica has a disease and yoona goes with her father abroad
seojoohyun_lim #10
Chapter 1: wow the story is here Seohyun as a nurse, may I ask one thing Author-nim can Seohyun be made the next story as the president's daughter and hire a bodyguard and yoona is suitable to be a bodyguard and can be included in action, romantic