A Pink History

Love Lesson


2009-On the last day of orientation week at Yonghwa Girls School.

Chorong- 16 years old

Bomi, Eunji, Yoo Kyung and Na Eun-15 years old


“Okay girls, today is the last day of Orientation Week. We seniors have arrange a game for you guys.” Min Sun smirks while looking mischievously at the juniors.

“You are scaring them Min Sun,” Chorong whispers to her. “Don’t worry, this treasure hunt will be fun! Besides, they just have to complete several missions given by the other seniors to get their signature, it won’t be that hard, right?” Min Sun winked at Chorong. * This will be hard. These seniors are pretty playful and naughty. Poor juniors~ * Chorong sighs and decide to just go with the flow.


The juniors are split into 10 groups of four. They are given each different checklist that consist four seniors name and also a small space for the seniors to put down their signature. The rule for this game is





Nine of the groups seem to have a strong bond and their personalities are kinda similar. But one group is lacking that. The group seems very quiet and awkward. *this is interesting* Chorong thought.

“Hi. I’m Eunji. You guys are…” Eunji introduce herself, breaking the silence.

“Yoon Bomi” a girl with pigtails smiles. *She seems playful and friendly. Definitely my type of friend. *

“Hong Yoo Kyung” a sweet girl with long hair bows. *She’s pretty and modest too *

“Son Na Eun” a girl with bangs soflty speaks as she fix her big glasses. *oh~ how cute is she!*


“You have two hours to complete the treasure hunt. And your time begins now!” Min Sun speaks using a loud speaker. The juniors start to scamper everywhere trying to find the seniors in the list.

“The first senior is Park Ji Sun. Oh! Ji Sun sunbaenim! The prankster of Yonghwa Girls School. I think I saw her sitting on the bench infront of the school field.” Eun Ji exclaims as they start to run towards the school field. “Hi juniors!” Ji Sun greet them as they arrive. “To get my signature you have to make my friend here, laugh. You see she doesn’t talk much and she hardly laugh even though my jokes is extremely funny!” Ji Sun points at her friend with a poker face. The girls were busy thinking of something funny when suddenly Bomi step forward and ask them to back off. She holds her breath and suddenly runs but in a very peculiar yet very funny! Well the way she runs reminded them of a gorilla. As the girls includes Ji Sun were amazed by Bomi suddenly someone burst into laughter. Ji Sun can’t believe her eyes and ears when she spots Ju Yeon, her emotionless friend laugh her off. She looks at Bomi with awe and praises her. She puts down her signature and pumps her fist to the air and encourages them to win the game.


Second mission

Senior- Song Gyu Rim *school’s genius

Location- Science Lab

Mission- answer all the mathematical problem in 20 minutes


Na Eun takes the A4 paper that contains about 50 problems and start answering them quietly. *It’s impossible to solve 50 questions in twen..* Eunji thinks when suddenly… “Finish!”Na Eun put her pen down and passes the A4 paper to Gyu Rim. Gyu Rim starts checking the answers and was surprised when she gets all the answers right in just… 10 minutes! “Sign her please?” Na Eun stares at Gyu Rim as she give her a pen and points to a blank space on the checklist. She bows and drags her group members with her. She waves her hand in front of their shocked face and giggles. “Next stop?”


Third mission

Senior- Yang He Ra *school’s Queenka

Locatian- School garden

Mission- bring 5 boys from 5 different schools in 30 minutes


*We are done! How on earth can we complete this ridiculous mission? I can see INNOCENCE written all over them!* Eunji grumbles while looking at her members. “Girls, leave it to me.” Yoo Kyung whispers to her members.She excuses herself and went to the bathroom leaving her members dumbfounded. *now it’s my turn to complete the mission!” she smirks and starts making some phone calls, she slips her phone in the pocket and calmly walk towards the school garden. “15 minutes left! And you girls just stand here doing nothing! Hehe,my mission is surely hard to complete.” He Rim wanders in front of them and continue praises herself. The time runs out and the girls prepare themselves for the punishment when…five boys wearing different school uniforms come panting and try to catch their breath while walking towards Yoo Kyung.

“Why did you call me? Anything important?” a cool looking boy raises his thick eyebrow while looking at Yoo Kyung.

“Noona!!” a cute boy approaches Yoo Kyung and hug her.

“Yoo Kyung-ah, I’m here!” a boy with red hair waves his hand

“What’s wrong little sis?” a tall boy with big round eyes asks her.

“Here I brought you coffee!” a boy that looks like Lee Seunggi smiles happily and shows her the tinned coffee. Yoo Kyung takes the coffee and thank him.


Yoo Kyung explains to the group of boys about the game and introduces them to He Rim and also her friends. “Your signature, please?” Yoo Kyung sweetly smiles and passes the checklist to He Ra. He Ra puts down her signature and tidy up herself. * hehe, these boys are handsome. Maybe one of them will be interested in me * when she done examining herself she pulls up her head and to her dismay, the boys are already gone. * What the heck?*


“Who are those boys? Yoo Kyung-ssi” Na Eun timidly asks her. “Hmm? Oh, there are my boyfriends. Hurry up let’s go and finish the last mission!” Yoo Kyung replied and drags her to the last checkpoint. “Boyfriends?? Don’t they care about how many boyfriends you got?” another question from Na Eun. “Well, there are just friends. Not that special kinda boyfriends, they are just doing a favour for their girlfriend. I’m not that bad Na Eun-ah~” Yoo Kyung looks at Na Eun reassuringly and continued dragging her. Eunji and Bomi who are still confused of what had happen just follow them from behind.


Last mission

Senior- Nam Di Ni

Locatian- School café *well also known as the school canteen :D

Mission- Eat 20 hotdogs in 30 freakin minutes.


The girls face grew pale. They look at Eunji while pumping their fist in the air.

* Fuh!! Glad I complete the previous mission! I have to maintain my weight!* Yoo Kyung shook her head and rub her tummy.

*I eat a hotdog in 4 minutes so 20 hotdogs means 4 X 20=80 minutes= I hour 20 minutes…yikes!! No can’t do!! * Na Eun counts.

*I’m reaaaaaally hungry right now. Should I? Or not? Should I!!??But..I can’t!! Damn rules!! * Bomi pouts while looking at Eunji with jealousy.

*Oh no! The rules~ gah!! Do I really need to do this? No! Eunji you HAVE to do this no matter what! Your members are counting on you! * Eunji gives her member the okay sign and took the challenge.


Suprisingly…she made it!!! The girls starts to scream, jump around and hug her. “Stop girls!! I’m going dizzy, if you want me to puked on you guys continue with your doings.” Eunji sarcastically gives them an eye smile. The girls stop jumping and giggles softly. She asks for Di Ni signature and they rush to the finish line….. school hall.




When they arrive, the seniors were busy chit chatting with each other and they couldn’t find a single group of juniors. “Wow! You guys are the first team to arrive. You guys are fast!! Really fast! Congratulations~ you can go back home now.” Min sun exclaimes while she double-check her wristwatch. *1 hour 15 minutes! Awesome!* . The girls are very happy and they hug each other. They walk together towards the school gate when suddenly a senior stops and look at them, smiling.


“Well, hello there! I’m Park Cho Rong. Just call me Chorong unnie. I won’t mind.” She bows and they bows back.

“Err..unnie, did we do anything wrong today?” Bomi asks bitting her lips. *The seniors here are freaky and weird. This unnie must be one of them too.*

“Ya! I’m not a weirdo like the other seniors so loosen up! I won’t bite.” She looks at Bomi with an I-know-what-you-think look.

Bomi gulps and look down facing her shoes. * How did she know!!?? *

“Actually, I have been following you guys from the beginning of the treasure hunting and I must say, I’m impressed! You guys have different personalities and I thought you guys will be awkward with each other, and this proves you are not.” She swiftly speaks her mind and points at their hands, which are interlacing with each other. The girls look down and nod their head.

*This unnie is smart. Wait! Did she just admit that she stalk us? Freaky!!!* Bomi widenes her eyes and spread her hands protecting the girls behind her. Chorong chuckles and tilt her head.

“Yoon Bomi. I’m not stalking you guys. I’m just interested to be your friend. Can’t I?”

Bomi softened a little and pulls her hands back.

“Why don’t you tell us earlier? Than Bomi won’t doubt you!” Yoo Kyung exclaims and swiftly interlocks her arms with Chorong’s. Eunji also interlocks her arms with Chorong’s. Na Eun bows and smiles at Chorong shyly. Bomi nods her head and interlocks her arms with Na Eun and they go back home happily together, thinking that they have made good friends here in Yonghwa Girls School.


-End of flashback-




“Interesting story!” Ann J exclaims, clapping her hands. Nam Joo and Chemi follow her and start clapping too. “You guys do have this chemistry with each other, I thought we’re the only one.” Chemi says and points herself and Ann J. “So Yoo Kyung, Ji Ho is your boyfriend too?” Nam Joo asks as she drinks her latte. Yoo Kyung nods and sighs. “ I don’t know he becomes a crazy bully.” “What do you mean becomes? He was a bully when you know him right?” Nam Joo tilts her head, confused. “Well he is a bully now but he’s not in the past. He’s the one who get beaten in the past and Yoo Kyung saves him. All the boys respect her because of that. That’s why she has many boyfriends. They tend to change though. Ji Ho oppa unfortunately change to the bad side.” Na Eun explains and hopes the new friends understand like she understands Yoo Kyung. The girls nod and stops asking questions about the matter as Yoo Kyung’s face is kinda down when they talk about Ji Ho.

“Are you guys staying together then?” Chemi asks. “Well, we do stay together as Cho Rong’s the mastermind behind changing into a normal school.” Eun Ji shrugs. "But,Bomi don’t. She does. For a week. Then she decides to stay with her parents as she is always homesick!” Cho Rong giggles.


It’s getting late, Chemi and Ann J excuse themselves as their house is quite far.They also stay with their friend but they don’t go to the same school Bomi also excuse herself, scared if her mother knows that she doesn’t reach home yet. They bid goodbye to each other and go home. 

Chapter up! sorry for the super long update.. but i can't help it, i'm very excited in writing this.

p/s:can you guess who's the boyfriends of Yoo Kyung?? *wink wink

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13004282 #1
Chapter 20: Great story! Waiting for the update
Najatt #2
Chapter 17: I really like gyuji and woorong couples... I really want them to be real...
nikka2061 #3
Chapter 40: Chapter 40: please update I can't wait to see what happens next
Pinkfinitelover520 #4
Chapter 33: Please update soon p.s. Love this story
Hi~ do update soon. Your story is one of the best. Hope you make this story alive again.
gwen16 #6
Chapter 40: Pls update!! This story is interesting!!
qiqiliu #7
Chapter 40: Please update soon!! I really like the story!
Marshaarsha_ #8
Chapter 33: Good story,update soon
geaseokyu #9
Chapter 33: I'm not done with your fic, sorry I didn't coment before, hehehe... I like pinkfinite couple n all of them I ship, especially myungeun n gyuji, I like your fic, the story really make me giggling n imagine about their hehehe, please update soon ^o^ I'm waiting for the next chapter
luving_apink #10
It has been over one year since you updated, update soon!!