Special encouragement

Love Lesson


When the bell rings and the teacher concluded her lesson for the day, Eunji packed her things, bid her classmates good bye and rushed out from class. She bumped into Naeun and Namjoo along the way but because she was late, she ruffled Namjoo’s hair in a hurry and waved her hand at them without slowing down her speed.

“Jung Eunji, fighting!” Namjoo shouted as she pumped her fist up.

“Fighting!” they could hear her voice replying back.

“Where is she going?” Sungjong asked. He popped out from nowhere.

“Cube Entertainment. She’s going to sign up a contract today.” Naeun answered. Sungjong nodded.

“Busybody.” Namjoo mumbled slowly but Sungjong heard her and glared at her.

“What did you say?”  Sungjong asked.

Namjoo gave him a face before turning back to Naeun.

“Naeun-ah~ Let’s go.” She tugged on her wrist, signalling her to follow her and leave Sungjong alone. Naeun giggled and followed her lead but suddenly Namjoo stopped walking. Sungjong was gripping on her uniform collar.

“And where do you think you’re going missy?” Sungjong pulled her, causing her to stumble backwards. She gritted her teeth trying to control her anger. *Patience Namjoo. Patience. Remember what Myungsoo Oppa told you. Patience is important when you’re dealing with Lee Sungjong* She took a deep breath and faced him with a forceful smile plastered on her face.

“I’m going home Lee Sungjong with my friend. I think you should go home to right now.” She mannerly told him and bowed before she grabbed Naeun’s hand back and walked away. Once again, her step was stopped by him as he gripped on her collar…again. This time, she lose her patience. When she’s about to scream her lungs out, Sungjong let go of his grip and held her wrist instead. She was shocked at the sudden skinship.

“No-oh, Namjoo. We got an assignment to finish. I’m sorry Naeun. I’ll get L to accompany you home.” Sungjong waved at Naeun as he drag the still in shock Namjoo with him towards the school library. Naeun froze when Sungjong mentioned L’s name. She looked around and when she saw that he’s not around she quickened her step. She walked and walked without even bother to stop until she reached the main gate. *Phew~ I’m lucky he’s not around.* She smiled bitterly as she continued walking.

“Alone I presumed?” a familiar voice asked her. She froze. She wanted to keep walking or should I say run, but she couldn’t. She felt like her feet were rooted to the ground. L jumped down from the wall and dusted his uniform. Smiling, he walked towards her and put his arms over her shoulders. Naeun flinched at the sudden touch and shoved him off. L blinked and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

“I-I’m sorry. Ha ha… where are you going?” L asked. His eyes were locked towards the ground.

“Home.” Naeun coldly stated and walked away. L was left dumb-founded. He gaped and shook his head,

“Hey! Wait up!” He ran towards her and blocked her way.

“What’s wrong? You didn’t seem…happy.” L tilted his head in confussion.

*How can I be happy?* Naeun thought. She sighed and plastered a smile on her face.

“Nothing. Just tired. I better get going. See you tomorrow~” she walked past him again but this time she quickened her step and pray so that he didn’t follow her. She gasped when she felt someone hooking his arms with hers. She looked to her right and saw L smiling tenderly at her. She looked away, preventing him from seeing her face blushed. *Son Naeun…self control. He’s Namjoo’s boy.*

“I can take you home right? Come on. It’s dangerous for a girl like you to walk back home alone.” He winked at her and dragged her along.


Destination? Her house.




Eunji finally arrived at the Cube’s Building. She took a deep breath straighten her clothes and motivated herself with by the encouragement messages her friends sent her. I don’t know what to do without them. She smiled as she think of her wonderful friends. As she was about to enter, her phone rings. She quickly took it out and looked at the caller ID. *Sunggyu* she blushed. *why did he call me?* She cleared and picked up the call.



“Eo! Sunggyu-ssi? Why do you call me?”

“Err…I found out that you have an important meeting today.”

“Aah~ yes, I’m signing up a contract with an entertainment company. But…how do you know?”

“Huh? Err….umm… Sungjong~ Yeah! Sungjong told me. Ha.ha. good luck Eunji-ssi! Aja-aja fighting!”

“Thanks. Fighting!”

“I-I don’t want to bother you. so I will end this call. Bye~”

“Bye~ thanks again!”

“No prob.”

Eunji ended up the call and smiled giddily. *Namjoo…* She thought. She slipped her phone back into her bag and opened the door. *Here goes nothing~*



Sunggyu's P.O.V

A while ago, my favourite dongsaeng called me. I answered the phone happily.

“Sungjong-ah~ Why do you call me?”

“Hyung! Your girlfri- I-I mean Eunji, your friend is going to sign up a contract today. Have you wished her luck?”

“Huh? Not yet. How do you know?”

“Her friends told me. So? What you’re waiting for? Call her! Bye hyung!”

With that, he ended up the call. He left me dumb-founded. *stupid Sungjong. How dare you  hung up on me!* I snorted but then I recalled his words.

“Have you wish her luck?”

I bit my lips. I fiddled with my phone and searched for her number. *I should call her right? Besides, it will be rude if I didn’t wish her eventhough I knew about it…right?* I made up my mind but as I was about to call her I shook my head vigorously. *No way~ she will think that I’m a creeper or something. No no no* I wandered around in the practice room trying to think of an idea. I stopped and smirked when I got the solution. *I can tell her that Sungjong told me! Heh..easy~* With that, I pressed the call button and waited for her to answer me. I was building up some sentences to tell her but as soon as she says hello, my mind went blank. *I knew this would happen* I stammered when I was replying to her. I gave her some encouragement and ended the call. *phew~* I sighed in relieved. For the rest of the day, I couldn’t help myself for smiling because of her.

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13004282 #1
Chapter 20: Great story! Waiting for the update
Najatt #2
Chapter 17: I really like gyuji and woorong couples... I really want them to be real...
nikka2061 #3
Chapter 40: Chapter 40: please update I can't wait to see what happens next
Pinkfinitelover520 #4
Chapter 33: Please update soon p.s. Love this story
Hi~ do update soon. Your story is one of the best. Hope you make this story alive again.
gwen16 #6
Chapter 40: Pls update!! This story is interesting!!
qiqiliu #7
Chapter 40: Please update soon!! I really like the story!
Marshaarsha_ #8
Chapter 33: Good story,update soon
geaseokyu #9
Chapter 33: I'm not done with your fic, sorry I didn't coment before, hehehe... I like pinkfinite couple n all of them I ship, especially myungeun n gyuji, I like your fic, the story really make me giggling n imagine about their hehehe, please update soon ^o^ I'm waiting for the next chapter
luving_apink #10
It has been over one year since you updated, update soon!!