At the zoo part 2

Love Lesson


Myungsoo and Naeun go to see the sea lion show. At first, Naeun is still awkward being with him. She’ll talk to him if he asks her something if not, silence fills the air. But, after that she feels comfortable around him as he keep making jokes and teases her. Finally, she opens up to him and talks and laughs a lot. Myungsoo is delighted with the talkative Naeun and he become fonder of her. They have a good time laughing and enjoying the show.

“The seal is cute!”

“Tsk…I’m cuter you know~”

“Ahahaha…. no you are not!”

“Yes I am. Geez Naeun, I’m much more cute and handsome than that chubby, fat seal”

“Nah~ I like chubby and fat seal more than arrogant and handsome L” *wait. What? Did I just say that he’s handsome?? Omona~ he didn’t notice right? Right? Oh, no no no no!!!! Aish this is why you shouldn’t speak too much Naeun-ah~ T^T* Naeun peered slightly to see L’s reaction and she notice that L is staring at her. He giggles before he continues talking.

“Did you just admit that I’m handsome? Well, it’s true. And you are cute and pretty to Naeun.” *okay~ what was that! I just confessed! No, that’s not confessing but I tell her that she’s pretty!!! Wow~ calm down L…cover your burning face already!*

L smiles before pretending to concentrate back to the show. Behind his cool, calm face his heart is beating like crazy in the inside. He notices that Naeun also shocked with the things he said just now. He slightly glances at her and discover that her cheeks is turning red. He clears his throat and slowly moves himself closer to her. He was caught off guard when suddenly Naeun spots what he is doing. He awkwardly laughs and rubs the back of his neck. Naeun looks back in front to focus on the show when she spots someone familiar. She squinted her eyes to get a better look. She is startled when she saw him.

“ Jaehyo? What is he doing here?” she mumbles. L heard her and brings his ears closer to her.

“Huh? What did you say?” Instead of answering his question she points towards a trainer inside the seal pool.

“There, the one that is throwing the ball to the seal. It’s Jaehyo, right?”

“Hmm…I think so.” L is not happy. *Why does he have to show up in every place that we go? Seriously, is he a stalker?*

“Wah~ so cool. He is a seal trainer? Must be fun!” Naeun claps her hand. Myungsoo is jealous.*I hope he doesn’t notice her, I should get her out from here* L stands up and before he can grab her wrist….

“Who wants to play with the seal? Oh! Hi there young man, yes, the one who is standing. Come here” The MC calls him unexpectedly. L froze when he notice that everyone is looking at him. He points his finger to himself.


“Yes, you. Who else is standing?” The crowd starts to clap their hand, encouraging L to step infront. Naeun pushes him lightly and sign him to go. *No! I don’t wanna go! aish!* he mumbles continuosly until he is now standing at the stage. Jaehyo notices him and waves his hand. L waves back and then continue to focus to the MC

“What’s your name young man? And who do you come with today?”

“I’m L and..” he looks at Jaehyo before he smirks.

“I came with my girlfriend.” He points towards Naeun. All of the peoples there including Jaehyo quickly focused their eyes towards her. *ehehe…my plan is working nicely. He won’t disturb Naeun after this right? You are a genius L! >:)* The crowd start making noises.

“Oh~ what a cute couple!”

“Wah~ mom, that guy’s girlfriend is cute!”

“Lucky her~ her boyfriend’s hot!”

“Dang! I wish she is no one’s girlfriend.”

Naeun is embarrassed so she keeps her head down, facing the floor. *L~ I’m his girlfriend? Seriously?? Kyaa!! I’m blushing too much right now!!! Fuh~ breath Naeun, breath!! Calm yourself down!*

“Now, now...calm down people. Well, you have a pretty girlfriend and you are quite handsome too. Good for you then!” While the mc keep talking L keeps glancing at Jaehyo. *Is he mad? Is he jealous?*

Jaehyo notices L keep glancing at him so he smiles. *Tch, he tries to make me jealous huh? Haha, why he has to be so childish? How about we play some game L~ kekeke*

L raises his eyebrow and tilts his head. *No? Why does he keep smiling at me? Doesn’t he feel jealous? Or he is to blur to notice what’s happening? Pfft…*

“So, L hold this hula-hoop” Jaehyo walks over and give it to him. He takes it but he didn’t know what he supposed to do, as he didn’t even pay attention to what the mc’s saying.

“Hey, come and stand here. Don’t move and hold the hoop tightly. The seal will jump through it.” Jaehyo whispers to him. He knows that L doesn’t know what to do that time. L thanked him and stand still at the spot. Jaehyo calls the seal and it jumps through the hula-hoop. L continues doing some tricks with the help of Jaehyo. The crowd cheers and clap their hands. He look over to Naeun’s place and beams when he saw her smiling and clapping her hands. He waves his hand and mouthed, “I did great, right?”. Naeun understands his sign and nods her head, showing him two thumbs up! Jaehyo saw the lovey dovey scene and feels quite jealous. *Guess I have to go on with my plan now. kekeke, sorry L* Jaehyo smirks before he calls the seal using a whistle. L who notices the seal is coming nearer to him thought that maybe it will give him a handshake. So, he crouches down and pulls out his hand. To his surprise, the seal suddenly spray water from its mouth! The noisy crowd turns quite for a moment before they burst into laughter. L bit his lips with anger and wipe the water off his face. He glared at Jaehyo but he innocently smiles at him. *This is super embarrassing! Did Naeun see me? Duh! Of course she does! She’s focusing herself for the entire show! That nerd Jaehyo is so dead!!!*

“Ahaha..well L, I see you are now…wet. You’re lucky this show is ending now. Thanks for volunteering. Give him a round of applause!” the applause is very loud indeed. L smiles and keeps bowing to them.

“See you again soon~ the show ends here. Hope you all have fun!!” with that the show is officially over. The crowd leave the place with a satisfy smile on their face. It was a very enjoyable show! The MC orders Jaehyo to bring out a towel to cover L’s body. Jaehyo quickly go to the waiting room and grab a towel before rushing back to L.

“Ahn Jaehyo. You planned this. Am I right?” he glared at him before grabbing the towel that he gave.

“What plan?” Jaehyo blinks his eyes. He is laughing crazily inside but keeps on a straight face on the outside. *Serves you right, arrogant L!*

“tch…don’t play innocent around me! I know your true colours!” he wiggles his index finger to him.

On the other hand, Naeun who’s worried about L quickly rushes down to the centre stage. She sees Jaehyo giving L a towel to cover his wet body, so she walks towards them.

“Are you okay? Is it cold?” she asks.

L wants to tell her that he was fine but a brilliant idea suddenly pop out from his mind. *How about making Jaehyo jealous once again?? Hehehe, I’m one smart guy! >:)* He pouts and pretending to shiver in front of Naeun. *Act cute L. act cute. Show your aegyo! Your mission, make Jaehyo jealous!*

“I’m a bit cold you know. I think I’m gonna catch a cold. Omona! What shoud I do Naeun-ah~” *Aish! To childish but what do I care? Naeun is here to take care of me!* Jaehyo rolls his eyes, he knows what L’s up to. Naeun is surprised with his behaviour.

“Really? Oh gosh, err…Jaehyo do you have an extra pair of clothes? Can you lend it to him?” *why is he being like a kid? It’s weird but he looks cute. ^0^*

Jaehyo nods his head.“Sure. Come with me L.” he motions him to follow him into the waiting room.

“Why?” L tilts his head.

“Do you want to change your clothes outside?” Jaehyo glances at him and his face are red as he tries to control his patience. *This guy have to many complaints!*

“emm…it’s fine with me” L shrugs while looking at him with a blank face.

“Ya! Do you want to undress yourself in front of Naeun?” Finally, Jaehyo explodes.

“Well, it’s okay with me. Nothing to be embarrass of. I got a nice body you know.” L smirks. He glances at Naeun whose head is looking down towards the ground. *Oh~ she’s embarrassed. Cute girl~ ^__^*

“Ya! L! Come with me now or I won’t give you my clothes!”

“Fine, fine. Geez~ I’m just playing around, no need to be so serious. See you in a minute Naeun~” L follows him into the waiting room. He waves his hand towards Naeun before he enters the waiting room to change his clothes.




"So..when did you start to do volunteer work here?” Naeun asks Jaehyo while waiting for L to get dressed up.

“It’s been two years. I love animals you know and I always spend my free time here.” Jaehyo smiles at her. Naeun nods her head and smiles back. He loves to see her angelic face and to be honest; he’s shock to see her without the black nerdy glasses and bangs that covers half of her face. He always thinks that she’s a beautiful girl ever since she steps into the class for the first time.

*Too bad she likes L…I knew it. The way she looks at him, the way she smiles and the way she worries about him…I will always be beside you Naeun. If he dares to make you cry or left you one day, I’ll be your crying shoulder and I promised you that he will never get you back.*

“Ahn Jaehyo!! What is this? Do you expect me to wear this?” L’s screaming voice is so loud as it manages to make Naeun and Jaehyo jump a bit.

“L, come out I want to see what you’re wearing.” Naeun calls him from the outside.

“No! I don’t want to. This type of clothes is just…argh!”

“What did you gave him?” she turns her face towards Jaehyo. He gives her a sly smile.

“A pair of checkered trousers and a t-shirt from the souvenir shop.”

“Well..that explains it!” Naeun burst to laughter, followed by Jaehyo.


The other couples moments will be revealed next week!!

i'm tired~ need to get some sleep so bye bye!!









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13004282 #1
Chapter 20: Great story! Waiting for the update
Najatt #2
Chapter 17: I really like gyuji and woorong couples... I really want them to be real...
nikka2061 #3
Chapter 40: Chapter 40: please update I can't wait to see what happens next
Pinkfinitelover520 #4
Chapter 33: Please update soon p.s. Love this story
Hi~ do update soon. Your story is one of the best. Hope you make this story alive again.
gwen16 #6
Chapter 40: Pls update!! This story is interesting!!
qiqiliu #7
Chapter 40: Please update soon!! I really like the story!
Marshaarsha_ #8
Chapter 33: Good story,update soon
geaseokyu #9
Chapter 33: I'm not done with your fic, sorry I didn't coment before, hehehe... I like pinkfinite couple n all of them I ship, especially myungeun n gyuji, I like your fic, the story really make me giggling n imagine about their hehehe, please update soon ^o^ I'm waiting for the next chapter
luving_apink #10
It has been over one year since you updated, update soon!!