
Love Lesson


“Lee Howon, your grade are dropping and you’re gonna take an important exam this year. What should I do with you? You study hard at school but why does your mark didn’t show it? I’m disappointed Howon-ssi”

“I’m sorry Mrs. Kim. I promise that I’ll work hard this year. Just trust me.”

“I think I can’t trust you anymore Howon-ssi. I’m getting you a tutor.”

“What? Tutor? But Mrs. Kim all the teachers and seniors will be busy with their work and study, who will tutor me then?”

“You leave me no choice Howon-ssi. I’m gonna appoint a junior to be your tutor. She is smart in fact a genius! She will help you in your studies for this year. Hope you treat her nicely.”


A junior for a tutor? This is so embarrassing!!*


“Yes Mrs. Kim, why did you call me?”

“ Hayoung-ssi have a sit please. I have a favour to ask. Can you help me?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“ Can you be a tutor for a senior student? His name is Lee Howon. He’s the only one who does badly compared to others. I hope you can help him in his studies.”

“Err…I don’t know Mrs. Kim.”

“Don’t worry, he is a nice person. So, can you help me?”

“Okay Mrs. Kim, I’ll do it for you. So, when will the tutoring starts?”

“Tomorrow after school in class 2-A. thank you so much Hayoung-ssi. Oh! And also a reminder for you, be firm towards him or he will easily influence you.”

“You’re welcome Mrs. Kim. I guess I better get going now.”


*2-A…it’s Chorong unni’s class right? Park Hayoung fighting!! This is for your teacher, just go through with it!*




“Hoya, we are going back first. See you at home!” Woohyun and Dongwoo waved their hand towards Hoya who was sitting on his chair, barely waved his hand to his friends. He bumped his head on his desk for several times.

“Stop bumping your head on the desk. No wonder you’re stupid.” Hayoung walked in and sit on the desk beside him.

“How dare you call me stupid. I am not stupid, just not smart. Okay?” Hoya turned his head towards Hayoung and pouted.

“tch! It’s the same thing Howon-ssi.” Hayoung rolled her eyes and pulled out some books from her bag.

“Wait. Who are you? How do you know my name? Are you my tutor? But the teacher did said that my tutor is younger than me.” Hoya pointed his finger towards Hayoung and tilted his head.

“Yes, I’m your tutor and I’m two years younger than you. Gosh, Lee Howon-ssi, I never know that you are this stupid.” Hayoung sighed as she tried her best to control her temper.

“Stop calling me stupid cause I’m not! And please call me Hoya. I like it better.” Hoya wiggled his index finger right in front of her face.

“Whatever Hoya-ssi. Now we gonna start with Mathematics. Have you understand all the formula?” Hayoung asked.

“M-mathematics? What formula? Gosh! Do I have to remember all the formula?” He gave her a blank expression on his face.

“You gotta be kidding me. This tutoring is harder than I think it will be” Hayoung mumbled softly and bumped her head on the desk.

“What are you talking about? If you are gonna explain to me something talk louder okay? Because I can’t hear what you just say. And why do you bump your head on the desk? Are you stupid too?” Hoya continued talking and giving her questions.


*This sunbae is really talkative. How can I survive like this! Be strong Hayoung this is for your teacher. *




Hayoung throw herself on her bed. She had been tutoring Hoya for three hours straight that evening and she was really exhausted. She was amazed by how talkative and childish her student is. He looked cool and manly on the outside but when he started talking, she can’t help herself from covering her ears. He was too talkative! Hayoung sighed again and walked towards the bathroom to clean herself up and prepared for dinner.


Hoya walked home with a blank expression on his face. His tutor was too firm towards him and she’s just too stern and fierce. But he was amazed because finally, he can understand what people taught him. It was his first time and he can feel that this Hayoung girl will help him go through the upcoming exam with ease. When he reached home, he went towards his room and started revising what he’d just learnt that evening. Amazingly, he answered all the questions right! Tears started to form on his eyes. He determined to study harder next time.


Hayoung has been tutoring him for three weeks and she was proud when Mrs. Kim said that he was improving. Hoya on the other hand felt very comfortable around her and always and make fun of her, even though he knew that he will ended up being scolded or hit by her.


“Hayoung-ah. Can you explain it again?”

“For the fifth time? Are you serious?”


“Hayoung-ah, I need to go to the toilet. Can you accompany me?”

“Seriously Hoya-ssi, you’re big boy already. Go by yourself!”

“But..there’s no one in school by this time. Please accompany me~”




“What now~”

“I’m tired. I wanna go home. Let us finished early today and get some ice cream!”

“Oka..” before she finished talking Hoya already dragged her out from the class.

“Hey! I don’t pack my bag yet!”

“ No one gonna take it, tutor.”


Hoya brought her to an ice cream shop near school. He ordered a chocolate ice cream for himself and vanilla ice cream for Hayoung. Then, he dragged her towards a park and they have a stroll there. It was calm and they both enjoyed the moment so much.

“Thanks for the ice cream Hoya-ssi” Hayoung looked at him and smiled widely.

“E-err…you’re welcome” Hoya rubbed the back of his neck as he suddenly feels giddy when Hayoung smiled at him. It’s the first time she smiled to him!

“Why are you stuttering?” Hayoung tilted her head.

“W-well I-I always s-stuttered when I’m tired” Hoya avoided looking at her. *Why did you have to be extra cute today Hayoung~*

“Guess we should be going home now. Bye Hoya-ssi. See you tomorrow!” Hayoung nodded her head and bowed before she walked away.

“Wait!” Hoya called her.

“Yes?” she turned and looked at him.

“I’ll accompany you home.” Hoya walked towards her and holds her hand. Hayoung was shocked with his action but she just awkwardly smiled and they walked towards her house, hand in hand.


*I guess I’m falling for her~ *

*Hayoung-ah, be calm will you? You never felt something like this before since…emm you know who*


second update!!! hihi.... i like Hoya with this kind of image~ gah! i'm dreaming to much

anyway, i hope you enjoy my story~ ^^

p/s: on the next episode of BOAF Apink will visit Infinite's Dorm!!! yeay! dream comes true for us, PINKFINITE shippers~ kekeke

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13004282 #1
Chapter 20: Great story! Waiting for the update
Najatt #2
Chapter 17: I really like gyuji and woorong couples... I really want them to be real...
nikka2061 #3
Chapter 40: Chapter 40: please update I can't wait to see what happens next
Pinkfinitelover520 #4
Chapter 33: Please update soon p.s. Love this story
Hi~ do update soon. Your story is one of the best. Hope you make this story alive again.
gwen16 #6
Chapter 40: Pls update!! This story is interesting!!
qiqiliu #7
Chapter 40: Please update soon!! I really like the story!
Marshaarsha_ #8
Chapter 33: Good story,update soon
geaseokyu #9
Chapter 33: I'm not done with your fic, sorry I didn't coment before, hehehe... I like pinkfinite couple n all of them I ship, especially myungeun n gyuji, I like your fic, the story really make me giggling n imagine about their hehehe, please update soon ^o^ I'm waiting for the next chapter
luving_apink #10
It has been over one year since you updated, update soon!!