
White flowers

Yoongi unlocks the door to the apartment and turns on the lights. "I guess Namjoon went back to his own place." He says and closes the door behind me. I actually feel really awkward being here just with him even though I was alone with him the whole day. We sit down on the couch and Yoongi turns to me, crossing his legs on the couch. 

"Wanna know something?" He asks me, I nod my head. "I like music. Like not just listening to music but I make music. And lyrics." He explains. He gets up and grabs the notebook I saw him writing in this morning, from his room. He hands it to me and goes back to sitting cross legged across from me. 

I open it and read some of the lyrics he wrote, and they're really good. One of the most recent catches my eye. It's dated today and it's about a girl. Yoongi takes it back before I can read more and closes it. I just pout and he squeezes my cheeks. "Why can't I read it?" I ask him. "It's not finished." He says simply. "Wait, when Namjoon said he met Jin at the recording studio, does that mean you own a studio?" He nods his head. 


Yoongi pulls me through the door and into the dark room, he flicks on the lights and I squint. "It's not much but it's pretty good." He tells me. I look around the studio fascinated, like a little kid in a candy store. "I like it." I say and sit down on the chair in the booth. "Sing something." Yoongi orders me, as he sits behind the keyboard typing in stuff. "What?" I ask him, "I don't sing." He starts playing Bigbangs If You and tells me to sing some of it. 

I hesitate at first but reluctantly start singing the song into the microphone. Once I sing it feels as if I can't stop and I finish the whole song. 


As soon as Bora sings the song I'm shocked, I didn't know she could sing. Her singing is beautiful and anyone who hears it would be happy even if they had a bad day. I hear someone cough behind me and look over. Namjoon. "Her singing is amazing." He states. I nod my head. "What are you doing here?" I ask him. "Wanted to write some lyrics." He shrugs and sits on the chair next to me. 


As I finish the song I spot Namjoon next to Yoongi writing things down, I climb out of the booth and stand behind them. "How was it? I'm not that good, sorry." I say. "No, it was amazing. You're voice is beautiful." Yoongi tells me and I hide my blush by looking away and mumbling a thanks. 

"Here." Namjoon says standing and giving me his chair, "I'm gonna call it a night. See you two later." I sit down and ask Yoongi the time. "10 o'clock." He replies. I nod my head. "Do you want to listen to some songs I produced?" He asks me. "Sure." He hands me an earphone and pops the other in his ear. As he plays the music I look over at him, he's sitting with his eyes closed bobbing his head a bit. Then I realize how much he's really into his music and I find it quite fascinating. The songs he produces are really good, and I think he could be famous. 


"Do you want to be a singer when you're done school?" I ask him, as were sitting back in his apartment on the couch. We decided to play 20 questions just to get to know each other better, it's a little different than the real game where you think of an object but this is fun too. I cross my legs across from him, and copy how he's sitting, he smiles slightly and shakes his head. "I love writing songs and producing them but I don't see it as a career. I feel the whole music thing is too busy and I wouldn't have time for the people I care about." He replies. 

"Have you ever dated anyone?" He asks me and I blush again. Omg so annoying. "No, I haven't." I reply honestly. He looks shocked but returns back to his lazy expression again. "Why are you so surprised?" I ask. "Are you counting this as your question?" I nod my head. "Because a girl as pretty as you, I would imagine you have boys chasing after you." He replies with a straight face but soon looks away. "Oh." Is all I can say. "Sorry," he says. 

"For what?" "Saying that. I shouldn't have." He stands up and goes to his bedroom but before he closes the door he turns back to me and says, "you can sleep in Namjoon's room." I nod my head even though he can't see as he already closed the door. I don't understand why he changes his emotions so suddenly but I guess I'll have to wait to find out. 

The next morning I wake up smelling rice and stew. I sit up and realize I'm still wearing my clothes from yesterday, I look in Namjoon's closet and see more of his sisters clothes. I put on shorts and a hoodie, and go to the kitchen. Yoongi is standing by the food stirring it as I sit down on a barstool and clear my throat. He turns around. "Oh, you're awake. The food will be done in a few minutes." He says and turns back to the food. 

I check my phone and see I have lots of texts from Joonho and Jin. I text him saying I'll come home in an hour or two. Yoongi places the food on the dining table and I sit across from him. We eat our food, and I look up at Yoongi when he clears his throat. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry about what I said yesterday and how I acted. It ruined the night and I thought we had a great time until I ruined it." He tells me. 

"Don't worry about it. Yesterday was fun and we should do it again sometime." I say. We clean up the food and do the dishes together splashing water everywhere, I change into different clothes and put everything else in a bag. Yoongi walks me to the door and stops me before I can leave. "I forgot to do something." He tells me, before leaning in and pressing his lips against mine.

As he pulls away he smiles a bit and opens the door. "I'll see you soon?" I nod my head as a reply and go downstairs and out of the apartment. 

Once I get home I text Nari and tell her to come over asap. We sit in my room together and I tell her what happened Friday and today. "You kissed?" She asks me. I nod my head shyly. "So, are you dating now?" She asks. "No, I'm not proving you right this fast." I say and she pouts. I laugh at her. 

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Chapter 33: I hope Yoongi made a right decision... Poor Bora...
Yongguk0331 #2
Chapter 30: I look forward to the rest of the story!!
MinGaia #3
Chapter 2: This is so good! I love it!!
Infiresssman0 #4
Chapter 16: Finally yoongi is gonna ''CONFESS'' his ''FEELS'' .......yasssss omff this is great .....*smacks keyboard with head* ahsbshsjsndjsnsjsjdvhansjwjsjshshwjsdj .....wooooop wooooop
Sorry for all that ......sorry not sorry I have lost my legit lost my
Any way ...hope the next update is soon !
Bye bye ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Bigbangislife87 #5
Just posted a new story, if you guys want to check it out. It's called pretty boys cause trouble and it's an EXO fic.
Infiresssman0 #6
Chapter 14: Helloooooooooo ~ my pretty! How are you ?
Great chapter like always ....keep us the pace!
See you soon !
Bye bye ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Infiresssman0 #7
Chapter 13: This is just sad poor bora ...if more happens to her I will actually rip my hair out ! ( can't do that it's the only good feature I have lol) well I hope yoongi can get his together soon and also Jiminie is so sweet I want to hug him for being so caring and loyal .
I am looking forward to your next update which I hope is soon !
Till then bye bye ♡♡♡♡
Yongguk0331 #8
Chapter 13: wow Yoongi did make a mistake. I want them back together omg
Infiresssman0 #9
Chapter 10: I have a feeling it's Jung kook ( the captain of the soccer team) ...well I guess we will know as you update .
Later ♡ ♡
bora19s #10
Chapter 10: Love your story update soon fighting