
30-Day Trial

Bcs I am so stressed with all the school works and...I even forgot what I should do next... I decided to update again! Yay Haha lol. Anyway, thank you so much for reading this! (Don't forget to comment or subsribe if you like it huehue thank you!!! /throws hearts)



Through the help of Min Yoongi, whom we would be calling Suga starting from now for I am too lazy to type his whole name, Mia got home safely. Through his help, Mia also realized that she actually got lost and that's how she was able to get to the Everyday Cafe. Lastly, through Suga's help, she was able to search on google...

"Uhm...But I need a phone right now...I need to search something on google..." She said innocently.

"What? So you need a phone just to search on google?" Mia nodded. Suga gave her a look as if to say: You're weird, aren't you? Mia just shook her head not knowing why his face was like that. Anyhow, Suga sighed and said, "Aish, I think you'll be another stressful empolyee"  Mia didn't know why he said that. She didn't understand. But the important thing was, Suga let her borrow his phone. "Here, borrow my phone. Just search there," He said as he got his gadget from his pocket.

Mia didn't know how to thank the generous man. She was so grateful for the very simple good thing he did. "Th-Th-Th-THank you! Thank you so much! Thank you very, very much Manager Min Yoongi the Great!" She exclaimed with great joy.

"Please add 'Swag' at the end." He said as he felt so great with himself.

Mia got Suga's phone but she just stared at it. "Wae?"

"Uhm...may I do you use this?"

Suga lifted his left eyebrow as he looked at Mia weirdly. "Wtf? Where are you even from? Jupiter? Mars?" Suga didn't know that even if we're already living in the age of technology, someone doesn't still know how to use a simple phone.

"Uhm no...I'm from hea---" Mia stopped. If she were to say heaven, Suga would surely think she really is a weirdo. So, the innocent angel just shook her head, looking really naive.

Yoongi saw how innocent this girl was, so he tried his best to control his impatieness, if there was such a word, temper. He got his phone back and asked her what would she search. "Where to find true love" Mia, without any pause or thinking, said.

Suga then gave her a are-you-serious-look and Mia nodded. The guy just sighed very loud and just typed what she had said.

"There, choose any article then read it." Mia did what he said, but she could not understand anything written there. Maybe she could not relate? She didn't know.

She then saw a quiz and tried it. It was titled : When will you find your true love.

In the end, the answer was 18 years old. She then thought about it again and realized, "How could that be? If I am already 400 plus years"

Till she got home, she was still thinking about that.

Mrs. Seo was not yet at home, and for sure even Jiyeong.

As she was thinking and thinking, she went to the guest room where Mrs. Seo let her stay. She changed her clothes and went to Jiyeong's room, whishing and hoping that Jiyeong was already there. She wanted to formally say sorry to her because she used Jiyeong's sweater without asking permission the other night.

And yes, she was there.




"Jiyeong-ssi!" She said when she saw Jiyeong lying on her bed. Sleeping soundly, Jiyeong didn't wake up. Mia went closer as she stared at the sleeping ill-tempered young lady. She looked really calm and angelic, rather than the badass or the delinquent Jiyeong.

"Jiyeong-ssi...sorry. I'm sorry that  I wore your sweater...Promise! I would never ever wear your clothes without asking permission! I'm sorry..." Mia patted her head when she suddenly felt that Jiyeong was burning hot. "O-Oh no...why are you so hot...don't tell me..."

Mia suddenly remembered her guardian days when she was guarding a little boy. One day, that boy got sick and got really a high fever. "Eomma...will I get better...?" She remembered the boy asking her mother.

"Yes, my dear Jiminie, you will get better..." Her mother would calm the little boy as she put a warm small towel on his forehead. Mia had seen how the mother took care of his son until he really got better.

"Ah!" Mia quickly went down and prepared the things like the mother prepared for his son. She came back to Jiyeong and did exactly what the mother did. "So that's why I didn't see you after you were asked to go out of the classroom..."

Jiyeong slightly woke up and even if she was sick, she still had the energy to glare at her. "Jiyeong-ssi! Are you okay?"


"Pardon? Ying? Whose Ying? Oh no, I'm not Ying. This is Mia, Jiyeong-ssi."

"...Stupid! I're annoying! Go out of my room!  Freak!"

Mia got slightly hurt of what she had said. Yes,  just slightly for maybe she was still oblivious about some things. Like how did she become annoying? Is it because of what she had done? But isn't that too shallow? Or maybe not for Jiyeong.

Mia shook his head and smiled at her. "Nope, I won't leave"

"What? So you really want mo to kick you out of my room?"

"But how will you do that if you can't even stand up properly?"

Jiyeong wasn't able to answer right away. She was embarassed because that was the truth. She was too dizzy to stand up. She was red because of her fever, but got even redder because of her embarassment.

"Ugh Shut up" Then Jiyeong wrapped herself with her blanket not only to sleep again, but also for she was so tired because of how bad she was feeling.

Mia felt a little comfortable with Jiyeong because of how she just acted. Jiyeong is still just an 18 year old child of Mrs. Seo. She's not always rude. She's not always someone who likes to fight. She also has this side.

Mia stayed with Jiyeong until the grumpy girl fell asleep. Before she knew it, she, too, fell asleep.



It was already late when Mrs. Seo came home for they  had a meeting with the teachers. She went upstairs, knowing that her only child and Angel 10215 were already here. She slowly opened the door and saw the two sleeping soundly. Mrs. Seo could not help but smile.

"It looks like Mia would be able to find her true love early, huh?" Mrs. Seo whispered.

"I hope so," A shadow answered. "By the way Gia, how's being a human?"

"'s hard."

"I told you. You shouldn't have asked God..."

"But it's fun!"

The shadow scratched his head and made a deep sigh. "You know what? Sometimes, I don't really understand you. Oh well, I must go back now. 'Till next time. Take care of your health okay?" She smiled as the person Seo Gia was talking to, disappeared.

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Kylie_bearrrr #1
Chapter 38: I really hope you post an update soon!
Chapter 36: still loving it ♥
sacredlotus- #3
Chapter 34: *is excited for the next chapter*
Chapter 1: currently reading this ❤️
_riel_ #5
by the way, is this inspired by High School Love On?
_riel_ #6
Chapter 34: OH HELL NO
Chapter 34: While the people on earth are mourning Mrs. Seo, she's actually happy haha. Kinda sad though. I was hoping to see more of Mia's reaction to Mrs. Seo's death, but that's okay. This is more about Jiyeong after all.
_riel_ #8
onlynaeun13 #9
Chapter 33: When you gonna update?i really like your story
diemsee #10
Chapter 21: From the way you constructed your sentences, I'm guessing you are a Filipino.