
30-Day Trial


"Eh but it's such a waste. You're not paying me anyway..."

"BUT..BUT...HERE! I HAVE MONEY!" She showed the envelope that she just got from Yoongi earlier. She got Jin's hands, put the envelope on his palm then closed it. "Wow" Jin said amazed. However, he gave the envelope back to Jiyeong. "Unfortunately, I already rent your room to someone else..."

"How...How dare you! Can't...Can't you just tell that person to go away?" Jiyeong looked really furious and frustrated.

"Are you crazy or what? I can't simply shoo someone away just because you have money to pay me"

"But! But! My time! My effort! Everything was wasted! Aghhhh!" Jiyeong wanted to break plates and ruin everything that she would see. She was so frustrated that Jin rent the room that was supposed to be hers without telling her beforehand. If only she doesn't respect Jin highly, she would've punched him already. Maybe not even just a punch, but made him a punching bag. Fortunately, she does.

"I'm really Jiyeong-ssi, but if you want you can stay at the salas though"

"What? WHat? Wait what about my things?!"

"We have actually placed it here already" Jin pointed at one corner of the living room. Jiyeong's eyes widened to see that her things were legit there.

"WTF." Then someone suddenly went out of the rooms because of the noise outside. "What iz the commotionz aboutz?" It was Jung Hoseok who was awaken by the voice of Jiyeong.

Because I'm a lazy authornim, I let the two explain.

And so...

" that so? Well if you don't mind Jiyeong-ssi...what about you stay in my room?" Hobi suggested.

"'re gonna stay at the living room?" Jiyeong's eyes turned from dispair to hope. All of a sudden, she felt quite guilty for the attitude she would always make towards J-hope. She realized how good Hoseok as a friend is.

"Hahaha lol no. Of course you're going to sleep beside me~~" Hobi made a heart out of his hands then danced as if he was a mad horse. Jiyeong suddenly got Jin's spoon then hit Hoseok on the head as she said, "F U." She realized again that Hoseok's such a crazy person.



"Sunbae! Please! Let me stay here! Don't you have a room that has at least 2 beds? I don't want to go back to that house!"

"Jiyeong-ssi! That's your home! Your family's there! Your mom is there! She needs you there!"

"No she doesn't! Besides, Mia's there! And...have you forgotten? She was the one who even told me to go away?!"

"What the Jiyeong-ssi? Can't you still move on from that? It was like years ago!"

"No I cannot and will never!"

Jin wasn't able to speak further for he was too fed up with Jiyeong's stubbornness.



"Will Jiyeong not really go home?" Mrs. Seo asked Jin on the phone that later night.

[I'm really Mrs. Seo, but Jiyeong's really hard-headed. She really doesn't want to go back there no matter how many times I told her to. I even let someone rent her room here so she won't have a choice but to stay there. But then, she's really stubborn. She even played at the cafe just to earn some money to pay me...]

"Is that so...Sorry for the bother Jin-ssi..."

[No, no it's okay Mrs. Seo. She's not really a bother though. I'm already used to their stubbornness. It's just quite hard dealing with her temper sometimes...]

"I'm really sorry..."

[No it's okay] Mrs. Seo breathed deeply from the phone. "Please take good care of my Jiyeong, Jin-ah?"

[Yes I will]

"Thank you..." Mrs. Seo ended the call. She sighed deeply again. She felt like it was her fault that Jiyeong would keep distance from her. If only she didn't do that. If only she was not swayed by her emotions back then. If only she thought first before saying something...


"Jiyeong! Why are you like this? You made a problem again! This school year hasn't even started yet it would be my 10th time to go the principal's office because of your behavior! Ever since your father died you became like this! Aren't you embarassed? Because I AM!" Mrs. Seo shouted at the 14-year old Jiyeong.

Jiyeong wasn't supposed to answer back but then she wasn't able to control her emotions anymore longer. "It's me again! ME! ME! ME! It's my fault again huh? Why are you always blaming me for everything? Even the death of Appa! You blamed it to me! Ah yeah wait no, he's not my real father, right? Then who?! WHO? IF ONLY YOU DIDN'T ED WITH THAT GUY THEN I WOULDN'T BE HERE IN THIS WORLD! THEN YOU WOULDN'T HAVE A PROBLEMATIC CHILD! YOU WOULDN'T BE EMBARASSED! YOU WOULDN'T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING! WHY AM I EVEN LIVING HERE? I HATE IT HERE! I HATE IT I HATE IT---"


Mrs. Seo suddenly slapped Jiyeong. She wasn't able to control it. Jiyeong's words were too much. It was as if thousands of nails pierced her heart. "IF YOU DON'T WANT TO LIVE HERE. THEN LEAVE. YOU'RE JUST A BURDEN!" Jiyeong was shocked by the words that Mrs. Seo left. If Jiyeong's words were too hurtful, then the word burden was even more. Tears ran down from Jiyeong's eyes then she left the house.



Jiyeong wanted to stop crying but she could not. She didn't want these things to happen. She didn't want to be bullied. She just faught back. But then, they made her look as if she was the bully. Now, it was her fault again for fighting back.

Crying under the stars, she walked on the bridge alone. She wanted her tears to stop but it won't. She was cold and couldn't understand everything anymore. Why is everyone so cruel? She thought to herself. Jiyeong wanted to die. She felt useless. She felt like she was a burden to everyone. Why am I even alive? Is it always like this? Will it always be like this?

Meanwhile, in a not so very far place from her, Jiyeong didn't know that she was being guarded by her guardian angel. "Oh no...This is so sad. You haven't made peace with your mother and I need to get your soul any minute and bring it to heaven to see if you really belong there..." However, an emergency suddenly occured. She was called by her sunbae and needed to leave immediately. "Oh no!! What should I do?" Fortunately, Angel 4297 saw Angel 10215 who was flying around.

"Angel 10215!!!" She called. Angel 10215 saw her and flew to her. "May I ask a favor? May you please guard that human girl I'm assigned to? There's just a sudden emergency and I'm asked to go to heaven for a while! May you please?" Angel 10215 nodded as Angel 4297 flew away. "Thank you!!!"

Angel 10215 was left guarding Jiyeong, who suddenly thought of jumping off the bridge. "Oh no! Oh no! That's not right! Don't!!!" The angel looked for a way so as for Jiyeong not to commit suicide.

She looked around the bridge and saw a teenager walking by. Using her powers, her angel powers at that, she made the guy notice Jiyeong, which really did. "Hey!! Don't jump!" The guy pulled Jiyeong who almost jumped. She was saved thanks to Angel 10215 and the guy. "Yah! Don't ever do that again! Okay?" He said to the little Jiyeong. She was not on her right mind as she just stared at the guy. She was shaking and was teary eyed.

"Where do you live? C'mon I'm going to bring you home..." She didn't speak. She didn't want to say it. Jiyeong just shook her head as if to say that she didn't want to.

The young man did not know what to do with her. Was it the right choice to stop this girl from jumping? Should he give her to the police? Yeah maybe he should. "Then...I'll just bring you to the police---"

"No! Please...don't..." For sure, if she was given to the police, they would just bring her back to her mother. She didn't want that. She didn't want to go back home. "...I don't want to go home..."

"Eh? Why?" Jiyeong didn't speak. She was just silent as she looked down. Thinking that maybe she was abused at home, the guy thought of letting the little girl stay at their house instead. "Uh...if that's the case then... Maybe stay at hour house for a while maybe? I also have a friend who stays at home...both of you could get along well...!" He suggested. Jiyeong's eyes may look depressed, but there was a sudden spark of hope in her eyes. Maybe, it was not really the end of the world yet.

"Thank you ahjussi..." She said as she bowed.

"H-Hey wait...I'm not that old yet!" The guy said. Jiyeong looked at him and saw that he was wearing a school uniform. What's even more funny was that it was the same uniform at her school.

"Ah...sunbaenim..." She said. The guy was confused why she called him sunbae, but it was better than ahjussi so  did not contradict anymore. "Okay...I guess that's okay...Oh well I'm Jin by the way! Kim Seokjin! And you are?"



Omgg I haven't updated this for a while heuhue. I was supposed to actually update it a month ago but...I accidentally deleted the chapter so yeah it was postponed due to my laziness...ahahawbhawha. Anywayyy thank you for reading!!!! Wohhh! Hahaha thank you so much!!!!






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Kylie_bearrrr #1
Chapter 38: I really hope you post an update soon!
Chapter 36: still loving it ♥
sacredlotus- #3
Chapter 34: *is excited for the next chapter*
Chapter 1: currently reading this ❤️
_riel_ #5
by the way, is this inspired by High School Love On?
_riel_ #6
Chapter 34: OH HELL NO
Chapter 34: While the people on earth are mourning Mrs. Seo, she's actually happy haha. Kinda sad though. I was hoping to see more of Mia's reaction to Mrs. Seo's death, but that's okay. This is more about Jiyeong after all.
_riel_ #8
onlynaeun13 #9
Chapter 33: When you gonna update?i really like your story
diemsee #10
Chapter 21: From the way you constructed your sentences, I'm guessing you are a Filipino.