Yes, I am

30-Day Trial

"D-D-Doc...What happened to my eomma? I-Is she okay? She's stable, right? Sh-She's fine now right? Right?" The doctor was just quiet. His head bent down, feeling sorry. "D-Doc...Please answer me... S-Silence! Silence means yes right? So she's okay?" Jiyeong was shaking as she grabbed the doctor's coat.

"Seo Jiyeong, your mother had a sudden cardiac arrest and..."

"C-Cardiac arrest? B-But how? My mom's healthy! She's still to young...!"

"I'm sorry Ms. Seo but cardiac arrest can happen anytime and anywhere. According to the past records of your mother, she has already been suffering from heart problems in the past. Didn't she say anything to you?" No. She did not tell her anything.

Jiyeong didn't even bother to ask her mother if she's okay. She did not give her the chance for them to talk about such things. She didn't pay attention to her mother. Or if she did, she would get angry at her. How could Mrs. Seo say that she has heart problems?

Jiyeong shook her head slowly as she felt guilty about everything that she had done. That moment, she hated herself more than ever. "B-But Doc... She's okay now right? Right?"

The doctor stopped. "I'm sorry Seo Jiyeong, we did our best. Unfortunately, we weren't able to save your mother. I'm sorry..."

Jiyeong stopped. She tried to smile but she couldn't. "Doc... You're joking right? Haha...please...tell me the truth. Please stop joking. This is not a joking matter..."

"I'm really sorry..."

"Doc...Please... Please tell me you're joking...please...please..." The doctor did speak no more. Jiyeong waited for him tell that he was just joking. But nothing came from his mouth.

Jiyeong's hands on the doctor's coat loosened slowly. She fell down on her feet and Mia caught her. Her world, as if was hitten by a wrecking ball or a sudden earthquake, crumbled. She couldn't believe that this is actually happening. All she was hoping was to wake up now from this nightmare.  She leaned on Mia as she kept on crying. "'s not true right? It's not true..." Jiyeong said with a quavering voice.


"PLEASE TELL ME IT'S NOT TRUE..." Mia didn't know what to say. She just hugged Jiyeong as the both of them cried. "Eomma....Eomma..." Jiyeong kept repeating this words as she herself collapsed.



"God... You said everything happens for a reason. But...But... Why did you took Mrs. Seo? Why now... Mrs. Seo is Jiyeong-ssi's only family...They're not yet on good terms....God... They still need to make up...But why...? Why now?" Mia prayed revently as she sat on the hospital's chapel alone. A tear suddenly dropped from her eye. Then another, and another, until she was crying again. She was deeply hurt and sad for the sudden death of Mrs. Seo. Thousands of needles pierced her fragile heart.

She knew that she will be hurt in the human world. She knew it from the very start, but she didn't know that it was this painful.  Just a few days ago, she thought being bullied was the most painful experience she could experience on Earth, but no. She was all wrong. She didn't know that loosing someone was way more difficult. Now, she understood how the love ones of the souls that she used to get feels. It is painful to let go of someone who became part of your life. 

Less than a month. Yes, it may be only less than a month that they were together, yet they already became a family. Mrs. Seo became important to Mia. She learned a lot from the co-ex angel, like her. If it wasn't for Mrs. Seo, maybe she wouldn't even know her true love, Kim Taehyung. 

"God...God... Why? What's the reason? Why God..." She kept asking God as if she will hear His answer to her. Sadly, she didn't hear anything but silence.



Different people, whom Seo Gia met, came to her wake.   Her life as a human may not be that long, but she had already experienced a lot and done a lot. It may be so sudden, but she was happy enough that she became a human. She was grateful that she experienced being one, no matter how hard it was. However, there was still sadness in her heart. She left her daughter all alone.

Many of Jiyeong's friends came to Gia's wake as well. Jimin, Seokjin, Hoseok, Taehyung, Suga, Jungkook and even Yein and some of those she had faught with. Whether it was to sympathize or to pretend to, Jiyeong didn't care. She didn't even care if there were even people coming or not. Mia was the one who took care of those who came to mourn.

For the three days of Mrs. Seo's wake, Jiyeong was staring at the picture frame that was in front. It was a picture of Seo Gia smiling. You wouldn't know if behind those smiling face, is actually a crying Seo Gia. What are you still hiding Eomma? Tell me now...Are you sad? How was your day? Are you tired? Do you want me to cook for you instead? Come Eomma...tell me anything. I'll tell you anything too... Jiyeong silently said to Mrs. Seo in her mind. She should have done this years ago. Now, it is too late.

Her eyes were swollen. She couldn't stop crying. Now that she thought of it, she realized what an she has been. Jerk? Idiot? Stupid? Fool? Douchebag? She had no words to describe herself, especially as a daughter. Now that Mrs. Seo's gone, she realized how important she was to her. It was only now that she knew how she loves her mother so much. I guess, things are really like that. You only realize the importance of it once it's gone.

Can she just go back to the past and change everything?

Isn't there any meteorite that would fall and give her powers to go the past?

Of course, there is none.

It's impossible.

This is not an anime.

Or a drama.

Or a book.

"Eomma...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." She kept on crying.




Is she too late?

Yes, she is too late.

Too late to say I'm sorry.

Too late to say I love you.

"Eomma....Eomma..." She cried. She was about to break when someone hugged her and gave her a warm pat on the back. Jungkook let Jiyeong lean her head on his shoulder as he tried to comfort her. "...Jungkook...Jungkook...I'm such a failure....I shouldn't have been her daughter. There are more deserving people out there...Unlike me. I'm worthless..I...I'm...such an ..." Jiyeong said miserably.

"Shh...Shh..." Jungkook caressed her head. "Yeah, Yeah...You're an ..." Even though she admitted it herself, she was still offended when Jungkook said it to her directly. "But you're not worthless... You are important. Everyone of us is."




Meanwhile, on the front door of Mrs. Seo's wake, there was Namjoon peeking. He sighed then faced Seo Gia. "Well then, mission accomplished, Seo Gia! You've successfully finished your mission on Earth!" He said.

"Thanks, thanks. But, hey Namjoon, what was exactly my mission?" Namjoon smiled and his eyes were no where to be seen. "It's a secret between me and God."

"Oh really huh?" Gia looked at Namjoon with a doubtful face.

"Yep Yep! By the way, how was your life as a human?" Gia thought for a moment. She reminisced all the things happened to her. "I guess... it's like a milk chocolate but with a jalapeño flavor?"  Seo Gia answered. Yes, it was a sweet yet spicy roller coaster ride. She was very much happy for the experience, but she was worried of her daughter. She left her daughter. Alone. Crying.

"Don't worry Gia, I will look out for your daughter. She will not be alone, I promise."

"Please do so. Please protect her at all times."

"Yes I wil."

"If something ever happens to her, I'll be the one to punish you to death!" She said in a joking tone, but she was serious.

"But Gia, I'm not even alive..."

"Oh yeah...I forgot. Sorry, I was just used to human life...Anyhow, please take care of Mia as well, okay?  Whether she became a human or not, protect her always. Help her adjust if ever she became one. Human quite hard."

"Yup! You can count on me!"

"Thank you Kim Namjoon. See you up there! Visit me once in a while, okay?" Seo Gia waved at Namjoon as she walked into the light.



Hey! Thank you for reading! Uwahh Thank you!!! Hahaha! Sorry for my grammar or something... Hue. I will edit it sometime in the future...Anyway please tell me if you're confused about something or anything...everything or nothing....or yeah ahahaha.  Sorry if the story line is...weird...or anything...or...(why do I keep saying anything or something... etc i should stop this it's getting weird)

Oh btw I inserted silv3rt3ar's English cover of Miracles of December. Isn't beautiful? Isn't it wonderful? Aw maaan. huehuehue. I hope it helped set the mood~~ So yeah~~

I'm sorry i really don't know what to say anymore ahahahaha so yeah thank you again! Thank you for reading!!! I really appreciate your comments hehe.

Oh and yes I'm a Filipino lol. HAHAHA

Okay I should stop now im so weird sorry my head's so high rn (but im not drunk okay...and I dont do drugs promise)

So again, Thank you!!!!


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Kylie_bearrrr #1
Chapter 38: I really hope you post an update soon!
Chapter 36: still loving it ♥
sacredlotus- #3
Chapter 34: *is excited for the next chapter*
Chapter 1: currently reading this ❤️
_riel_ #5
by the way, is this inspired by High School Love On?
_riel_ #6
Chapter 34: OH HELL NO
Chapter 34: While the people on earth are mourning Mrs. Seo, she's actually happy haha. Kinda sad though. I was hoping to see more of Mia's reaction to Mrs. Seo's death, but that's okay. This is more about Jiyeong after all.
_riel_ #8
onlynaeun13 #9
Chapter 33: When you gonna update?i really like your story
diemsee #10
Chapter 21: From the way you constructed your sentences, I'm guessing you are a Filipino.