
30-Day Trial

"Wait...Waittt Taehyung-ssi! Why are you pulling me?" Mia asked Taehyung as he pulled her going to the classroom. "Hwang Mia, just say the truth okay. Prove to them that you're innocent." Taehyung whispered to Mia as he pushed her inside the classroom. She entered the classroom confused. Something seemed different. Usually, during lunch, there were a few who would stay at the classroom. However now, almost everyone was in the classroom, looking at her.

She entered the classroom as she was being stared by her classmates. She felt akward. Weird. Nervous. Puzzled. "U-Uhm...What's happening...?"

"What's happening? What's happening? Well we just found my wallet inside your bag!" Said the girl who was walking towards her. Her name was Chung Jisoo.

"Eh? Why is your wallet inside my bag, Jisoo-ssi?" Mia asked innocently, not knowing what was happening.

"Aren't I supposed to be the one to ask you that? Why is my wallet inside your bag?!"

Chung Jisoo is one of the few people who you could consider to be perfect. She's very pretty. She has a perfect body. She's very kind and has a pleasing personality. She came from a very rich family, and not to mention she has a lot of friends because of her very friendly attitude. With these, she's really famous in the school. In addition, her father is one of the share-holders of the school they're studying at, so she would always be the favored one. She is  the last one whom you should go against with.

Well, no one would really go against her though for almost everyone likes her. Almost everyone admires her. Except for Seo Jiyeong, who really hates her. She doesn't care if she's from a rich family or whatsoever. She hates her and that's it. But when you think of it, Jiyeong hates everyone. So what's new?

"...I don't know...I'm also shocked that your wallet is inside my bag...Maybe you just misplaced it?"

"But I would always keep it safe inside my bag. I had never misplaced it!" Jisoo said.

"Or what if...she actually stole it?" Jisoo's close friend, Soojin, butted in. After she had said it, everyone whispered around, thinking that maybe Mia had really stolen it.

"Huh? I didn't! I didn't even know that there was a missing wallet..." However, they seemed unconvinced. "But there's already the evidence" Someone shouted from the back.


Mia was greatly puzzled on what's happening. How could the wallet get inside her bag without her even putting it in? She couldn't understand why people won't believe her. She didn't do anything wrong yet the stares of the others seemed as if she has just killed someone.

In just a while, Mr. Kim came and called Mia and Jisoo to go the faculty room. There, they were asked several questions separately.

"It was not me." Mia said with all honesty.

"Every suspect would say that. Hwang Mia answer me truthfully, was it you?"

"No it's not."

"Then why was Jisoo's wallet inside your bag?"

"I do not know, Mr. Kim." It looked like Mr. Kim was not convinced. He breathed deeply and tried not to get angry. "Okay then, go back to your classroom for the meantime." It was a miracle that Mr. Kim didn't shout nor errupted like a volcano. Or let's say, in these times, he would always stay calm.



Meanwhile in the classroom, everyone was quite noisy. They were all talking about what had just happened. They were all gossiping and blaming Mia without a strong evidence. Oh yeah, Jisoo's wallet being inside Mia's bag was a strong evidence. But was it enough?

Mr. Kim was supposed to be the next teacher for the next class. However, since he was still talking to Jisoo and Mia, there was no teacher during the period. It became a free period instead.

Jiyeong on the other hand didn't care about anything. She didn't care about what's happening in the classroom. As long as she's not involved, she would not care. She would usually not care. However, today was unusual. She didn't know what really happened though, nor the truth, but she couldn't understand why she felt like she believes in Mia that she didn't stole Jisoo's wallet. It was as if she was being biased to Mia. Maybe because she hates Jisoo more than Mia? But why was it that it was inside Mia's bag? Jiyeong couldn't understand how the innocent Mia, who thinks like a child, could even think of stealing.

"Jeon Jungkook," She called Jungkook, who was secretly playing a game on his phone. However, he just ignored her. Despite being ignored, Jiyeong still continued to talk to him. "Yah, were you here during lunch? Have you seen someone went near Mia's bag?' But, Jungkook didn't pay attention to her.

"Yah, you ugly big nose." She called--teased, but he just snobbed her.  He was always like this to her. Even at Jin's dorm, he kept on ignoring her.

Jiyeong became so full of Jungkook's snobbish attitude so she kicked Jungkook's desk and she successful got his attention at last. "Yah!"

"What?" Jungkook said in a y tone. His stare at her was really scary, as if he would kill her any moment. It even scared Jiyeong. Although a different scare. Not the type of scare when she was in the horror house.

"Y-Yah! Why are you so grumpy huh? Are you on your period? Or what? Just tell me I'll give you napkin! Or do you prefer a tampon?" Jiyeong looked as if she was joking, but she was serious.

"Shut up midget." That was the reply that Jiyeong was expecting. However he didn't talk back, rolled his eyes nor showed any signs of hatred towards Jiyeong. He just looked at her with poker face, then continued the game he was playing.

Jiyeong felt weird about how Jungkook's reaction. It was not so like him. Did she do something wrong? Yes, she did. She did a lot of wrong things to him. But then, Jungkook would not react like this no matter how evil  the things she has done to Jungkook.

"Tss. Do whatever you like. I don't care." She put on her earphones then slept. Jungkook looked at her when she was putting her earphones on, then went back to her game.



Mia went back to the classroom and she immediately caught everyone's attention. They looked as if they were judging her, which they were really doing. She couldn't understand why everyone was like that. How could they not listen to her despite her explanation?

Her feelings were mixed. She's sad because of what's happening. She's afraid of what's everyone was thinking. She's getting angry because no one wanted to believe her. In truth, she really didn't know what to feel. One thing for sure, she was not happy.

"Dear God...Help me please..." She prayed. Everything was confusing. Is this it? Is this the start of the crazy challenges like what Namjoon said to her before?



"Hwang Mia, when will Seo Jiyeong and the other dude will sing here again?" Suga asked Mia while she was on the counter, staring out of nowhere. "Hwang Mia." He called, but she was still staring.

"HEY! HWANG MIA." He threw a pillow at her which made her go back to the real world. "Ay...Uhm...Sorry! What is it?"

"Haay. I said, when will Seo Jiyeong and the other dude sing here again? I earned so much the last time they performed."

"Ah...I'm sorry. I don't know. I wasn't able to ask her again..."

"Is that so? Tell her okay?" Suga was supposed to go back to sleep but he was able to fight his laziness and asked Mia more questions. "Hey are you okay?"

"Ah? Uh..yeah..." She lied.

"When did you learn how to lie?"

"Eh?" Suga threw another pillow at her. It was one of his collections. "Hug that. Its fluffiness could help you feel better." Mia looked at Suga and she was able to smile a bit. "Thank you Manager Suga the Great Swag! Ah eh by the way Manager, I think I won't be able to go to work for a week...or even more...I need to clean the classrooms eh..."

"Eh? Why? You did some crazy pranks, didn't you? Aishh you're also a naughty lil kid huh? Haha okay fine fine. Go ahead. But make sure you have a replacement for the meantime." Suga slept again on one of the tables. Then Taehyung went to her after Yoongi left. "Is that because of what happened earlier?"

Mia nodded slowly as she was hugging Yoongi's pillow. "I don't know if it's okay to say that that's okay...but...Don't worry I believe that u didn't do it." Taehyung patted Mia's head using the end of the broom. Yes, the end of the broom which you use to sweep the floor. So weird right?

"R-R-Really?" In one way or another, Mia felt happy for at least, someone actually believes in her.  "T-Thank you Taehyung-ssi...!" Mia smiled at him. And Taehyung smiled back. Oh no Taehyung, because of your smile, Mia's heart started to beat fast again. "Yeah, yeah. But I'm sorry though because I don't know how to help you...but to believe in you." Believing? That's more than enough. Knowing that someone believes in you gives you hope that no matter what you will face, you can endure it. "Thank you!!!"

"Yeah, yeah whatever. You're so weird." Taehyung went back brooming as Mia asked herself, "W-Why...Why is my heart beating this fast again..." She touched her heart, not knowing that she was already blushing.





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Kylie_bearrrr #1
Chapter 38: I really hope you post an update soon!
Chapter 36: still loving it ♥
sacredlotus- #3
Chapter 34: *is excited for the next chapter*
Chapter 1: currently reading this ❤️
_riel_ #5
by the way, is this inspired by High School Love On?
_riel_ #6
Chapter 34: OH HELL NO
Chapter 34: While the people on earth are mourning Mrs. Seo, she's actually happy haha. Kinda sad though. I was hoping to see more of Mia's reaction to Mrs. Seo's death, but that's okay. This is more about Jiyeong after all.
_riel_ #8
onlynaeun13 #9
Chapter 33: When you gonna update?i really like your story
diemsee #10
Chapter 21: From the way you constructed your sentences, I'm guessing you are a Filipino.