
30-Day Trial

So before the hellweek starts (u know finals ;;) I'm gonna update again! HAHA yay!

Anyway! Thank you so much again and again for reading this! I am so grateful to you! /andi'msorryughmygrammarsucks?/ Please don't hesitate to comment down your thoughts and if you have any questions! I would gladly appreciate it! Thank you so much!


PS Doesn't this look like Bang Pd-nim ---? ( ´_⊃`)So cute right?  (◡‿◡✿)



To :  Jiyeong
From: Jiminion
Where u at? Hehehe I'm already here! I'm just in front of the Vikings! Ahehehe ><


To :  Jiyeong
From: Jiminion
Where u at, Jiyeong-ahh? ahehe :D:D:D


To :  Jiyeong
From: Jiminion
Jiyeong-ah! It's 11 am okii? Hehehe Are u still sleeping? It's 10:59! Ahehe ><


To :  Jiyeong
From: Jiminion
Jiyeong-ahh!! Where art thou? I need to poo! Sht! Faster Jiyeong-ahhh!


To :  Jiyeong
From: Jiminion
Oki I'm just kidding! I'll weyt 4 u :---)


Actually, there were more messages from Park Jimin to Seo Jiyeong, but I was just too tired to type everything, so pardon me. Anyway, Jiyeong did not reply to him; not even a single message for she knew Jimin would message him more. That was why, she turned her phone off instead. Besides, she was so irritated because of the flood messages of Jimin.

She rode the bus and sat on the vaccant seat near a window. Since yesterday, she became so interested with Hwang Mia's background. She couldn't understand but she wanted to know. She was so curious. It was a mystery that she wanted to solve. Because of the curiosity, she unusually ate with Mrs. Seo and Mia yesterday, just incase she would get something.

"Where did you get Mia?" Said Jiyeong out of nowhere while they were eating. Both looked at her as she waited for their answer. Their look was as if they wanted to say, What?

"What orphanage did she come from?" She rephrased her question. The two couldn't answer her. They couldn't say, "She came down from heaven." Jiyeong would surely not believe them. Moreover, it would confuse Jiyeong more.

"Uh...from Let's Adopt..." Mrs. Seo lied. It was just something that suddenly came to her mind. Maybe Jiyeong would be convinced with that.

"Is that so..." Jiyeong wanted to ask more. She wanted to ask why was it not written on Mia's papers? But, Mrs. Seo might just ask what was she up to? Why was she so curious? Jiyeong wouldn't have an answer for that. She, herself, didn't know.

Jiyeong stood from her chair and put her unfinished plate to the sink. Before she went upstairs, she stared at Mia first, which made Mia felt weird. She gulped, thinking that she must've done something bad again to Jiyeong. The cold as ice girl suddenly noticed something at Mia's shoulders. Actually, she had seen that before. She even thought why Mia had tattoo. But it was only now that she became interested at it. Je Suis Un Ange...


 Let's Adopt...

Jiyeong typed the orphanage that Mrs. Seo said a while ago. But then she was so bewildered when she found out that it was an animal rescue organization for dogs and cats. "What. The. Actual. Fck." She was so frustrated that she wanted to throw her laptop out of the window, but she couldn't. It would be a waste of money to buy another one. Money is important. Very important.

She thought that her mother might be playing with her. "Did she think I was joking?! UGH FREAK." She laid down on her bed and looked at the ceiling, feeling angry about everything. Then she remembered the tattoo on Mia's shoulder. "Je Suis Un Ange..." She said. "Is that some kind of...fraternity..." In a split second she sat up. She recalled that she saw something like that on her mother's shoulders too. "Are they aeithist...or something?! What the fck does that mean?!" She went to her computer again and searched for the sentence.

"I am an angel...? Whut?" She became more mystified about what's happening. "Don't tell me...they are angels." Nope. not really. There were angels once. Although in Mia's case, it was still tentative. "So if my mother is an angel...doesn't that make me an angel too?" She paused for a moment. Lol no, Jiyeong. She's a human now; your father as well. Human + Human = Human.

Then, she suddenly hit her head on the keyboard of her laptop. "What the actual fck Seo Jiyeong? DO YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN THAT?" She was so frustrated. This was harder than Chemistry, or Geometry or any other subjects. "WHY AM I EVEN THINKING ABOUT THIS. ." So, she closed her laptop and went to sleep.



Wearing her black pants, a softball jersey shirt with a random shirt underneath, and a pair of sneakers, she went down from the bus when she was already at the bus stop near the BBCenter. It was a shopping mall, more like district, where people would usually buy stuffs, eat and do random things. She went to the Vikings restaurant, an eat-all-you-can restaurant at that, where she saw Park Jimin waiting. That restaurant was so expensive from what Jiyeong knew. If only Park Jimin said that he wanted to be treated there, then she should've brought more money.



He was just there casually waiting, with his casual clothes. She saw him looking up at the sky and looking at his watch. He looked as if he was really waiting for so long, like since forever. "Hey," Jiyeong called him. Jimin looked at her immediately and his tired face changed to a smile. He was so happy to see Jiyeong. He thought, because she was so late, she would ditch him, but she didn't. It was a miracle. "Jiyeong-ahhh!!!" He was supposed to hug her, but she dodged, and hugged himself instead. "You're so mean!"

"What? You are mean! You didn't tell me you wanted to eat there...at that expensive...sht! I don't have much money--" Jimin pulled her at the beside ice-cream stand while she wasn't done talking yet. Yes, he only wanted ice-cream. "What? You only want ice-cream? Then I should have just bought you an ice-cream from the caf yesterday! You wasted my money for transpo!" You know, she's in need of money. She wanted to rent at Jin's dorm.

"But that's not the only reason why I asked you to come here"

"Then what?"

"Because...there's a new horror house that have just opened!!!"

"Horror house? What? You told me I'll only treat you food! Ugh! Go there by yourself!" That was only an excuse of Jiyeong. The truth is, she was scared. She may look tough, but she's still scared at some things.

"Don't worry! My treat!" He pulled Jiyeong, but she resisted by sitting down on the floor like a kid who's having a tantraums. She really didn't want to act like a kid, but she really didn't want to go to that Horror House. "EHHH PARK JIMIN!"

"Come on!!! Stand up Jiyeong-ssi!!! Let's go!!"

"Are you ordering me what to do? You want me to punch you? HUH?"

"Please Jiyeong-ssi!!! Just this time! I already have tickets! See?" He showed the two entrance ticket to Jiyeong, but Jiyeong did not care whether he had tickets or not.

"Then find someone to be with you!"

"But I want you!"

"But I don't like you!'

"Come on!!!"

"EHHHHHHH" But she couldn't do anything anymore for Park Jimin dragged her.




At first the horror house was covered in total darkness. As they continued to walk, some lights were , yet it was still creepy. A very cold temperature was felt inside, as if there were really ghosts around. Adding to the terrifying horror house was the sound effects that would really scare someone. Moreover, left and right ghosts and zombies were showing; to shock and to frighten customers. "UGH F U PARK JIMIN. IF U LEAVE ME ALONE, MARK MY WORD I WILL REALLY BEAT YOU UP LIKE THAT FCKING ZOMBIE OVER THERE." Jiyeong just finished saying that when a white lady, who was really so ugly and creepy and sht, suddenly surprised them as in face to face.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" It was Park Jimin who first screamed. He suddenly ran away, leaving Jiyeong behind.

"UGHHH MUDER FKCER PARK JIMIN! F U TO THE MOON AND BACK! FSDFSDHFVSGFF WHY DID YOU FLKSDMFKDS DON'T U EVER SHOW UP TO ME FSKLDMCFKDS BCS I WILL KILL U JFSLKDMFCKDS FREAKFSDLKFD DAMN U FSKDJFLKDS ILL PULL UR BONES APART FLDSKJFKD" It might be too harsh, but it was her only way to at least, in one way or another, remove her scaredness;  even if it was only a percent of it.

 Jiyeong was now alone, walking in the midst of the darkness. "Okay...you can do this Seo Jiyeong...don't worry...they're just people...dressed like monsters..." She slowly walked and turned left to continue to the other room. When she looked at the mirror inside... "AHHHHHHH" was the only thing she could say. Then, she stopped. "OH DAMN. IT WAS ONLY ME." Yeah, she was scared of herself.

She continued again, when all of a sudden, someone held her foot. "AGHHHHHHH MOTHER FATHER AGHHHFSADLKFMCDS SHEET OF PAPER OH MYGSDFASAGSDGFSH" She kicked and slapped and punched the ghost who held her foot. Poor human, he was just doing his job but he was abused.

However, it didn't end there. When he looked up, a zombie was there right in front of her. "" She ran away, but it was backwards. She ran away going to the entrance, rather than going for the exit. She wasn't able to think right where she must go. She was too scared.

She ran and ran as the zombie ran after her. Then the Run by BTS played.






Okay just kidding. It didn't. I just really want to insert that.

Anyway, she ran backwards until she bumped to the group that was supposed to be next to them. "AGHH KILL THAT ZOMBIE. MY GOD THEY'RE SO UGLY! KILL THEM!FASDLKFJD" She shouted at the group of strangers, whom she didn't even know. She was leaning back at them with her eyes covered. "AGHHHHHHHH"

"Miss, please calm down. No one's running after you." One of the strangers held her shoulders. She removed her hands from her face and looked. The zombie wasn't really there anymore. "But...a while ago..." She didn't know that the zombie actually tripped while running after her, that's why.

She sighed in relief for the zombie wasn't there anymore, and for she had people that could accompany her now, even if she didn't know them. "Let me join your group..." She bossingly said as she turned to the group she ambushed. "...My friend left me---" Then she stopped. "Oh freak.."

"Jiyeong-ah?! JIYEONG-AHHH!!!!" J-hope suddenly hugged her. Yes, it was Jung Hoseok.

"Jiyeong-ah? You're here?" Said Jin. Yeah, it was Kim Seokjin.




 A/N: There isn't a real BBCenter. Well idk maybe there is but i just invented that. However, there is really an all-you-can-eat-buffet Vikings haha it's really yummy there and quite expensive. Wait actually  it is not really tho bcs it's really worth it. The food are all so so woow.. So many...like woah and delicious. (Idk for the others but for me) Oki that's all TY!


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Kylie_bearrrr #1
Chapter 38: I really hope you post an update soon!
Chapter 36: still loving it ♥
sacredlotus- #3
Chapter 34: *is excited for the next chapter*
Chapter 1: currently reading this ❤️
_riel_ #5
by the way, is this inspired by High School Love On?
_riel_ #6
Chapter 34: OH HELL NO
Chapter 34: While the people on earth are mourning Mrs. Seo, she's actually happy haha. Kinda sad though. I was hoping to see more of Mia's reaction to Mrs. Seo's death, but that's okay. This is more about Jiyeong after all.
_riel_ #8
onlynaeun13 #9
Chapter 33: When you gonna update?i really like your story
diemsee #10
Chapter 21: From the way you constructed your sentences, I'm guessing you are a Filipino.