Shades Sunbaenim

30-Day Trial


"By the way I'm Namjoon. Kim Namjoon. I'm also an angel like you, Angel 10215."



Mia stopped. opened. She could not believe. Like woahhh theree. She was not expecting another angel to be a human. She didn't know there were more angels who had the same dream. " you're also an angel who became a human...?" Mia found it really cool.


"Eh?" She was confused. What does he mean? Did he mean that he wasn't successful in becoming a human? "Wait so... you tried the trial but you weren't able to find your true love?"

"Not either. If I tried the trial and I was unsuccessful, then I shouldn't be able to come in the human world."

Mia become more and more puzzled about the guy with shades. " what are you...? Why are you here? How did you know me? How..." Asked Mia confusingly.

"I'm Seo Gia's friend. Even if she chose to become a human, our friendship remains strong. We remain to be connected. And yeah, she would tell me about you. Besides, God asked me to check on you every now and then."


"Give me a cup of coffee and I'll introduce myself further, as well as say my purpose for coming here."



Mia gave Namjoon what he ordered. It was a Latte with a latte art on top. Namjoon laughed when he saw it. He found it really cute. "Mia-ssi, really"  The art wasn't as perfect as it was supposed to be. It was supposed to be a butterfly but it turned out to be  a fish for some reason.

They both sat down on one of the tables. Fortunately, there weren't anyone inside, except for the soundly sleeping Yoongi, and the both of them. Mia could relax and no one would be weirded out because of what they would be talking about.

"Like what I said earlier, I'm Kim Namjoon. But I guess, you know me better as Rapmon, right?"

Mia's eyes and mouth  opened so wide. It was so unbelievable. "Oh my...Y-Y-Y-You're that person?! Y-You are... Shades Sunbaenim?! Oh my...Oh my..." She was fangirling with all her heart. Namjoon was one of the most respectable angels in heaven. He was admired by a lot of angels. He was known for being such a good mentor for new angels. "M-M-May I have a fan sign...? Please? fnsadlkfjdsk I'm a big fan of yours!" Namjoon laughingly agreed and signed on a tissue paper. She was so excited that she she would get anything writtable as long as she would be able to get Rapmon's signature.

When Namjoon finished signing the tissue paper, Mia's eyes sparkled in awe for this was the first ever signature that she had from Namjoon. "Oh my...Oh my..." Said Mia, as she fangirls over the tissue paper.

"Okay that's enough 10215 lmao." Mia stopped and looked at Namjoon when she realized that she was acting weirdly already. "Anyway, lemme tell u something, Angel 10215. Did you know that as angels, we can appear to those angels who have became humans?"


"Yup, that's why I'm here. That's why you can see me. I ain't no human nor an angel who failed the trial. I'm still an angel; a true angel." Mia was overwhelemed by these informations. She didn't know all about these. "However, angels can't appear to humans. Only to those who have trained how to do it, and only the chosen ones; like Gabriel Sunbaenim, you know him?"

"Ah! Yeah! Yeah! He's very famous! He showed to Mother Mary before, right?"

"Yup. That's right." Mia was so amazed at everything. She was like an innocent girl learning for the first time about animals, colors and numbers.

"Oh well, I didn't come here to explain these things to you, but to see how you are going. So, how are you?"

"Me? Uhm...I'm very much okay! Hehe..." Mia said smiling.



"It has not yet been a week since you've been here on Earth. You have not yet experienced the more challenging and crazy things here on the human world. Are you sure you still want to continue this trial?"

"Yup!" Answered Mia with sincerity and confidence in her mind and heart.

"Have you found your true love? Or any ideas about it at least?" Her bravery started to fluctuate. She started to think twice. "Uhm...not yet..."

"So are you still sure about this trial? Remember, once you have not accomplished what you need to, you will never ever be a human again. Even interacting with them would not be allowed. You cannot be a guardian angel anymore. Worse, those people you have met here, will forget you. Everything and every single piece of memory of you." Mia suddenly shivered in what she just heard. Should she fail, everything that she would create here on Earth would be forgotten. Will I still do this? She asked herself.

"So Angel 10215, are you still going to continue?"

She looked down. Thinking through about everything Namjoon said. Mia sighed deeply. "Yes, I'll still continue."

"Hmm is that so? Okay then" Namjoon stood up. "Thanks for the coffee! I'll be back again sooner or later to ask you the same question! Alright? Bye!" In just a wink of an eye, Kim Namjoon suddenly disappeared out of nowhere. Mia tried to look for him around, but he was really gone.



"O? Have you calmed down? Aish, you're such a hot-headed girl"  Said Jungkook to the slowly cooling down volcano. They were on a fast food chain quite near the Horror House.

Jiyeong didn't reply to him. She just continued sipping the drink she was drinking bought by the unusually generous Jeon Jungkook. When she noticed she was already sipping nothing but ice, she stopped and instead got the whole fries infront of her and ate it all up. 

"Ugh ." She swore when she finished the food. She looked calmed down already, to the point that she ate Jungkook's food as well.

"How dare you. Damn you!" Cursed Jungkook at her. When she felt that he was swearing at her, she glared at him. As if to say, Are you saying something? Jungkook controlled himself from fighting back at this girl for she might errupt again. It would be bothersome if the monster would lose its temper one more time.

"By the way, where's Jin Sunbae and Hobi?" She spoke normally and calm at last.

"I already messaged them to come here."

"Ok." Said Jiyeong coldly and sipped onto her drink again, but she remembered that she already finished it up. "Ugh." She noticed Jungkook drinking his soda. She wanted another drink. She felt jealous of Jungkook for he has not yet finished his.

Jealous. This feeling towards Jungkook made her reminisced the past; her jealousy of Jungkook's success before. She felt the guilt within her again. What have she done to her childhood friend because of jealousy, because of envy. What a small world right? Of all people, of all places, of all time, she met this person again. It seemed everything happened yesterday. Yesterday, where she stole the dream of this special childhood friend of hers.

However, She couldn't  understand why Jungkook was acting as if she has not done anything to him. Did he forgot it like her? But wasn't what she did to him was too bad for him to forget?  Or maybe he  couldn't recognize her anymore? Should she make him remember? Would that make the matter worse or not? The guilt inside her...was too much. She wanted to say sorry. But she didn't know how to.

"O? Why are you staring at me like that? You don't really have shame, do you? I already treated you, yet you even finished my food! Wtf dude"

"...Kookie the Great..." Jiyeong called Jungkook.

"Huh? What are you saying?"

"You're...Kookie the Great right?"

"Huh...Kookie the Great? Huh?" Jungkook looked as if he was trying to remember anything. But then, "Oh yeah, I remember my mom told me about it. She said people would call me that when I was like uhm... around 8 or 9?"

"She said? What do you mean?"

"I don't really understand it myself but she said, there was an accident before. I think I was about to hit by a truck? I'm not sure, but I had a trauma that made me forget everything---Wait why am I even telling you this? What the freak."

Jiyeong stood up all of a sudden. She didn't know that Jungkook's memory were lost. As in totally lost. She only knew that he had a trauma. She couldn't believe it. Mixed emotions filled inside her. She was happy for at least, in one way or another, Jungkook has forgotten what she had done to him. But she was also very much sad, for it means their memories as childhood friends were also forgotten. She felt hurt. "Wait...what...this can't you have also forgotten about me? C-Can' remember me anymore?" She tried not to cry, but her voice was cracking. She was deeply hurt. She didn't know why. She couldn't understand her feelingss herself. Her childhood may be the most regretful moment in her life, but it was also the happiest moment. Her world was crumbling. Her first ever and last bestfriend has forgotten all about her.

Jungkook looked at her confused. "Huh? Do we know each other...before? What the hell...!" He joked, not knowing how Jiyeong felt.

"Have you forgotten me? It's me! Ji-yah!"

"Ji...yah?" Then all of a sudden someone interrupted their conversation. "Eyo!! Woww! I want! I want!" Hoseok said as he was about to get some fries but there were none left. Hoseok and Seokjin came to their table as Jiyeong sat and stared at nowhere. "Oh mann!! Huhuhu---Wawawawait. Happened to her?" Hobi noticed Jiyeong who was not in her usual self. "Earth to Jiyeong? Earth to Jiyeong? Ey! Ey! R U Okay Jiyeong-ah?"

"Kookie-ssi, what happened?" Jin asked.

Jungkook shook his head. "I don't know. She was saying things I couldn't understand.---Is she really that weird?" Although he said he couldn't understand her, there was something that sounded familiar to Jungkook. He didn't know where he heard it, or when he heard it. But it sounded really familiar. He thought to himself.



Hello!!! Bcs Christmas is so near like in 3 days already, I decided to update again!  Hahaha lol! Thank you so much for reading! As in thank you! Thank you for your comments!


PS Have u watched BTS on ASC a while ago? jfslkdjfkdl omgj48ulk HAHAH oki bye TY!

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Kylie_bearrrr #1
Chapter 38: I really hope you post an update soon!
Chapter 36: still loving it ♥
sacredlotus- #3
Chapter 34: *is excited for the next chapter*
Chapter 1: currently reading this ❤️
_riel_ #5
by the way, is this inspired by High School Love On?
_riel_ #6
Chapter 34: OH HELL NO
Chapter 34: While the people on earth are mourning Mrs. Seo, she's actually happy haha. Kinda sad though. I was hoping to see more of Mia's reaction to Mrs. Seo's death, but that's okay. This is more about Jiyeong after all.
_riel_ #8
onlynaeun13 #9
Chapter 33: When you gonna update?i really like your story
diemsee #10
Chapter 21: From the way you constructed your sentences, I'm guessing you are a Filipino.