
30-Day Trial

After Mrs. Seo was burried, Seo Jiyeong kept herself locked inside the room; in her real home, where her mother used to live. She didn't go to Jin's dorm anymore for she was too miserable to go there, or even talk to anybody. At times, Jin and her "friends" would try visiting her, but she would refuse to talk nor at least go out of her room. She wanted to be alone. Undoubtedly, Jiyeong is such a strong person. She's brave and even fearless. However, this time, she was as weak as a withered leaf.

"Jiyeong-ssi?" Mia knocked on her door one time. "Would you like to eat? I've cooked something to make you feel better..." But Jiyeong didn't answer. She was just there inside her bedroom; lying on her bed, hugging her pillow.

Mia, knowing that Jiyeong was still grieving for her mother's death, just sighed deeply. She put down the food with her on the floor, in front of Jiyeong's door. "Jiyeong-ssi... I'll just leave your food here, okay?" Mia waited a sound inside Jiyeong's room, but nothing came. She breathed deeply once more then decided to rest on the living room.

She knew what Jiyeong was feeling. She understands her. If she herself was hurt badly of Mrs. Seo's death, what more to Jiyeong who is Mrs. Seo's daughter. It was a lot more painful.



"Yah" Mia stopped sweeping the floor, and instead of being surprised, she just looked at Taehyung with a blank face. Even though Mia didn't want to work for today, she could not for she was running after a deadline. Only 7 days left, or one week more, until the trial ends.

"..." Taehyung handed her a piece of candy. It was 3 candies of strawberries in shape. It was cute, really cute, but Mia didn't understand at first why he gave it to him. "...What is this for?"

"...To cheer you up... and put some energy on you. Don't worry it's really yummy..." Truly, Mia was so lifeless today. She tried to smile but cannot. Instead, a tear came out from her eyes for she just remembered Mrs. Seo.

Mia, thinking that it would really cheer her up, ate one candy as tears kept on falling down on her eyes. "Y-Y-Yah!! W-Why are you crying... again? Doesn't it taste good...? I-Is it bitter...?" Taehyung panicked.

"Oh no Taehyung, you made a girl cry. Tssss... So unmanly." Suga teased Taehyung by making him feel guilty. He went to Mia and gave her a pillow. "This is how you make someone feel better---Here," He said as he handed a very fluffy pillow. It was white and rectangular. However, Mia misunderstood and used the pillow to wipe her tears and sneezed on it.

"Wtf?! What did you do?!" That pillow was Yoongi's latest pillow that he bought on eBay. It costs a lot and he took care of it dearly. His world crushed when it was used only as a tissue.

"A-Ah? S-S-Sorry!"

"N-Nah... It's okay..." Nope it was not. Yoongi was just trying to undersatand Mia. He was just controlling himself to burst out.

"B-But..." Mia said as she was giving back the pillow to Suga.

"It's okay! Really... It's yours now... Go..! I have more pillows at home..." Yoongi answered as he avoided the part of the pillow where Mia sneezed. Although it was against Yoongi's will for his pillow to only be sneezed at, thanks to him, Mia felt better. Even just a little bit.



Mia got home feeling disappointed at herself for she has forgotten to tell Taehyung what she really feels for him. Although, she wasn't sure if confessing to Taehyung would really make her "avail this trial." It has been quite a long time since Namjoon showed up to her; thus not knowing what she should do.

When she arrived at home, she saw that the door was open. "Huh?" She asked herself confusingly. As she stepped inside the house, she suddenly felt worried. Things kept going inside her mind which kept her quite restless. She immediately went upstairs to look for Jiyeong, only to find out that she was not there inside her room. Jiyeong's bedroom door was open. Before she entered, she noticed the food she left this morning was untouched. When she came in, she saw that the bed was messy and there was no Jiyeong.

"W-Where did she go..." She looked for Jiyeong inside the house, but she was not there. She even looked for her under the bed, inside the washroom, inside her cabinet, but there was no sign of her. She tried going out to look for her around the house, or their area, but still, she couldn't find Jiyeong. "Jiyeong-ssi!!!"

It was quite unfortunate that Jiyeong left her phone on top of her bed because she wouldn't be able to contact her. On the other hand, it's still quite fortunate for at least she could get to call someone who Mia believes Jiyeong is close with.

Despite Mia not used to using such technologies, she was able to get through Mia's contacts. However, everything on Jiyeong's list has no name. It's full of numbers; except for one which is Kim Seokjin's. Yes, that's right. Maybe Jiyeong was just at Jin's dorm? Isn't that Jiyeong would always come there when she would run away from home?

[O, Jiyeong-ah? Are you alright now? Do you feel better...? Do you want me to come over there?---]

"Uhm... I'm sorry to disturb you but this is Hwang Mia. May I ask if Jiyeong's there with you?"

[Hwang Mia? Ah... Uhm she's not here... W-Wait she's not there?]

"When I came home, she was not here anymore. I don't know where she went to...I tried looking for her everywhere but---"

[W-What? Jiyeong's missing?!]

On the other side of the phone, at Jin's dorm, as they heard Jin's scream, everyone suddenly stood up. "Hyung... What do you mean?" Jungkook asked.

"Jiyeong's missing." Jungkook went out of the house in an instant.

Everyone knew that Jiyeong was not on her right mind yet. Her heart and mind is yet full of remorse and grief. It would be hard for Jiyeong to go out all alone. Something might happen to her---or she might do something to herself.



Meanwhile, no one knows that the person they were looking for were not really far from them. She was at one of the corner of the very narrow streets just a few blocks from her home. She was busy beating and getting beaten.

"Now that's what you get for being such a nosy btch!" Jisoo exclaimed.

Jiyeong was full of blood and bruises. She was already so weak, yet she could still find the strength to mock Jisoo. "AHAHAHAH fck u Jisoo. Oh! Look! It rhymes! HAHAHAHAH!" Jiyeong laughed like a lunatic. It was not a laugh of a happiness, but an evil laugh with a miserable feel. She was not on her right self.

"You're one 'lil crazy bthch!"

"'Crazy btch?! HAHAHAH Don't compare me with yourself. I'm not a dog like you HAHAHHAHWUHA"

"What the hell??? You're insane" Then Jisoo slapped Jiyeong without further ado. Jiyeong was going to slap back but she was stopped by Jisoo's so-called bodyguards. They held her arms so as not to come closer to Jisoo. "As if you can hurt me." Jisoo said to annoy Jiyeong even more, and she did. She tried to resist the body guards, but she was too weak. So, she spitted on Jisoo instead. "EWWW!" Jisoo screamed. "Dispose that btch! Join your mother!" She commanded them.

Because Jisoo insulted her mother, the bodyguards were not able to stop Jiyeong anymore. She got so angry that got out from the boydguards' grasps and attacked Jisoo with a pull on the hair.

"How dare you..." Jisoo fought back through pulling Jiyeong's hair too. They kept on pulling and trying to hurt the other until the security on patrol came near the narrow street they were on. Quickly, Jisoo with her guards rode their cars and left. "I'm not done with you yet." She threatened her before they left.

"As if you will ever be."

When the security came, Jiyeong hid at the back of the boxes stack on the side. She tried to stop herself from crying or making noise. Good thing they were not able to notice her. Hence, she was able to breathed comfortably when they all left.



Jiyeong walked and walked as she wiped the blood on her wounds using her shirt. Her body ached especially of those parts where she was hit badly. Her head also ached, but not her heart. In spite of all the pains on her body, she felt numb deep inside. With all honesty, she actually felt disappointed for the cops came. She wanted to be hurt more for she could not feel anything, even the most painful pain. She wanted pain, but she couldn't.

As Jisoo called her a while ago, she was truly like an insane person, walking and walking on the sidewalk. Not knowing her destination, she kept on walking. People were looking at her, especially that she was covered with wounds and bruises, but she dared not to care. She couldn't think straight. She didn't even know why she went out of the house. She was looking for something, but she could not see it. She was searching for something, but there was nothing.

Similar to when she was fourteen, when she ran away from home, she also came by on a bridge. In fact, it was the same bridge she came back then. She went over the railings of the bridge as she cried, "Eomma..."  She stared at the stars above and on the city lights in front of her. It was beautiful. She hoped that her life was as beautiful, but it was like the water below which she couldn't even see because of the dark. She looked down on the waters then a tear shed on her eye.

Finally, she jumped.








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Kylie_bearrrr #1
Chapter 38: I really hope you post an update soon!
Chapter 36: still loving it ♥
sacredlotus- #3
Chapter 34: *is excited for the next chapter*
Chapter 1: currently reading this ❤️
_riel_ #5
by the way, is this inspired by High School Love On?
_riel_ #6
Chapter 34: OH HELL NO
Chapter 34: While the people on earth are mourning Mrs. Seo, she's actually happy haha. Kinda sad though. I was hoping to see more of Mia's reaction to Mrs. Seo's death, but that's okay. This is more about Jiyeong after all.
_riel_ #8
onlynaeun13 #9
Chapter 33: When you gonna update?i really like your story
diemsee #10
Chapter 21: From the way you constructed your sentences, I'm guessing you are a Filipino.