Second Home

30-Day Trial


During the same day, Jungkook was going to his new home; the house of the son of the cousin of his mother. In other words, his second cousin. Actually, it was a dorm. Due to some circumstances, his mother asked him to go to Seoul from Busan to study there for the meantime. Since that son of the cousin of his mother was their only relative there at Seoul, the cousin of his mother let Jungkook stay at his son's dorm. Am I too confusing?

"Junghyun hyung brought my stuff there already?" Jungkook asked the person he was calling on the phone.

[Yeah. He was supposed to stay here for a while and wait for you, but he said he will be late for his flight, so he left immediately.]

" that so. Okay hyung, thanks"

[Oi Kookie, remember to stop at the THIRD bus stop, arasso?]

"Hahaha yeah I'll make sure not to get lost this time"

[Good. Good. Okay gtg. I'm still going to cook. Bye]

"Bye Hyung" And he ended the call. Jungkook rode the bus and saw that there was no more seat left, except for one. He urgently went to that seat before someone could take it away.

He saw the person he would be sitting with on the bus with the same uniform as his school. She was wearing earphones, but he could not see her face for her hair was covering her face while looking at the outside on the mirror. Jungkook didn't give a sht anymore and just decided to sleep. He wasn't going to get anything anyway whether he knew or not the person.



When the bus was reaching the third station, Jiyeong fixed her hair in a bun and removed her earphones to get ready to go down. Yeah, it was Jiyeong who was beside Jungkook. When Jiyeong turned to her side, she was very much surprised to see Jungkook beside her. "Wtf." He was sleeping very soundly to the point that his mouth was already open.

She didn't have any plans to disturb him, but his feet was blocking her way. "Damn" Jiyeong kicked his feet but he wouldn't wake up. She tried to kick him again, but nothing happened. "MUDER FUKER WHY WON'T YOU WAKE UP" She was already shaking Jungkook, but he just replied with a "mhm..."

When she heard  the bus door closing, Jiyeong became alarmed. "WAIT! I'M GOING DOWN! I JUST CAN'T GET OUT BECAUSE OF THIS GUY"

"Faster!" The bus driver shouted back at her.

"Ugh freak. WAKE UP!" Because of irritation, Jiyeong pinched Jungkook's nose so hard that he woke. He didn't actually wake up because of the pinch, but because of the wound on his nose, covered in band-aid. "OUCH!"


"..Huh? You were the one beside me?" Jungkook said. He was surpirsed that Jiyeong was the girl all this time. "How unlucky am I! Aish, I thought it was a hottie..." Jungkook sarcastically said to .

"I don't have time to chat with you. SO WILL YOU FCKING MOVE?!"

"Wait where are we?"


"Okay! Okay! Chill!" Then Jungkook let her pass so as to avoid being punched by Jiyeong. All of  a sudden, Jungkook realized that it was also the bus stop he must go down to. Thanks to Jiyeong, Jungkook will not get lost unlike what happened to him yesterday.

He stretched his hand when he had finally came down from the bus. He was energized from his nap that made him somewhat hyper. Because of the hype, he was very happy walking for he would be able to sleep again when he reached the dorm. However, his happiness slowly faded away. He noticed that the same route he was taking was also the same route Jiyeong was taking. "Why is she..." He thought to himself.

It was the same feeling Jiyeong was feeling. She felt that Jungkook was following her. She stopped at the corner of street and asked him, "What? Are you a stalker?"

"Huh? Are you a feeler?" Jungkook asked back. Jungkook went ahead of her and to her shock, the house Jungkook entered was also the same house she was about to go. "Oh" Jiyeong slowly shook her head.



"HAAAA? Why is that little monster here?! Hyung! SHoo him away! As in Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! She might do something with my nose again! Did you know hyung? She threatened my nose!"

"LITTLE MONSTER?!---Ughh! Jin Sunbae! Is he the new tenant you're talking about? My god! The reason why I'm not going home at our house because of irritating people then I go here to see another irritating person? Fck"

Jiyeong and Jungkook complained at the same time to the owner of this dorm, Kim Seokjin. Actually, his parents were the one who own this house, it's just that he was taking care of it. "Guys. Please be quiet. You're disturbing the others..." Jin said as the two kept shouting on each of his side.

"Quiet? QUIET? Oh my god hyung no way! Why is she here?! She said she has a house? Why WON'T SHE JUST GO HOME THERE" Jungkook said.

"UGH! See that sunbae?! He's irritating af! Doesn't he know the phrase, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS?!"



"WEHH. YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE MY NOSE IS BIGGER THAN YOUR HEIGHT" Jiyeong couldn't take it anymore longer and punched Jungkook. Because she has a little compassion, she just punched his face, and not his nose.

Jungkook was about to fight back but Jin suddenly hit them with his spoon. "STOP IT." It seemed like his spoon had magical powers for the both of them stopped for the meantime.



"You should be grateful that you're a girl" Jungkook said as he glared at Jiyeong, but poor Jungkook, he was hit again with Jin's magical spoon. "I said stop! You're going to start again!" He scolded him that made Jiyeong smirk for Jungkook was hit again.

"And you Jiyeong! Why are you here again?! Didn't I tell you to go home on your own house? Don't you know that your mom is always worried about you?!"

"Let her be" Jiyeong coldly said and was about to go to her room, but Jin pulled her and hit her with a spoon again. "Sunbae!"

"HAHAHA!" Jungkook laughed at her for Jiyeong was also hit for the second time. With glaring look, Jiyeong faced Jungkook and was about punch him again, but Jin was stronger than her to be able to stop her from doing so. "YAH! Seo Jiyeong. Pull yourself together. No matter how you turn the world upside down, she's still your mother. Go back to her. You should go home there, not here."

The little lady looked down for a moment then looked at Jin. It seemed like she was hurt, but too prideful to show it. "So you want me to go away like what she did to me?"

"...It's not like that..." Jin breathed deeply. He looked really mature in handling these things. "It' just that for me, if you really want to stay here, you pay! Don't be such a freeloader! Be a fair citizen of the world! You're the only tenant here who's not paying! If you're not going to pay me, then I'm going to rent that room of yours!"

"What if I don't have money to pay?"


"So...If I have money...I could stay here?"

"YE" Jiyeong smirked and immediately went to her room. But before she could enter, someone greeted her. It was someone who just came out of the room because of the noise he heard from the outside. "O! Jiyeong-ah!!!" He was about to hug Jiyeong when she threw a brief, that was scattering on the floor, at his face.

"Go away Hobi" And Jiyeong shut the door.


Ohmygoodness have u seen Bangtan's teassersfjakl huhuh i CRY I CRY THEIR HAIR COLOR. OHMYFD



huhu oki byee Thank you for reading!!


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Kylie_bearrrr #1
Chapter 38: I really hope you post an update soon!
Chapter 36: still loving it ♥
sacredlotus- #3
Chapter 34: *is excited for the next chapter*
Chapter 1: currently reading this ❤️
_riel_ #5
by the way, is this inspired by High School Love On?
_riel_ #6
Chapter 34: OH HELL NO
Chapter 34: While the people on earth are mourning Mrs. Seo, she's actually happy haha. Kinda sad though. I was hoping to see more of Mia's reaction to Mrs. Seo's death, but that's okay. This is more about Jiyeong after all.
_riel_ #8
onlynaeun13 #9
Chapter 33: When you gonna update?i really like your story
diemsee #10
Chapter 21: From the way you constructed your sentences, I'm guessing you are a Filipino.