
30-Day Trial

"Woaaahhh!! Fight! Fight! Fight!"  The students cheered as they circled the two students who were fighting early in the morning. Yes, early in the morning. The time when students were just about to go to school, there was already a duel happening.

"You know what, newbie? You don't have the fcking right to act superior when you're not! You're nose is already freaking big and you're making your head even fcking bigger!" Yelled the smaller guy between the two students who were fighting.

"Woahhhh" Everyone reacted in unison. They seemed to like the fight. They enjoy things like these, actually.

The other guy smirked and answered him. "You know what, you whoever you are? You don't have the right to act bigger when you're small like a minion, Shorty!" The new student took advantage of their height difference, which was a bad idea for it triggered his oppenent. The smaller guy was about to choke him, fortunately someone stopped him.


"Huh? You're the one acting superior! You're the one who bumped me, yet you're still the one who have the guts to challenge me! What a hot-headed minion..." The new student more.

"What did you say..." The smaller guy was not able to control it anymore. Even those who were stopping him, wasn't able to stop him anymore. He attacked the big nose guy and punched him. Unfortunately, he lacked height. The taller guy was able to avoid his punch. He then found an opening and punched the smaller guy which made him fell down. "Lol, still superior?"

"Damn you! Ugh!" He was like a bull with those smoke coming out of his ears. "Let's just see if you'll be able to act like that if she comes!" The new student was puzzled about what this guy was talking about. She? Who is she?

And speaking of the devil, as if a director called her on cue, she came in of the picture. "YAH!" She shouted. Everyone looked at her and made a way to let her in the circle. "What the fck is this?" She brought with her a baseball bat. It was as if she'll hit anyone who blocks her way; which she will really do if someone does.

"Oh yuhs! You're just right in time! Cmon' Teach that new student! Grr he acts as if he's so high and might---" He wasn't able to finish his sentence for the girl, feared by all, had put a bread inside his mouth which she got from a bystander who was eating his breakfast.

"Are you ordering me what to do? Huh? You shorty? It's still so early in the morning yet you're already making a ruckus! Oh my god Jimin. You're ing stressing me out, shorty!" It was so harsh. Yeah very, very harsh. Not only because she suddenly put a bread inside his mouth, but also because the things she had said, to the small guy, which was named Jimin. Park Jimin.

"Waw lwhok whosh thwoking. Dwhont fwhgoter ywhro whaflo smhal. Awyhm weheven twalerj thwan hwyou!" (Translation: Wow look whose talking. Don't forget you're also small. I'm even taller than you!)

"Are you saying something?" She asked but Jimin didn't answer anymore. Something bad might happen to him if he speaks up. So, Jimin just shook his head and swallowed the bread.


The young lady then went close to the new student. She faced him, face to face. However, since she lacks height, she was actually looking up while the new student was looking down at her.

After 20 seconds of akward silence, the new student suddenly laughed out loud. "Pfft!! HAHAHAHAAAHA" The girl didn't understand why he laughed. What's the matter? Did he think this is joke time? But, the girl is serious.

"What? That girl is what you're talking about shorty? HAHAHA But she's so sma---" Before the new student could finish, the young lady punched his nose which made his nose bled.

"Go. Continue. What? What are you saying?" The new student wasn't able to answer anymore while he was holding his bleeding nose. "Well maybe you don't know me," The girl went closer again. "Then I will introduce myself. I'm Seo. Ji. Yeong." Because she's small, she tiptoed to reach his ears. "Like what that shorty said, don't act all high ang mighty. You don't know who you are fighting with. Just try, and you will not only get that. Be grateful, I'm not in the mood..." She whispered. Then Jiyeong went back to the classroom as she carried the bat.



Jiyeong was seated at the corner back near the window. Ever since, she has always liked to be seated there for no one would notice her if ever she falls asleep; just like the first period Homeroom class. For her, it was boring. She was just wasting time. Why not sleep, right?

However, she suddenly woke up when she heard a name. "Annyeong! I'm Hwang Mia! Nice to meet you all!" Jiyeong glared at the new student as she was boiling hot. She was like a volcano starting to boil and any moment might just errupt. 'Damn. Why is she my classmate?!', she thought. She was so irritated because for sure, her mom was the reason why Mia was in her class.

She stared Mia as she was going to the back for the vacant seat. She saw that there was a vacant seat next to her, and another after an isle. 'Don't you dare...' She glared at Mia as if to say that.

Because Mia was technically already a human, she couldn't use her powers and read their minds. Nonetheless, like a human, she could already feel instincts. She felt what Jiyeong's stare supposed to mean.

Honestly, she wanted to smile at Jiyeong because at last, she knew somebody in the class already, but she's was scared of her stare. She still felt guilty about the other night, when she wore Jiyeong's sweater. Because of that, Jiyeong didn't sleep at home since that day. That was what she thought the reason why.

The good thing was,  Mrs. Seo told her not to worry. "Don't worry Mia-ssi. Whenever she doesn't go home, there's only one place where she would go to. She's safe there, at her friend's house."  Even though Mrs. Seo said that with a smile, Mia could still see how sad and worried she was.


Mia just decided to sit on the vacant chair after the chair next to Jiyeong. Jiyeong felt kind of relaxed for she will not be Mia's seatmate. She's doesn't like Mia, isn't it obvious? The first time she saw her, she didn't like her already. She didn't know why, but she immediately got angry with her. Well, she's always angry with the world anyway, what's surprising?

Jiyeong was about to sleep again when someone suddenly kicked her desk. "What the ? How dare you?!"

"Why are you sleeping?" She saw that it was the guy she punched earlier. Now, the guy had cottonbuds inside his nose.

Since Mia sat on the other vacant chair, the other new student sat beside her. Wow so many new students. What's up with them.

Jiyeong was supposed to not pay attention to the big nose guy, but the guy was so stubborn. "Yah! I'm still talking to you!"

"Mind your own freaking business."

"Wae? Oh and...you! Look what you have done to my nose! It's bleeding! Ugh! How dare you punch my precious nose!"

"Well it suits you! You look extra extra plus plus plus charming" Jiyeong said sarcastically.

"You 'lil brat!"

"F U"

While they were in an argument, Mia cut in them. "U-Uhm...guys...th-that's enough...uh..."

"What? Mind your own business. Just shut up Hwang Mia!" Jiyeong shouted at her, then Mia pointed to the teacher. Oh no. You chose the wrong subject to make noise. You shouldn't make noise in Mr. Kim's class. He's worse than a volcano errupting. He's more like an atomic bomb.




"This is your fault! If you didn't punch me, then I will not kick your desk and we will not shout at each other. Then we shouldn't have been kicked out of the class!" The new student blamed Jiyeong for what happened to them. He peeked at the window of the door while Mr. Kim was discussing. Meanwhile, Jiyeong was just leaning on the wall with her eyes closed. "It my first day here and I was kicked out of the class already...?! What the."

"So it's my fault?"

"Yeah. Great, you know that it is."


"Aish! I want to throw you out of the window!"

"Go ahead."

"Aghhh!!! I'll really hit you with a heavy metal until you loose all your teeth!" This time Jiyeong was already at her peak. The new student was so noisy that she could not sleep well.

"CAN YOU PLS SHUT UP IF ALL YOU'RE GOING TO SAY ARE FREAKING NONESENSE? SHUT UP OKAY. IT'S SO IRRITATING. I'M GOING TO SLEEP. JUST TRY WAKING ME UP, I'LL BE THE ONE TO THROW YOU OUT OF THE WINDOW. UGH. I DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO TALK WITH SOMEONE WITH A GIANT NOSE." The new student kept quiet, but, poor Jiyeong, she will not be able to sleep right away for someone came. It was Kim Taehyung. Yes, he arrived just now. It was already the third period. Yes. He's late. Very late.

"Psst Seo Jiyeong! Is it Mr. Kim's class already?" Jiyeong opened her eyes immediately and nodded. Taehyung smiled for he was just right in time. "Alright!!"

"Tsk. How will it not be alright if you would always fool him with your acting." And Jiyeong closed her eyes again. Taehyung grinned and opened the door slowly. He was scolded, but with moderation. It was not like how Mr. Kim would get angry at the other students. Favoritism? Yes it is.


"Wait so you're Seo Jiyeong right?" The new student confirmed when Taehyung entered the classroom. Jiyeong opened her eyes again and asked, "Yeah, what about you? What's your name?" Lol no. Just kidding. She didn't ask that. She will never do so. She's a cold person. She will not show if she's curious or not.

So instead, she looked at the new student's name plate for she was 0.99% curious, and the 99.01% was incase she met a witch and ask that witch to do some witchcraft magic on him.

Jeon Jungkook. It says.

'Jeon Jungkook...? Where did I hear that again...'

"Uh What?"

"Nothing. I said don't talk to me or I'll hit you on the wall." However, big nose is really a stubborn guy. He still talked to Jiyeong. Well it seemed like he didn't learn his lesson from this morning. "Seo Jiyeong, why are you reddening?" Jiyeong opened her eyes again, for the nth time, and defended herself.

"W-What? What the hell! I-I don't have any feelings for Taehyung okay..." Okay. She was too obvious.

"Whut? I'm not saying anything about that" Jungkook went closer to her and touched her forehead. "Oh my god. You're so hot"

"I know."

"What the dude not that. Ew---I mean you have a fever! You're temperature's so high!"

"What? No...it's not..."

"Let's go to the clinic."

"No I don't want to." But she had no choice. Jungkook dragged Jiyeong to the clinic.

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Kylie_bearrrr #1
Chapter 38: I really hope you post an update soon!
Chapter 36: still loving it ♥
sacredlotus- #3
Chapter 34: *is excited for the next chapter*
Chapter 1: currently reading this ❤️
_riel_ #5
by the way, is this inspired by High School Love On?
_riel_ #6
Chapter 34: OH HELL NO
Chapter 34: While the people on earth are mourning Mrs. Seo, she's actually happy haha. Kinda sad though. I was hoping to see more of Mia's reaction to Mrs. Seo's death, but that's okay. This is more about Jiyeong after all.
_riel_ #8
onlynaeun13 #9
Chapter 33: When you gonna update?i really like your story
diemsee #10
Chapter 21: From the way you constructed your sentences, I'm guessing you are a Filipino.