
30-Day Trial

3 days have passed since Jiyeong started living at Jin's dorm again through her persistence. Because Jin had already let someone rent the room that was supposed to be hers, she was staying inside Jeon Jungkook's room. Yes, Jeon Jungkook. It was not that she chose it or she wanted to, it's just that it was the only room that has a double deck and big enough for 2 people.

"WTF?! WHY WON'T HOBI BE THE ONE TO TRANSFER AT THAT BIG NOSE'S ROOM AND I'LL STAY AT THAT HORSEY'S ROOM?!" Jiyeong shouted. Did you get what Jiyeong is fighting for? No? Okay me too...

"Eh...but it's too tiring. I still need to transfer my things, my clothes and such! My god!" J-hope complained when Jiyeong suddenly shouted at him. "DO YOU THINK I'M NOT TIRED? I AM TIRED. I AM TIRED MORE THAN YOU AR---" Before Jiyeong could finish, Seokjin butted in.

"Yah! Seo Jiyeong! Will you stop shouting?!" Hoseok and Jiyeong stopped and looked at him. "What do you want? Go back to your real home, or stay here but sleep at Jungkook's room?" Jin asked her. She wasn't able to reply. She was speechless and the only thing she could do was breathe in and out very, very deeply.

"...Aishhh!" It was the only thing she said then she stamped her feet as she went inside Jungkook's room.



She entered the room and saw Jungkook lying down on his bed--more like lying down with his feet up-- and his earphones on. Jiyeong was weirded out by his position, but Jiyeong remembered he's really weird from the very start.

Speaking of Jungkook, 3 days have passed since Jungkook has been ignoring her for some unknown reasons. He wouldn't talk to her nor glance at her. He didn't even objected nor said okay, like he would used to, when Jin asked him if he could accomodate Jiyeong at his room. It was as if he didn't care, which was the truth. It was as if she was  a tree at the background.

The last time she rememebered was that they were quite okay already. That's why Jiyeong was confused why Jungkook suddenly became like this. "Oh well I think it's better like this. At least it's peaceful" She thought as she climbed up to the double deck and lied down. Peaceful? Was it really peaceful?



"Jiyeong-ssi!!! Jiyeong-ssi!!!" Mia called Jiyeong before she entered the classroom. She was supposed to ignore Mia, but she was too irritating. "What?" Jiyeong said snobingly.

"Here...!" Mia gave her a lunchbox as she smiled, not minding Jiyeong's y attitude. "Huh? What's this?"

"Lunchbox! Hehe Mrs. Seo said to give this to you...eh because we have noticed that you're not eating properly anymore...You always eat instant food right? So here!" Jiyeong got the lunchbox then she opened it. It was kimchi fried rice, a specialty of his mother. In truth, it was Jiyeong's favorite food...before. "She...cooked this?"

Mia nodded with a very bright smile. "Ah...Is that so..." Jiyeong went to the nearest window. She looked at Mia, who was quite confuse about what she's going to do with the food, although she was still smiling. But, this smile turned into shock when Jiyeong suddenly threw the food over the window. Even the people around were shocked because of what Jiyeong did. "W-W-Why...Why did you do that Jiyeong-ssi! It's bad to waste food! Why did you throw it? Mrs. Seo cooked that with her effort and love!

"What? Love? Corny." As if nothing happened, Jiyeong entered the classroom. Mia was left outside with pity on her face.



In a distance, Mrs. Seo have seen everything. She had seen how Jiyeong just threw the food she cooked for her daughter. It was hurtul. It was an effort that was wasted. She bowed her head down as she went back to the faculty room. It looked like hatred had really grown in Jiyeong's heart.

Before Jiyeong went inside the classroom, she noticed her mother. She saw how sad she was. She didn't know why but deep inside, she felt somewhat guilty. "No...No..she deserves it..." Her stubborn conscience said.



"Hay..." Mia sighed. "Hayy..." She sighed again. She wanted to relax her heart and mind from the academics , which she couldn't get and from the problem between Mrs. Seo and Jiyeong so she went to the rooftop to breath some fresh air.

"O, Are you giving up on this trial?" Kim Namjoon suddenly showed up out of nowhere.

"Shades Sunbaenim!" He was sitting at the edge of the rooftop with his shades on his eyes.

"You look problematic...What's the problem?"

"Hay..." She sighed again and again. "I think my brain's gonna explode because of that Math..." She cried. 

"Well, that's life, but practice is the key." Mia thought about what Namjoon said. Practice is the key huh? I hope practice could also work with her other worry.

"Practice? Should I practice to understand humans?" Rapmon put his shades up to his hairline and looked at Jiyeong. "Hm..Maybe?"

"But how? It's been like 12 days yet I still don't understand humans, sunbae. Why is it that even if someone would care about them, someone didn't even do wrong to them, or someone wants to simply apologize, yet they would still think badly about it? Why would they still think negatively? Why would they treat it as if it's not important? As if they do not care?" Mia leaned on the edge of the rooftop as Namjoon listened to her. "...I really want Jiyeong and Mrs. Seo to make up...I want their family to be complete again...physically and emotionally...But I don't know how..."

"Hay" Rapmon sighed as well. "I also don't know how. I'm not a human. It's for you to find out."

"Hayy" Mia sighed too. "Wahh...I feel like I'm the one getting hurt for Mrs. Seo...Why did she even choose to be a human? She would just keep on getting hurt..." Mia bumped her head slightly at the edge of the rooftop.

"Then what about you? Why did you choose to be a human?"

Mia looked up at Rapmon who was now standing at the edge, not afraid of falling down because he could fly. "Because...that's my dream...But I didn't know it would be this hard...this hurtuful..."

"So are you giving up?"

Mia paused. She thought. Then she breathed. She looked up. She smiled. "No. I will push this. I will not give up. If I wouldn't be able to see my true love, at least If I could see Mrs. Seo and Jiyeong happy, that's more than enough. It's okay if I won't be a human anymore...I just want to see them reconcile..."

"So you haven't found your true love yet?" Mia, for the nth time, sighed again. "Yeah...I still haven't..."

They listened to the wind that blew. They felt the relaxing air that it gave. They watched all the people from the view on the rooftop and the trees in front of them.

"But you know what? From what I can see, I think it's already there in front of you. You just need to open your eyes" Namjoon said out of nowhere. Mia was suddenly confused. She looked what's in front of her. "The...The tree is my true love...?"

Namjoon suddenly laughed. "HAahah Don't take it too seriously."

"Oh...Wait so...you mean...I already found my true love?" Namjoon smiled to say yes. He smiled so much to the point that his eyes wasn't seen anymore.

"So you mean...This trial is already okay since you said I already found my true love? I've passed the trial? I'll become a human now...?"

"Nope. Not yet. You yourself should know it first. Think of the answer as a code number for you to continue the trial."

"Ah...Wait..Wait I don't get it..." However Namjoon wasn't able to explain  it further for someone suddenly came to the rooftop and he disappeared.

"Hwang Mia!!!" Everything suddenly became slow-motion for uknown reasons. On Mia's view, Taehyung looked as if he was walking slow motion with the wind effects on his hair. There were flowers surrounding Taehyung which Mia couldn't understand why. "Taehyung-ssi..."

However, everything became normal motion again when Taehyung pulled her angrily.



"YAH! C'mon here! I was looking for you since forever! Oh my god!" Said Taehyung while Mia was greatly puzzled.



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Kylie_bearrrr #1
Chapter 38: I really hope you post an update soon!
Chapter 36: still loving it ♥
sacredlotus- #3
Chapter 34: *is excited for the next chapter*
Chapter 1: currently reading this ❤️
_riel_ #5
by the way, is this inspired by High School Love On?
_riel_ #6
Chapter 34: OH HELL NO
Chapter 34: While the people on earth are mourning Mrs. Seo, she's actually happy haha. Kinda sad though. I was hoping to see more of Mia's reaction to Mrs. Seo's death, but that's okay. This is more about Jiyeong after all.
_riel_ #8
onlynaeun13 #9
Chapter 33: When you gonna update?i really like your story
diemsee #10
Chapter 21: From the way you constructed your sentences, I'm guessing you are a Filipino.