Manly Bug

30-Day Trial

Hwang Mia knocked at the staff room door. No one was answering nor opening the door, so she herself entered the room. However, it was such a crazy move. When she entered the door, she saw  Taehyung dressing up. Although she only saw his upper body, it was still very shocking for Mia. It was the first time for the angel, as a human being, to see a man's body face to face. Oh no, her eyes!

Blood rose up to her cheeks which turned her face to red. She immediately went out of the room because of shock. Leaning on the door, she did the sign of the cross. "Oh my...what was that..." Said she when she, all of a sudden, fell backwards for Taehyung opened the door from the inside. Fortunately, Taehyung caught her. Hwang Mia blushed even more for an unknown reason. She didn't know if it was because of what she had just seen, or because V was too cute in a fairy...or a lady bug whatsoever costume. Either way, she felt so weird.



It was supposed to be a banana mascot but Taehyung protested that he didn't want to. He told Yoongi that the costume was so smelly and needs to be laundried right away.

"Is that so...okay then you won't be wearing the banana costume anymore." Taehyung was greatly overjoyed. He didn't have to suffer wearing the banana. However his happiness only lasted for seconds. "So in replacement of the smelly banana costume, wear this." Yoongi showed him a ladybug dress.

"What the hell is that"

"Duh. A dress?"

"Don't tell ain't gonna wear that... No No No No" Min Yoongi glared at him. That was why, Kim Taehyung had no choice but to wear the lady bug costume.



It took a while for Mia to realize that she was staring at Taehyung for minutes. "YAH! STAND UP!" And so she did. She couldn't understand why her heart was beating so fast. She touched her chest in case it would stop, but too bad, it didn't. 

"What's your problem? Why are you even here? To laugh at me?!"  Taehyung asked, who was in a bad mood. He didn't want to wear this stupidly crazy costume. If only, if only Yoongi didn't demand him to, he will not wear it. 

"Tsk" V was about to go out to advertise wearing the ladybug, but Mia called him. "Wait! Taehyung-ssi! You forgot your wand!" Taehyung grabbed the wand from Mia's hand then continued walking stupidly.

"Wait! Taehyung-ssi!" Mia called her again.


"Ano...ah eh...Sorry...because of're wearing that cute ladybug costume..." Thinking that everything was her fault, Mia apologized.

"Tssss whatever." Again, Taehyung was about to go out for real, but Mia called him back for the nth time. "Wait!" Mia gave him a pack of candies that she bought from the shop near Mrs. Seo's house.

"Huh? What's this?"

"Jelly beans! peace offering..." Taehyung rolled his eyes at her. He seemed not to forgive her, and looked really angry at Mia. She then felt sad. She didn't know how to make peace with other people. As an angel, it's quite easy. You can use those powers that God empowered, but for a human being, it's a totally different story. You don't have powers or anything. A lot of effort is needed.

However, to her surprise, Taehyung suddenly grabbed the candy from her and continued with work. "Taehyung-ssi..."




"Hey! Are you sure this is the street we're looking for?"

"Yeah...I'm sure."

Jiyeong double checked the poster she had. It said: Everyday Cafe. She looked everywhere, but there was none. "Aish! If you're just playing with me, I swear! I'll drown you to Han River. Mark my word." Jeon Jungkook threatened her.

"Go ahead." Jiyeong answered with pride.

"Aghruhfuhu" Was the only thing Jungkook was able to answer. He knew he won't be able to do it for she would surely drown him before he could drown her. "Aish!!! Give me that! Let me see!" When Jungkook  read the poster, he was greatly angered. "What the hell Seo Jiyeong! You're so blind! We're IN A TOTAL DIFFERENT PLACE!"


And so, they rode another bus going to the correct address of Everyday Cafe.




"Jiyeong-ssi, are you sure your friend will really come?" Suga asked.

"Yes, Manager Yoongi the Great Swag..." Although she said yes, she was actually quite unsure. She looked around but there was still no sign of Seo Jiyeong.

"Eh but what time is it already? A lot of customers are waiting..." He may have said a lot, but in truth, there were only 10. Oh well, it's a lot compared to the 1 or 2 customers that would usually come.

"...Let's wait a little bit more Manager..."



At last, Jiyeong and Jungkook reached the Everyday Cafe after 239058290859 years. They first noticed the cross-dresser man who would call people walking by to come in the Cafe. They weren't able to see who it was for he was facing the other way. "Good Afternoon Ma'am! Sir! Welcome to Everyday Cafe!" Jiyeong wondered why the ladybug's voice sounded so familiar. She has forgotten where or when she heard this voice.

The two performers was walking at the entrance of the Cafe when Taehyung was just beside them. Taehyung turned around at them to welcome them, when he suddenly realized it was Seo Jiyeong and Jeon Jungkook. Fortunately the two were busy checking the door and the singnage if they were on the correct cafe. He immediately turned around and kept still. "What the freak? Why is that big nose also here?! I thought it was only that small girl...Ughhhh" He thought to himself as he waited for them to enter. He was too nervous for them to find out.

Both of them were supposed not to mind the ladybug cosplayer. They didn't have anyplans on paying attention to him, for first and for most they were late. Secondly, what will they even do with that cross-dresser? They have nothing to do about him anyway. However, Jungkook felt that he wanted to take a picture with the ladybug for he suddenly realized that it was so cute. It was his first time to see a cross-dresser. "Yah! Seo Jiyeong! Take a picture of me with that gay!"

"Whut? No. Ughh! Can't you see we're late?!" She said no, but she still got Jungkook's phone. Jungkook poked and poked the ladybug, who was facing back at them, to turn around, but it won't. "YAH! YOU FCKING LADYBUG! CAN'T YOU JUST TURN AROUND? CAN'T YOU SEE WE'RE ALREADY RUSHING?!"  Jiyeong shouted for the manlybug won't turn around. 

V lost his patience. He wasn't able to take it any more longer because of irritation and shouted as he faced them. "WILL YOU JUST FCKING GO INSIDE?!---" He stopped. Jungkook, Jiyeong , the people passing by and even the birds in the sky stopped. They were shocked because they weren't expecting Taehyung to be the ladybug. "Oh sht."



"HAHAHAHAH THAT TAEHYUNG IS WEARING THAT LADYBUG?! HAHAHAH THAT PABO HAHAHAH" Jungkook laughed while they were on the staff room to prepare for their gig. He laughed so hard as if the world will end tomorrow. He laughed as if he won't be singing in a few minutes. He wasn't able to take Taehyung dressing up as a ladybug in a cafe. Worse, he acted like a girl. "HAHAHA THAT PABO HAHAHAHAH I WANT TO CRYY HAHHAHA! I SHOULD'VE TAKEN A PICTURE OF HIM!" Too bad he wasn't able to do so, for Suga all of a sudden saw them and immediately escorted them to the staff room.

While Jungkook was having fun laughing at the scene earlier, Jiyeong was just silent. She couldn't laugh, not because she was nervous to play the guitar later. She's a smart person. She knew that the fact thay Taehyung was wearing the costume meant he was working at the cafe. Meaning, Mia and Taehyung were co-workers. Meaning, every afternoon afterschool, they would be together. Now she got it why the two seemed to be close.

Jiyeong felt jealousy. She felt envy. Slowly, her blood started to boil again.

"HAHAHA---Hahaha..." Jungkook realized that he was laughing alone. Yeah, he was. He was the only one laughing. He noticed that Jiyeong wasn't laughing. Well, he had never seen her laughing anyway. What's new?

Jungkook looked at Jiyeong who was so serious tuning her guitar. There was a total silence and akwardness, except for the sound of the guitar. The akwardness  broke when Hwang Mia suddenly entered the room. "Okayyy are you guys ready? Hehee"

"Yup!" Jungkook answered, while Jiyeong just stared at Mia with poker face until she got out of the room. Mia felt that Jiyeong was angry at her again. But she realized, Jiyeong was always angry at her. She has been always like that since the first time they met.

When Mia went out, Jiyeong continued tuning her guitar. While she was turning the peg of one string, she suddenly twised the peg too tightly that the string suddenly cut off because of what Jungkook said. "You jelly huh?"

"Freak." She got her extra string and replaced the other one. "I really are!" He .

 "What the heck? Why would I even get jealous?"

"Because you like Taehyung, right?" Jiyeong looked at Jungkook and he was smiling, more like smirking. She was shocked because Jungkook knew about it. "What the hell? Who even told you about that?" She said as she tuned the new string.

"Uh...No one. I just noticed it."

"Huh?" Jiyeong said coldly as if it wasn't true so as for Jungkook not to suspect anymore.

"Let's just're being too obvious. You would look at him differently. Hhhaha oh and! And! Whenever Mia and that pabo are together, you look like a volcano that will errupt anytime soon...!"

"Wtf. You're such a stalker!" She threw her guitar case back at Jungkook and walked out. "So I'm right? You love him? Hey! Hey---"

She shut the door so as not to hear anymore bulls of Jeon Jungkook.

As if destiny was playing with her, the moment she got out of the room, she came across Taehyung. He was about to enter the staff room to get change. They just stared at each other as if they were talking to each other inside their heads. She remembered what Jungkook had just said seconds ago.  You love him?

"This guy? I love this guy?" Jiyeong thought to herself as she studied Taehyung's face.



Taehyung turned her head  to the left. Then to the right. He looked so weird, adding to the weirdness was the costume he was wearing. "Nah... I don't think so." Jiyeong answered her question in her mind. Her feelings for Taehyung was only a crush. She knew it for sure. She just admired him because of his friendly attitude, despite his naughtiness. It's only a crush that sooner or later would fade away. It would be and must be. She must stop being jealous. She didn't have any reasons to do so anyway. They were not even dating. It's just a crush. No other deeper feelings. She must keep it that way or else she would get hurt. She, herself, knew for sure that Taehyung likes somebody else.

"Yeah you're just a crush... I must stop over reacting" Murmured Jiyeong then went straight ahead but Taehyung stopped him. "Yah! Seo Jiyeong,"

Jiyeong looked back at him. "Don't you ever ever ever tell anyone that I'm working here. I'm telling you, World War 3 will happen once this spread throughout the school."

Jiyeong was supposed to speak something, but she just turned her back.

"Yah! Seo Jiyeong! Aishh that bij!"


Hello! Omg I realized that I haven't updated for weeks! Sorry I was busy with school shts and yeah /cries. Anyway...Thank you so so so so much for reading! I really appreciate it! As in Thank you so much! Please don't hesitate to comment down your thoughts! Haha! So yeah thank you so much again! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


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Kylie_bearrrr #1
Chapter 38: I really hope you post an update soon!
Chapter 36: still loving it ♥
sacredlotus- #3
Chapter 34: *is excited for the next chapter*
Chapter 1: currently reading this ❤️
_riel_ #5
by the way, is this inspired by High School Love On?
_riel_ #6
Chapter 34: OH HELL NO
Chapter 34: While the people on earth are mourning Mrs. Seo, she's actually happy haha. Kinda sad though. I was hoping to see more of Mia's reaction to Mrs. Seo's death, but that's okay. This is more about Jiyeong after all.
_riel_ #8
onlynaeun13 #9
Chapter 33: When you gonna update?i really like your story
diemsee #10
Chapter 21: From the way you constructed your sentences, I'm guessing you are a Filipino.