
30-Day Trial

"H-H-Hello.. God...U-Uh..." I said as I was stuttering. I was afraid. What if God says no? What if He doesn't want to? What about my dream? Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. "I-I-I...w-would like to...uhm..."

"Yes? What is it, Angel 10215? Do not be afraid, I will not bite you. Haha" He said with a smile. His smile calmed me down a little. Although not enough to stop me from being nervous.

Okay Angel 10215...don't worry... you can do this...!

"I-I-I would like to...become a human..."

God suddenly coughed. "Pardon? You want to be a human?" Why does he sound so surprised as if He doesn't know what I'm thinking? For sure even before I  went to Him, He already knew that I will come to Him and tell Him about my dream.

"Are you sure about that, Angel 10215?"


"Really Sure?"


"As in sure?"


"But why? You do not like that I created you an angel? Are you not contented?"

Huhuhu God please. It's as if you can't read my mind. It's not that I don't want to be an angel. It's not that I'm not contented. It's just's because it has always been my dream to be an angel; ever since I opened my eyes as an angel. That was why I went to God and ask Him for they say, there's nothing impossible with Him...right?

"'s not that I don't want's just that..." Wait do I really need to repeat what I just said? He read my mind right?

"Okay, okay then. But I tell you, being a human is not easy. If you think that your mission as an angel is hard, well, it is harder for a human. You will face a lot of challenges. You will be able to feel different feelings. You will feel sad, happy, scared, angry and you will be hurt. You will be able to ecnounter temptation. You need to eat just live. Are those okay with you?"

"Yes, I am okay with those." I already know those things. I already prepared myself for those.

"Okay then, Angel 10215..." Wait...did He just... said okay? As in yes? He...He...allowed me? He allowed me! Thank you so much God!

"THank you so much! Thank you so much!"

"However, I have a condition, okay?"

"Sure! Anything!"

"This is only a 30-day trial, okay? Well you know Angel 10215, one of the important things in the lives of people is love. Love is what keeps them alive. If in thirty days, you will be able to find your true love, then you will be a human. However, if not, you will  never ever be a human. Is that alright?"

Alright? Yes of course it is! Oh my! This is just like what I've been seeing in the tv dramas of the humans! Uwahhh!!

"Okay then Angel 10215, Go forth---"

"Wait God...!"

"What is it?"
"Is there also a condition that if someone will know that I'm a human...I'll disappear or die or..." I've seen a lot of human dramas and usually it's like this.

"Hmm...nah. It's okay if someone will know. It's just that they will not believe you easily."  Whew. I thought I will die.

"Okay?No more questions?"

"No more~!"

"Alright then!  Angel 10215, I will now bring you to the world of the humans...!"




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Kylie_bearrrr #1
Chapter 38: I really hope you post an update soon!
Chapter 36: still loving it ♥
sacredlotus- #3
Chapter 34: *is excited for the next chapter*
Chapter 1: currently reading this ❤️
_riel_ #5
by the way, is this inspired by High School Love On?
_riel_ #6
Chapter 34: OH HELL NO
Chapter 34: While the people on earth are mourning Mrs. Seo, she's actually happy haha. Kinda sad though. I was hoping to see more of Mia's reaction to Mrs. Seo's death, but that's okay. This is more about Jiyeong after all.
_riel_ #8
onlynaeun13 #9
Chapter 33: When you gonna update?i really like your story
diemsee #10
Chapter 21: From the way you constructed your sentences, I'm guessing you are a Filipino.