



When minho, krystal and yoogeun arrive. They sees shinee's and f(x)'s members are sitting and chatting with each others.
"Finally they arrive." Key saw them first and said.
"Yo! We wait for you 30 minutes already. What you going to do?" Amber ask the couple.
"Just 30 minutes. We didn't come late, is just you all come early." Krystal said to amber.
"You know 30 minutes is very long for us." Luna tell the couple.
"Ok. Ok. We'll treat you drinks later." Minho tell them.
"Hehehe.... Thanks minho!" Amber said.
"Hey minho. Happy birthday!" Jonghyun walk in the room and throw a present with wrappers on it to minho.
"Thanks hyung. Glad you remember it. Someone even didin't remember is my birthday." Minho said and put his eyes on krystal.


Krystal didn't bother minho and went to Sulli. And sit beside sulli with yoogeun.
"Hyung. This is from Onew hyung and I." Taemin give minho the present that he bought with onew.
"Thanks taemin-ah." Minho receive the present from taemin's hand.
"Just remember my birthday. Then give me a big present." Taemin said and go back to key. Continue chatting with him.
"Ok. I'll remember." Minho said back.
"This from me. Is small, but is usefull." Key said and hand it to minho.
"Thanks." Minho said.
"This from us." Victoria said. And give the present to minho.
"Thanks girls." Minho said to f(x).


"Is time. We should go." Shinee and f(x)'s manager went in to the room and tell the members.
"We go together? Same car?" Luna ask.
"Yes. Cause all of the company artists have schedules and we are out of car." Shinee's manager said.
"So let's go now." F(x)'s manager said to them.
"Yoogeun. Let's go." Krystal said and take yoogeun hand.
All of them went in the car. And they are chatting and playing. Key is chatting with taemin and amber. Sulli, victoria and luna is chatting with each other. While onew and jonghyun. minho and krystal is playing with yoogeun happily in the car.
When they were playing and chatting. The car is already arriving KBS. They went in together and see many artists are at there. Shinee and f(x) greet the artists politely. And they went to the waiting room that is in the 3rd floor of the building. Shinee and f(x) is in the same waiting room. Their waiting room is full of people and with noises.

Some of the members are doing their makeup. Some of them were playing and chatting. Luna and onew is doing their makeup.  And because they will sing a song later, they are pratice the song while doing the makeup. The song they were singing is <>.

The other members are playing poker card.
"Hyung you cheat!!" Taemin said to jonghyun.
"No. I didn't. Where you see that i've cheat?" Jonghyun said and act innocent face.
"Just now you see my card."
"No. I didn't."
"Yes. You had."
"No. I didn't"
"Yes. You had."
When jonghyun want continue saying, minho cut in.
"Stop. Jonghyun hyung just now you cheated. I've seen too." Minho said.
"I've seen too..." Key said.
"Me too..." Amber said.
"Me t..." When krystal going to say, jonghyun say in first.
"Ok. Ok. I've cheated...." Jonghyun said.
"You can treat us meal later. Then we will forgive you." Key said.

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EikaZulaikha #1
Chapter 53: No minstal moment ??? How sad ~ but still a nice story
Chapter 46: No minstal moments????please update soon...
etudeprincess #3
Pls update soon! Cant wait
Flakealicious #4
Chapter 42: Minstrel moments pweaseeee
Toshio9 #5
Chapter 42: It doesn't seem to to have lots of Minstal moments or anything developing in their relationship.
KimJongMin #6
Chapter 28: Update soon!!! maybe next time u can use taelli couple ;)
MinSoojung #7
Love minstal. Update soon dear!!!!!!!
Yayacute #8
Love update soon dear !!!!!
arashiney #9
There is no camera? Ehehe since it hello baby i think...
Minstal ftw!!!
minstal_1 #10
update soon