
Pieces of Lies


The music was blasting. The lights were tempting. The air was filled with liquor and sweat of people partying. At the corner, five dashing and handsome guys were having fun of their own.

Jeajoong was making fun of himself trying to fit the former role of Yunho. He tried to lighten the atmosphere. Giving his band mates his own flair of entertainment, the 8d way. Changmin was discussing with Xiah about football. Yoochun tried listening to Jaejoong’s quirky jokes. While Yunho, the once life of the party sat coolly beneath Yoochun sipping almost two bottles of wine. On his third bottle, Changmin noticed him.

“Hyung.” concern was written on his face.

Yunho looked up and gave him a reassuring smile.

“Problem?” it was Jaejoong. “Ain’t I  funny?”

“You are funny.” he answered. While Yoochun pouted.

Yunho tried to drink another glass of wine but he was stopped by Xiah. “It’s enough hyung, you are getting drunk.”

“Not yet.” he dismissed him.

“Hyung.” it was Yoochun who stopped him. “You’ve had enough.”

“Did I?” he asked innocently. “She wants to break up.” he said out of the blue.

“Noona.” they all chorused. Their eyes turned into saucer mode instantly due to disbelief.

“Why?” it was Xiah’s turn to ask.

His eyes started clouding. To stop it from causing any embarrassment, he closed his eyes before answering. “She said she was confused, and took me for someone else.”

There was a long silence. The boys waited him to further elaborate. “She said she thought she love me. Then she said sorry and hanged up.”  

“Fight for her.” it was Jaejoong.

“Yeah.” the remaining boys chorused.

“Should I?” he asked. “Won’t I look pitiful that way?”

“Hyung.” it was Changmin.

“Thanks maknae.” Yunho messed Changmin’s hair. While the other boys pouted wanting some of his affection too. He smiled and murmured, “Aigoo. Okay, saranghe chingguya~”

The boys including Changmin distanced from him with their hands cringing.






“I don’t want to break up.” it was the first message that welcomed Dara. It was from Yunho.


Dara sighed. She was sorry, but she wanted to be sure of her feelings first to avoid hurting Yunho or Jonghyun more. Just like what Jiyong suggested, she’ll know her heart first. And when she has decided, she will let them know. But for the time being, she will stay single. She will not be meeting anyone.







The clocked ticked slowly. It is as if time has been loitering and has forgotten to move. But maybe Dara was just anxious. She has been waiting for their rehearsal to end. She wanted it to be 7:00 pm already.


It was her second fill of coffee. He has not arrived yet. She was even excited to leave the studio to play with him.  She should have known better. What he always does is make her angry. She pouted. The past few weeks, she missed bantering with him since he is busy with promoting album. She can’t call Yunho. Nor Jonghyun. She is still confused with her feelings.


A familiar figure made her heart flutter. She knew it was him. Her brows knitted. It was not foreign. Yet the feeling, she knew must stop. It just makes her confusion double big time. She sighed.

“Waited that long?” Jiyong waked her reverie.

“Yah! Ajumma.” she pouted then added, “You are so LATE.” even emphasizing the word late. Jiyong made an apologetic face and made his eyes twinkling, “sorry” he said.

To Dara’s horror, he even pointed his index finger at her. Her eyes turned saucer. “Yah” she hushed.

Jiyong feigned innocence. “Tokki” and batted his eyes more. Dara turned red and discreetly aligned her index finger with him.

Just as she was aligning her index fingers with him, Jonghyun pooped out of nowhere.


She abruptly withdrew her fingers from Jiyong. Jiyong on the other hand felt hurt but masked it with a coy pout.

“Hey” she answered back.

Other CN Blue members appeared too. They greeted her enthusiastically especially the cute fake maknae, Minhyuk. “Noona!”

While they all bowed at Jiyong who bowed back as respect.

From the far end corner of the coffee shop, Xiah was fuming with jealousy over Minhyuk. Changmin noticed him sulking and followed his line of sight, when he saw his Dara nona with Jonghyun and the rest of CN Blue members; he instinctively tried to hide the scene from his beloved hyung. Yunho smiled at this and tapped Changmin’s shoulder saying, “She’ll come back.”  


Yunho caught Dara’s eyes. He smiled at her warmly while she ducked her head apologetically. With Jiyong having a blank face on her side. He texted her and when she read his message. She replied “sorry, but I just bumped into them. Really.”


When she was caught looking at their direction especially when she met his eyes, she felt her heart squeezed of guilt. But there is nothing to be guilty about. She just bumped into Jonghyun. Then when she read his message she felt even more down and guilty. With quick punches, she replied back. She then felt maybe. It was really him that she loved and not the necklace representing her first love.


Jiyong pinched her. She looked up to him and somehow she felt herself brightening up. She arced her brows. And he pouted.


“We are going noona.” it was Yonghwa.

“Ye~” she said and waved goodbye.


“Aish!” she heard Jiyong curse when they left.

“Yah!” she pouted.

“I am already late and just seeing that Jonghyun you already forget our plan.”

She coyly smiled and mumbled, “We are even then.”   

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trysusiet #1
Chapter 38: This story got me topsy-turvy. I was rooting a bit for yunho but yeah, I'm really an appler at heart. So I'm happy with how it ended. Dara didn't just immediately live jiyong after everything. She had to process and come to some realizations on her own.
phEnxx #2
Chapter 37: love this story ...
peppiwelsh1 #3
Chapter 38: Confusing much but that's your main goal so I guess you got what you wanted. I felt sad at the end because the way it was written gave me an inkling that Dara has gone cray. The mood of the whole story is bleak but I love that it's colorful only during Daragon moments..reminds me of Jiyong's answer to what color is love on Strong Heart.
rinimae #4
Chapter 38: nice story ~~~ write more

upvoted ^^
dinnah20_honey #5
Chapter 38: Thanks a lot more good story author bravo
fanficsgalore #6
Chapter 38: Thank you for this author! You had me confused most of the time but I enjoyed guessing who it was. Thank you for giving Dara the love that she deserves :)
fanficsgalore #7
Chapter 36: aacckk who is min woo?
Chapter 33: thank you for the update, waiting for more
krxo35 #9
Chapter 33: Thank you panda!! Why does yunho and Krystal hate her?? O.o
Happy ending please.... Jaedara or daragon :)
Tnx for the update ^^
Chapter 31: I think Seungri will be the one to lead who's the culprit behind the kidnapped of twins.....