DongHae's Diary

DongHae's Diary

"Please, drive a little faster". I told the driver. He drove as fast as I asked him. I'm late. I know RyeWook will blame on me as I got home.

Traffic... Stoplights... Curves... I can't wait to go home now. It's 9 o'clock already. What I did is to pay the driver ₩120.00 and I used to run instead of waiting in the taxi. I've reached our street, just 6 more houses to pass by, I can see out balcony. But wait, lights are closed. I think RyeoWook is tired of waiting for me so he went to sleep. But still I' hoping he is not angry at me.

I opened the door.. I changed my slippers.. Then I noticed a candle lighting in front of our TV set, in the table.

"What does the candle doing here?". I whispered. At first I thought there was no electricity flowing until..


Then the lights turned on. There were blue balloons on the wall. Conffetties are flying from the ceiling. I went shocked, I saw RyeoWook with our other friends, LeeTeuk, EunHyuk, Tiffany, and Yuri. They were all singing a "Happy Birthday Song" to me. I don't know what to say nor what to do. Then I realized, "It\s my Birthday!".

Due to lots of thing I am thinking that day, I almost forgot my birthday. Thanks to my friends.

"You said you'll arrived at ecxactly 8 o'clock?! You're late!". RyeoWook blamed me.

"HAHA! I think DongHae is busy this day! He almost forgot his Birthday!". Tiffany said while she's holding my shoulders.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, but thanks to all of you! You remembered my birthday than I". I answered.

"Ok! Ok! Ok! Stop fighting people! Let's now celebrate!" Said SiWon.

LeeTeuk opened a bottle of red wine and it bubbles up 'til the ceiling. He poured our glasses with it and "CHEERS!". That time, I forgot my dreams and EunTae until EunHyuk gave me his gift.

"Here! It's the most expensive birthday gift I've ever gave to anyone but you!". He proudly said.

I shaked it up to have a clue for what's inside it. Heavy... Thick... Big... But it's nbot enough. So I opened it in front of them.

"A Nemo Hat?!!" I screamed.

We laughed. Then I started to put it in my head. It's cute. It was like a puppy with fluffy hair.

"It's nice! Right!" Said EunHyuk. Then he pointed at LeeTeuk. He asked for his gift to me. without wrappers, I saw the gift itself. It was a blue bed sheet. Then RyeoWook turn to give his gift.

"I'm sorry, I'm not prepared. But luckily..." He put his hands into his pocket and showed me an envelope. "...I got this round-trip ticket for 2 to Jeju Island". He surprised me. But I'm confused.

"Why ticket for 2? I'm not an adventurous person and it's two". I ignored to get that envelope and worried I'll disappoint RyeoWook.

"Yeah I know. But I just got informed by this people that today is your birthday so I paniced on what gift could I give you. And I remember I won a round-trip ticket on a singing competition". He said.

I smiled at him, trying to cool down the situation and said, "No it's ok. Keep it. You've gave me my gift already". I think RyeoWook knew what I'd said. He Put the envelope at the top of the refrigirator and say "Ok, I'll keep it for you. It's here whenever you need it".

"Can I have it? Since DongHae won't use it". LeeTeuk asked. Yuri laughed at LeeTeuk and pushed away from the envelope.

"Don't be selfish Teukie!"

We laughed and laughed when RyeoWook asked me to blow the candle. I'm thinking of what to wish before blowing it. Then the dream again came into my mind. I blew the candle without wishing anything. I think It will come soon, anything.

After hours of celebrating my birthday, drinking wine, LeeTeuk and the rest said "GoodBye" to us. Then RyeoWook started to wash the dishes.

I have enough time to daydream outside, on the balcony. I am still drinking a glass of wine. Thinking of EunTae.

"Is she asleep? is she OK? Could I see her tomorrow?" I asked myself.

Foot steps are coming towards me. It's RyeoWook, I think he noticed that I'm worried that thime as I arrived. "I know you're thinking of something. What is it?" He asked. I was surprised RyeoWook asked that thing. "Nothing..." I answered. He is not contented on my answer and he keeps on asking me the same question "What is it?".

"You know I'm thinking of my dream. But this time, I'm thinking of a woman, too". I replied.

He smiled forward, in front of the neighbor's house. "Inloved?" He asked. Impulsive. RyeoWook was impulsive on asking me that question.

"Nope" I said. "I've bumped a girl in the elevator hours ago. She even refused me to help her"

"Is that what you are thinking? HAHAHA! Silly" He laughed.

"I'm serious. I don't know why I keep on worrying herI said.

Then he stopped on laughing, "girls are different, you must know that". He said. I already knew what he is trying to portray. But still, I worried.

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pahabain mo muna bago mo basahin. haha
EmanneArdeeSy #2
haba na pala, hindi ko pa nasisimulan basahin. haha! :D
three now.
why?? ;]
EmanneArdeeSy #5
I'll update this story every other day. Enjoy reading.
YoonYulsnsd #7
update please :D