DongHae's Diary

DongHae's Diary

I can't do anything, but to go home. Sobbing. "Why?" I keep on asking myself. As I was walking, I saw her, EunTae. She was sitting near the park, where we supposed to. She is looking towards the river. Lonely. I stayed away from her that time. I know she'll not gonna talk to me. On what happened, I know she will. Then I saw her, picking up her phone, and tried to call someone. I thought she'll call me, I looked at my phone, but it's not. After minutes, she stands and took a big breath, then she walked. I followed her, she is like a drunked guy, zig-zaged walking. I worried. But I felt guilty. I disappointed her, but its was really not my fault, it's Yonna's. But I can't talk to her, axplain what really was happened, I can't. After three streets, she leaned on the wall, like exhausted, then she fell. That was the second time I saw her fell like that. I might help her, 'cause I really was worried. But EunTae stand. "Is she OK?" I asked myself as I was covering my mouth with my two hands. Trying to hide from EunTae. After 6 steps, she fell again, I thought she was OK. But I looked at her, she maybe was fainted again. I ran into her, the I tried to wake her up. She wasn't. But as I keep on tapping her face, she woke.


"I'm sorry, I didn't make it". I replied, sobbing.

"It's.. OK. I understand.... You're with her...."


Then she just smiled. Then slept again. Very tired I know. I carried her, I don't know where I could find her apartment. Then I remembered Tiffany. I asked her to go on the park. As I was waiting for her, I put EunTae's head on my lap. I looked at her face, cute.

"I'm so sorry EunTae"

I keep on saying that. Until she sleep-talked. "I'm hungry". She was really cute that time. She made me smile. My worries for her was slowly dissappearing. I could have also slept, but Tiffany came. She asked me "Why?".

"She's tired"

"Where have you two been?"


I didn't told her the real story. That I disappointed EunTae. Tiffany asked me to carry EunTae to their apartment. It was so near from our company, on the top floor of an 4-story building, there was their apartment. I described it as not so small, and not so big, common. My apartment is just a meter wider than their's, but cleaner that ours. Tiffany pointed me EunTae's room. It was clean, almost all of her things were blue, like sea. I put her into her bed, I covered her with quilt. Then I took time to stare at her. Until..

"DongHae-yah, come. Let's drink coffee". Tiffany said.

"I'll be there". I answered.

I hold EunTae's forehead and I noticed, she has fever. I'm not worried, I knew she'll be OK now, at their apartment. Then I touched her hair.

"She has a fever". I told Tiffany.

She gave me the cup of coffee and said, "It's obvious. But It's OK, I'll take care of her. Don't worry"

"I know"

She invited me to take a seat. Asked me, "What happened?"

I explained what really was happened, the truth. She was listening to me carefully. I thought she'll blame me, but she didn't.

"I understand"

At least I tooked a big breath. After 10 minutes of conversation, I bid "Goodbye". I should go. It's too late. I reached the ground floor. I looked up. I can see EunTae's window from there. I wondered of she'll be OK. Then I saw Tiffany closed the lights. I continue walking, thinking of her. No one, nothing, but her, Euntae.

"I'm really a stupid person". I told myself as I closed my fists tightly. Like I was going to punch.

"I'm home". I said, but Wook is asleep I know. I just want to say that, and I used to. Then I can't sleep, I am still bothered of today, I opened the television and watched movie, no available DVD disk. I have no choice but to watch "Titanic". I never watched this movie before. It's my chance.

As I was watching it, my heart was beating so fast, I'm with the story. The moment the ship was sinking, I pity Jack. She was trying to save Rose. But they were cold, until Jack died, from hypothermia. I really pity at them, especially Rose. Her love dies. I was sobbing, trying to move on to the story. I closed the television and tried to sleep. Then I.

The next morning, Wook is waking me up.

"Come on! You're late again! It's Monday!" He shouted.

I can't move. I felt lazy. But I should go to work. I have no choice, I got out of bed, eat breakfast, took a bath, clothes on, and hurried to the company.

I know EunTae will not be there, she's sicked. Yoona were trying to call her by phone, I saw. I snob her, and walk into the elevator. She tried to run into but the door already closed. I reached my boss's office. He was not there, maybe he was still on his way here. I looked at the window beside me, I saw EunTae's apartment, but not that clear. I know it's their's. Then I tried to focused my eyes from there, cloudy, so I can't.

"Good morning Mr. Lee!" My boss said.

"Good morning, Sir"

"Mr. Lee, Yoona needs your help. Her secretary was absent"

"Why me?"

"I don't know. She pleased me that thing"

"But I have lots of papers to do right?"

"Yeah I know, you can do it later, after. Come on! She's waiting for you"

He pushed me out of his office, I thinked of Yoona's purpose. I continued walking, to her office. As I was standing her door. I asked my self, "Should I go ot not?". But it's my work. To help my bosses. I opened the door, "Good morning", I said. But like earlier, at my boss' office, she wasn't there. I waited a moment, then she went out of the comfort room, fixing her hair.

"Oh, you're there already"

"Uhmm.. What would you like me to do?"

"Here". She gave me five bundles of papers.

"What will I....."

"...I need a report, summary of that." She said.

I was shocked. It was plenty of papers. I cannot even finish it in a day, or two days, one week maybe. But It's OK. It's just a work.

"Ok. I'll submit it to you when I'm finished". I carried the papers and walked into the door.

"You'll do it here". She said.

I turned around and said "Why?"

"I want to check your work everytime. It's important, you know?" She said. Smiling at me.


I now knew her purpose, to be with me, again. Now, I know I'll be with her for a long time. So I started reading the papers, typing a summary per page on my laptop. It's hard. Especially there's hundred of papers in the table.

"Don't hurry. Take your time, you might have an error". She said

"No, It's OK. I'm sure of it. I have works to do also at my boss' office".

"Don't worry Mr. Lee, I already assigned someone to help you boss."


"Ms. EunTae. I asked the president to switch-secretaries for 3 weeks".

"What?! But EunTae's sicked".

"It's Ok. She'll start when she's ok".

I was disappointed. I realized how bad this woman is.  Aggressive. But I can't do anything. So I prentended OK, I continue on my work. Rushed. I again put my worries for EunTae, unfair. We were not informed. I have nothing to do but to finished this work, but if I could finish this in a week, there was still 2 weeks of work with Yoona. I want to surrender, there are times I want to  resigned of the company. But I'm going to be workless. If I resigned, I will still worry for EunTae. So I, just accept the fact that bosses were still our bosses.

"Here, eat for a while"

Yoona gave me a donut and a glass of juice.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry"

"Ok, tell me if you were, we have our lunch here, since I got my works also".

"I can't go out for a break?"

"I'm sorry, NO." She said

UNFAIR. There must be our time to have breaks. But this woman is over. I stand up, and said..

"Why is this unfair?! I could have my lunch wherever I want when It's 12nn?!"

"I don't care, I want you to work, for me". She answered.

I can't say anything to her, she might fire me out of this company, so I sitted again and looked at my computer so long.

".....Ok..." I said.

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pahabain mo muna bago mo basahin. haha
EmanneArdeeSy #2
haba na pala, hindi ko pa nasisimulan basahin. haha! :D
three now.
why?? ;]
EmanneArdeeSy #5
I'll update this story every other day. Enjoy reading.
YoonYulsnsd #7
update please :D