DongHae's Diary

DongHae's Diary

I opened the lunchbox. I can't smell it, maybe because of the time EunTae cooked it. But it is still hot. I can't wait to put it on my mouth so I get my chopsticks and take a last look at how it was presented. There was 4 dishes, meatballs, mixed vegetables, rolled eggs, and kimchi, with rice. There were a small pancake, chocolate flavored. For desert. Tiffany was staring at me that time, "weird" she said.

"OK! I'll eat it now! I'm just looking at the food". I said.


Then I picked the meatballs first.. Chew it like it'll melt in my mouth itself.


I've blown the food. "What'da?!!!"


"Is this really made by EunTae? Or you just got it from somewhere?!" I said. The food wasn't taste like it should be. It's like alrdady spoiled.

"Yes! It was made by her herself and she woke up as early as 5:00 in the morning just to prepare those. For you!"

"You're lying! She does not cook this way!"

"Oh really? How'd you know? Have you with her for a long time? Did you know her BETTER than I DO? Hmmm.. I don't think so" she said.

"Is it true?"


"That she cooked all this trashed food?"

"Y'know what? I'm not lying. She did that. And if she heard all of what you said earlier, maybe she'll throw all of that on your face"
she said.

I didn't made a reply. But still I'm not fine with the food. I'm still wondering if EunTae really prapared the food. Tiffany now went out of the house for her work. I cannot eat all of those so I decided to put it on the garbage where it belongs. I really was sorry for being bad that time, and also guilty. Really was guilty. I would like to put it back on the table but its already on the trash.

As I am washing the lunchbox, still I felt sorry to EunTae. Then a phone call bothers me. I looked at it before I answered it. It was Yoona, called for 2 times already.

"Mr. Lee. Where are you?"

"I'm here at my apartment, I just..."

"..Then run! Hurry!"


"I need your help! My computer crashed down! I have to work with my presentation and I need it later!"

"You should consult a technician. Isn't Mr. Kim there?"

"He's not here! I really need this to be finished! Please!"

"OK, I'll be there within 30 minutes".

Without finishing washing the lunchbox and others. I hurried to the company. To Yoona's office. I was thinking it was her joke and trying to trap me up and she is just lying with the "computer is crashed down" thing. I reached Yoona's office exhausted and my sweat were falling down from my neck through my back. I felt of Yoona's position. But when I saw Yoona's computer, its true, her computer really was crashed down. Then I tried to fix it, almost an hour of trying to get her files recovered, but
I couldn't make it. I'm not a computer expert and Yoona is aware of that, I know. I recommended her to ask an assisstance to other technician.

"..I have no more time to do it. I have an idea"

I asked.

She said that I'll be the one to be her proxy on her report later at the meeting. I can't believe it at first, she would like me to do that even I was only a secretary, switched secretary actually.

"Me? As your proxy? Why? You should be there and that is you presentation". I said.

"They're just be disappointed of me, and they might get angry if I present nothing there. Don't worry, I'll tell you what to present there"

There was a confused feeling within myself. If I accept to be her proxy, I may be the one to catch all of the board member's madness. Yoona is encouraging me as she can. Telling that I may be discovered.

"Mr. Lee, please..... Ok. Just think of someone, something that can made you inspired to do it"

"...    Something... Someone..."

I'm thinking of what she said that time. She have no other person to assign as her proxy that time except me. So I decided to accept it, though I was like I shouldn't but should do this for her, Yoona.

"Thank You!!"

Yoona then started to teach me the Do's and Don't's for the meeting. I asked her to change some of the lectures to make it even better. True. She was like she is followed by a train behind her by voice.

"What if they looked for you? What should I say?"

"Just tell them I'm out of town, I'll leave a message for the Board Director. It's OK, don't worry." She replied.

I was so worry about it. I'm not prepared for this, and even I didn't took my bath that morning. I'm scared. Thinking thrice or more than if I'll continue this. But I already accepted it. Nothing to do anymore.

Hurrying up to finish our rushed presentation later at 1:00pm and it's already 10:00am. 3 hours to go before my report, nightmare maybe. I was now like Yoona, panic. My hands were shaking like freezing.

"Hey! Are you alright?" Yoona asked.

"I think so.. I'm scared for what will be the result of this proxying".

"Don't worry, they'll not fire you for this. I, maybe."

I saw it's really a threat for Yoona. She's like she will faint that time. And also me. Of what I knew about the Board Committee is they are very strict.

Then the time passed so fast and it was 11:30am already. I asked Yoona to give me time to eat my lunch and get back at her office after. I don't know where to eat now that I saw Mrs. Oh, one of the board members of the company. She looks terrible in the way she walks, talks and she never smile at anyone. My heart really beats so fast like it'll explode . I continued walking outside the company and bought an egg-sandwich and coffee instead of a heavy meal, and I chose to sit at the park. At the yellow bench. I can't move on. So I tried to entertain myself to what I see there. Children playing, lovers walking, people biking, and more. I realized I must call EunTae and thank for the bad breakfast she prepared. Of course, I must say good things only for her not to hurt.

"I'm glad you liked it". She said.

"It's really good. It's like it was bought on a restaurant". Guilty me, again. I can't tell her the truth, I'm afraid I could hurt her feelings. I never used to lie at someone but this time, I have no choice.

"Well, thanks for the compliment. I would like to cook for you again. Wanna?"

"... Sure"
. I said.

I was trapped on my own words. Now she's inspired of making food for me.

I told her what happened earlier. The meeting. I said that I was scared until that time. She was now the one listening to what I am saying. I can feel her breathes are like laughing in a silent way.

"Are you laughing? Or what?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just imagining of you shaking right now and later. Well, good luck!"

"But you know what?.."

"What? That you're like a scared puppy?".
She laughed.

"That I made you as my inspiration for this. .. That's why I'm going to do all this". At first, I was shy of saying that. I'm scared of what she'll respond.

"OK..". She replied. "I'm going to eat my lunch now. Goodluck for later". She added.

Then she already hang up the phone. I daydream of my dream for a while. Then I decided to go back to the office like what I'd promised to Yoona.

Three steps later, I saw EunTae walking at the park, heading to the bench. She was looking at the children playing, and around. I was surprised, she was smiling at them. Happy. Then I ran to hide. At the trees near the bench. I'm hiding so much, so that she cannot see me. I stepped at a pile of leaves, crunchy noised. EunTae looked at the place where I was hiding. Thank God she didn't. She saw my trash at the bench and said..

"Whoever sitted here, he's bad".

I felt ashamed of leaving it there. I forgot to put it in the trash. EunTae was staring at the river maybe as far as she could as always. I'm looking at her that time until my phone rang. Loudly. I was shocked. EunTae looked back.

"Who's there?" She yelled.

I just covered the speaker of my phone and ran away. Fast. I knew I'm already far from EunTae so I answered the call. It's from Yoona.

"Where are you? The meeting will start within 30 minutes!"

"OK. I'll be there right away". My body goes back to shaking. Scared again. But I already found my inspiration. So, nothing to worry about. But all of a sudden, it'll back.

"I maybe have a heart attack?!" I said to myself while walking heading to the office.

And then without knowing, the meeting is starting. I ran as fast as I can to Yoona's office to get my things. Yoona gave me another tip for that. Then I hurried to the meeting hall.

There, the board members was looking at me. I was exhausted.

"Are you Mr. Lee? Ms. Yoona's secretary?"

"Yes. I'am". I said. I wonder it was the one Yoona is talking about. The Board Director.

"I thought you've run away like your boss did?" Words came from Mrs. Oh. She was not smiling. Neither the board committee. My heart again beats like a drum roll.


I was like an army man who attentively followed her. Then I start the presentation.

It was good at the first topic. Also with the next 6 topics. I am looking at Mrs. Oh all the time. Wishing she will smile, even a second.

Later on, she asked me to stop discussing. Scary. I'm thinking she could say these:




Then suddenly, the director whispered "Mrs. Oh is asking you.."

I'm out of my mind. Mrs. Oh asked me a question that is really hard. Even Yoona couldn't answer it straight I think. I not really prepared and blamed myself.

"I can do this.. I know".

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pahabain mo muna bago mo basahin. haha
EmanneArdeeSy #2
haba na pala, hindi ko pa nasisimulan basahin. haha! :D
three now.
why?? ;]
EmanneArdeeSy #5
I'll update this story every other day. Enjoy reading.
YoonYulsnsd #7
update please :D