DongHae's Diary

DongHae's Diary

EunTae was smiling that time. I don't know what and why is she smiling at and for. I'm curioused.

"I have to go..." She said.

"Too early. Want to eat breakfast?"

"No thank you. I have lots of work to do."

She walked towards the door. She is walking straightly without asking me to go.

"How about lunch? Dinner?"

"I'm sorry, I think I couldn't finished it today."

"It's ok. I'll wait for you. The next day."

"Please stop it. I'm sorry."
She replied.

I would ask for another question but she's like she was trying not to talk to me. I knew the reason. That's why I want her to talk to me and I want to appologize. I don't expect this will happen. It's hard for me. Really. I felt rejected again, hurt.

I get back to the office. And because I was out of my mind, like ruined, I could enter Mr. Choi's office, where EunTae is right now. I took a look inside and I saw her, busy with typing on a computer. Lots of papers as what she said. But I know she's trying not to talk to me. Suddenly, a hand touched my shoulder and said..

"Mr. Lee? What are you doing here?"

It was Mr. Choi. I got scared of who was it until I saw him. Thanked God it's not Yoona.

"Nothing, just checking the place."

"Funny! It's just 4 days when you leave my office. And you already missing it."

"I know.."

"Coffee first?"

"ah... Ahm.."

I tried to say "No" but he pushed me to his office until I finally entered it. Fell down.

EunTae was shocked. She stand up and said..

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Lee, are you ok?"

"I'm ok, I should go.."
I replied.

At that time, I was ashamed of what happened. I stand up and ran quickly, heading to Yoona's office. My heart beats so fast. Thinking of what could EunTae is thinking. But there's no any idea coming on my mind.

When I reached Yoona's office, I saw her reading the diary. I rushed to take it away from her.

"What's that?" She asked.

"It's just notes."

"..That thick? Notes?"


"Can I see?"



"It's a little too private."

"Really? OK."

I know Yoona already read some pages of it and maybe saw EunTae's mother's picture. She's just pretending. So I get the diary away from her. Now, she maybe have read more pages than I do. Only one.

"I have to go for an hour. I'll be back." She said.

Yoona changed a lot. Really. I can't say it's just an acting because she's not good at that profession. But I should take care of myself always. I was left on the office, working with papers. With the diary in my lap. Suddenly, the phone rang..

It was a call from EunTae, I didn't expect her call.

"Why did you call?"

"About work."

"What about it?"

"Mr. Choi assigned me to deliver some documents to SBC. I don't know where it is. He told me that you should lead me there."

"Fine with me! I'll go now. I'm finished with this."

"Ok.. I'll wait at the main door."

I was really joyful that time EunTae said that. And I shouldn't missed to give her diary back and at the same time, to appologize to her. So I ran at the elevator. I'm bored there so I shouted "Faster!" to it. Until I reached the ground floor and saw EunTae at the main door, looking outside. I walked towards her silently, to surprised her.

"I'm here! Are you bored?"

She smiled and replied..

"Let's go now. I must deliver these immediately."

I thought she'll be surprised. But I thought it wrong. She was still not in the mood. She started walking a little faster than me. I was staring at her and like she also changed a lot in just two days.

"What should I do to make her smile, again?" I sighed.

"Are you talking to whom? Faster!"

EunTae was like mad at me that moment. We rode on a taxi, a ruler was between us. She was looking outside. She's not talking, so I did the first move.

"Haven't you been there?"


"At SBC."

"If I were, I'm not with you right now, right?"
She replied.

I'm embarassed. She wasn't removing her eyes looking outside the taxi during she is answering my questions. It's like I'm talking with her on a telephone.

We reached SBC but she's still not looking at me. I said I'll for her at the lobby until she is finished with business.

"Oh! I forgot the diary again!"

I shouted but no one hears me. I'm such a stupid person. And maybe Yoona could find it and open it again. I'm worried. I am waiting for EunTae to come out immediately. It's 25 minutes when she went out of the room.

"We have to hurry!" I yelled.

"Why? What happened?"

"Don't ask for it, we need to go now."

I pulled her again. Running to the road to call a taxi, and go back to the company. EunTae keeps asking me "Why?", but I'm not answering the true reason.

"I have lots of important papers I should finished today."

"Why did you came with me if you have works to do?"

"You said you don't know where's SBC. So I  lead you there."

"So it's my fault."

"No, it's not what I mean.."

"OK! I'll help you with it.. Mr. Driver! Please hurry."

I am not expecting that scenario. We are fighting, inside a closed vehicle.

When we reached the company, she walks quickly. I followed her. She is not joking, she is heading to Yoona's office. Before she can hold the door knob, I hold her left shoulder and pulled her so that she'll face me.


"Why are you like that? You've changed!"
I said.

"So what? You don't know me much!"

She's mad that time, It's not my intention. But I don't know why is this happening. She took my hands off her shoulder and walked away. I could call her again. I stared at her until she was gone, riding at the elevator. I was standing at the door still until Yoona went out.

"What's the noise here?"

"..There's nothing here. Maybe it's just your mind."


"NOTHING. I want to work."
I blocked what Yoona supposed to say. I looked at the table and there is still the diary, below my bag. It's not opened. I put it in my bag so I couldn't left it again.

"Where have you been?" Yoona asked.

"I just asked to deliver some documents to SBC."

"Why you?"

"I don't know."

"I know you know."

I'm stopping myself of answering Yoona the truth. She will not like it.

"I really don't know."

Yoona surrendered of asking a lot of questions. I continued working with documents. Serious. Then suddenly, I felt bad, I couldn't continue working. Like I felt depressed. It makes me sick. So I told Yoona that I'll go home and rest. She asked to help but I refused.

When I was walking home, my sight is turning around. Dizzy. I hurried to walk until I reached our apartment. I get a tablet of medicine and take it. I a thermometer and after 5 minutes, it was 42 degrees. I felt really unusual. There is no one I can be with that time, Wook wasn't there. Then I remembered Tiffany. I tried to call her phone but it's our of coverage. My hands are shaking now. I tried to call their phone at the apartment. But no one's there. I just leave a message to their mailbox. Saying..

"I need your help. I'm sicked. Just go here, ok? I'll wait for you."

Then I go back to bed. I took a nap and when I woke up, Tiffany still wasn't around. I checked my temperature and it goes up to 43 degrees. I turned the heater ,heater. I cooked noodles to eat. It feels like I'll faint anytime. And then I felt like I'm going to blown up. And it was what happened. My stomach was so aching, also with my head. I'm like I'll blow my intestines. Hard.

I was walking heading back to my bed, until I was fainted. I still remembered that the time I am falling, a girl catched me. It was Tiffany.

When I woke up, I was already on my bed, with wet and cold towel at my forehead. And a quilt was covering my body. I was looking for Tiffany. I was trying to stand up of bed when someone speaks..

"Don't stand up! You're still sick."

It was EunTae. The one I saw earlier was her, and not Tiffany. I was shocked seing her there. She was carrying a pale of water, cold water, towel, and a drinking water.

"Why are you here? Where's Tiffany?" I asked.

"I heard your message at the phone. Tiffany wasn't there."

"How'd you find me? My apartment?"

"I looked at Tiffany's contacts booklet. I found your address there."
She replied.

I still can't believe that she's at my apartment. Only the two of us.

"I wouldn't do this at first, but you need help right?"

She was preparing to change my towel to a new one. And she's like my mother, wife, anyone, who comforts me.

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pahabain mo muna bago mo basahin. haha
EmanneArdeeSy #2
haba na pala, hindi ko pa nasisimulan basahin. haha! :D
three now.
why?? ;]
EmanneArdeeSy #5
I'll update this story every other day. Enjoy reading.
YoonYulsnsd #7
update please :D