Chapter 5: The Date (Part 2)

You Changed My Life


Chapter 5: The Date (part 2)


Jinye’s POV


I was stunned by the most ridiculous sentence I ever heard in my life.  Since when HE was my BOYFRIEND and since when I am his GIRLFRIEND?! I threw the rose at him. He caught it with his right hand as his left hand was still locked with mine.


“Never waste a rose. C’mon, this rose suits a pretty girl like you.” He smirked and handed it back to my hand.


I blushed slightly. Aish, why I’m behaving like this!


“Hey, I’m not your girlfriend, so can you PLEASE let go of my hand?” I spoke in a stern voice.


“You’ll be mine sooner or later, so I am practicing holding hands with you now.” He smirked again.


I’m going insane, help! My heart started to beat fastttttttt!


“I love you, you love me, we are happy family…” some kind of ringtone surfaced out of the blue.


“Opps, sorry. Excuse me, I’m going to get a call.” He said as he released my hands and walked aside.


What kind of ringtone was this? After few seconds, he came back and said, “I’m busy now. I cannot you home. Bye Jinye!”


And, he went forward to me and kissed my forehead.


“EH DINOSAUR!” I yelled but he already out of my sight.


Anyway, thanks the caller, I LOVE YOU for getting rid of Dinosaur, if not, I would not know what would happen next.  Wait, he just kissed me! Okay relax, it was just a goodbye kiss. I then headed home. Yet on my way home, I felt that someone was shadowing me. Each time, I turned and looked behind, there was practically nothing. I think I am imagining too much. I started to head home, but suddenly, I felt something hard hit on my head. I fell on the ground and everything turned black.




When I gained my consciousness, I found myself in an unknown place. Wait, my hands and legs were tied to a chair!


“She’s awake, Eun Ri!” someone called out.


I heard loud footsteps nearing me. That Eun Ri came to my view. What the heck she wanted?


“Hey brazen! You are awake!”


Why was she calling me a brazen! She looked like one instead!




“Aww, brazen, why are you so quiet now? Acting pitiful? WELL, NOBODY IS GONNA TO SAVE YOU, YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY!” she laughed and the rest of the es laughed with her.


What a !


“What you want? I have no feud with you…” my voice getting weaker for no reason. I wanna cry.


“What I want? I want you to leave JONGHYUN forever!”


I chuckled, this was nuts! I meant, Jonghyun was not even my boyfriend.


“Crazy woman.” I said.


The next second, the slapped my face hard. Damn it, it was pain and sore.


“Pain? Well, I will torture you till you agree to leave Jonghyun!”


Should I just agree to what that said? But… one corner of my heart said no.


“Go ahead.” I blurted.



Jonghyun’s POV


Did she just say ‘go ahead’? Yes, she did. The next moment, I heard a loud slap again. Aww, that must be pain. And, I heard another loud bang. I’m sorry, Jinye. I decided not to hide behind the door anymore and continued my plan.


“STOP!” I yelled as I rushed into the dilapidated house. 


Eun Ri stopped her actions and winked at me. On the other hand, Jinye stared at me with mouth wide opened and terribly swollen face. Eun Ri was so mean! I told her not to hit so hard!


“What did you just did to Jinye?” I yelled at Eun Ri as I walked towards her.


“Jonghyun… I did nothing!” Eun Ri stammered. What a great actress.


“Are you sure? Why her face so swollen? You hit my woman, you !” Without knowing, I slapped Eun Ri hard.


What am I doing? It was not part of the plan! Oh , I guessed I’m too engrossed with my acting.


Eun Ri did not expect that I slapped her. She looked at me in horror and tears almost flow out in any moment. Uh-oh! I could not apologise, since Jinye was around. So, I just pushed Eun Ri to the ground and went to Jinye.


“Are you okay? Your face is swollen!” I whispered and caressed her face.




“Opps, sorry!”


I untied the ropes around her, carried her in a princess way and went out of the dilapidated place.




Several moments later, we managed to walked out to the main road to wait for a taxi. There was a long silence between us. I decided to break the silence.


“Are you alright?” I asked and held her hands.


She just gave me a nod and released her hands. “Why did you appeared at that place?”


Ah. I could not tell her I planned everything right?


“I…I wanted to tell you something, so I turned back to find you. From afar, I saw those girls knocked you out and brought you away. So I followed them there.” I lied.


“Oh, luckily you are here. Thank you!” she beamed. “What do you want to tell me at that time?”


“I want to tell you to be careful when you walk home.” I lied again.




I’m such a great liar.


After I flight for the taxi, we got in.


“Uncle, to Chestnut Street.” We said in unison and we looked at each other.


“You live at Chestnut Street too?” I asked.


“Yeah… I just moved in. I lived at the 3rd house.”


Gosh, she’s my new neighbour? Anyway, I could carry out my plan conveniently from now on.


“Oh, mine’s the first house, Minho’s the second’s. If you need help, you can look for me. Even if you do not need help, you can come to my house and we can…you know?” I smirked.


“What you mean?” she looked puzzled.


“Forget it.” I scoffed.



I admitted this was not an exciting chapter, LOL. Okay sorry!

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Chapter 29: Good story ^^
and sweet ending :D
coming-on #2
nwe reader ere!!
i love the story a lot!!
just finished reading this fo 2 days alredy!
opklnm #3
good story
m0zarts0nata-- #4
KYAH! I loved this fanfic! Really interesting story >.<
Stupid Mr.Park.
Why couldn't Minho find her first?!?!?!?! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Jonghyun doesn't deserve Jinye!
yvonne #9
Yay a happy ending for both couples! :D
yvonne #10
Omg what happen to jinye? The baby can't wait to come out? LOL