Chapter 29: Finale

You Changed My Life


Chapter 29: Finale


Jonghyun’s POV

She was lying on the floor.

She fell on fours.

She was unconscious.

She was bleeding.

I was shocked, I did not know what to do. She laid there. What really happened? I saw blood trickling down her legs.

My baby...

My instinct told me to get Jinye to the hospital, to save both mother and child. I carried my pregnant wife out of the house in a rush, and drove her to the hospital.

Please, be safe. I love you.


In the hospital – Outside operating room

I not sure for how long I had been sitting on one of the chairs at the corridor, staring at a blank space. I was really worried and afraid. Just not long ago, the doctors told me that Jinye had lost a lot of blood. They might need blood transfusion. Basically, she and our baby might in danger. Both could survive, either one could survive or none of them could survive.

Please, I hope they will be fine.

“Jonghyun hyung!” Minho came rushing towards me and sat right beside me. “How’s your wife and child?”

 “Struggling to survive?” I replied bitterly and sighed. I wanted to cry but I couldn’t. I knew they would be fine, would they?

“Don’t worry hyung. Jinye is such a good girl, she will survive through this ordeal…” Minho patted my shoulders lightly.

“Yeah…I hope so,” I’m quite uncertain. “Minho, why were you here? You should be in the dentistry department, not here. You must be skiving!”

“No, hyung. Lunch break. Do you want to eat lunch together now?”

“I have no mood to eat, I want to wait for them to be out.” I sighed, despite i was hungry, I did not feel like eating at all.



3 hours later…

Three hours felt like thirty years, waiting for my beloved wife to come out. The nurses told me once again, they had more chances to let either my wife or my baby to live. I told them if they could keep both alive, they said they would try their best, because they themselves, not sure they could save them or not.

Try their best? I did not want to hear that. I wanted them to say, “We will do that.”

I was going to be insane at any moment. If really, I could only keep one of them, I would keep Jinye. She was my everything. We could have another baby if we wanted, but there was only a Jinye in the world...

“Please keep both of them alive…” I felt like crying but I knew I couldn’t. Jinye was fighting for her life, as well as our precious baby. I should be strong; I should root for them mentally.

“Jinye, please be safe and sound…” I prayed silently with my eyes closed shut.

“Mr Kim Jonghyun?” someone shook me. I opened my eyes and saw a pretty nurse in front of me.


“I’m sorry,” she began.

“WHAT? WHY ARE YOU APOLOGISING? HOW’S MY WIFE AND KID?!” I shouted out loud at the poor nurse. I knew she was not a fault, but why the hell she was apologising. No! My wife and kid were safe, right?

“Relax, Mr Kim…”

“HOW COULD I RELAX IF THEY WERE NOT AROUND?” I raised my voice again. Tears were threatening to fall anytime.

“Listen to me first…Your wife is transferred in a normal ward, she’s out of danger. And congratulations, your baby is a girl. She is kept in incubator since she is premature. You can see her later at the babies’ ward.” The nurse gave a genuine smile. I couldn't tell she was comforting me, so it meant her words were real!

“OH, SERIOUS? THANK YOU!!” I shook her hands tight. Oh my gosh!

They survived! Thank all the gods and fairies and whoever who blessed them!I ran towards Jinye ward (I found out where it was).

Upon reaching the ward, the first thing I saw was Jinye on the bed. Jinye looked tired but still, beautiful. She was sleeping soundly, it must had hard on her for these few months, carrying our baby. I gently her bangs off her face and smiled.

“Jinye, you changed my life, somehow. I got dumped by someone before and I transferred the hatred to you. And I realised you love me so much, and I already fell in love to you. I was glad that we had a chance to start all over again. I found that opportunity was to be grabbed by our own hands. I thank gods who give me this chance to love you and for you to love me. I really blessed to have a wonderful wife. And our daughter. I believe our daughter will be as beautiful as you, you know? I believe she will be a great person in the future.”

It’s crazy that I was talking to myself, somewhat, since Jinye was sleeping. I finally felt what love really was after meeting Jinye. We had gone through so much, all those bitter and sad days were over. Happiness was what we were looking forward too. At this time, it was hard not for me to cry. I started to tear up, those were happy tears, tears of happiness.

“Aigoo…are you talking and crying to yourself?” I heard a weak voice.

I wiped my tears off and said, “Oh, you are awake, yeobo. And what are you talking about?”

“I felt too pain to sleep. And I already heard what you had said. I’m really touched. I’m really happy that we have a family of our own,” she smiled and caressed my face. I held her said hand and smiled, “Yeah...OH YA. So what name shall we give to our girl then?”

“Hmm…I've thought about it before...How about Jin Ae? It means love and treasure. So it means she’s our love and she’s precious.” Jinye suggested.

“Hmm, sounds fine to me. If you like it, I'll like it. So her name is Kim Jin Ae?” I grinned and kissed her hand.

“Yes, if not you think her name is Goo Jin Ae? So can I see Jin Ae now? I want to see how she looks like!”

“Uh no, you just had an operation! You are too weak and unable to walk about yet. I will bring you to her sometime later.” I nagged and pushed her down the bed since she wanted to get up.

“I don’t want! I want to see her now!” what a demanding wife, haha.

“No, don’t be such an disobedient and naughty wife!” I frowned and raised my voice slightly. “What if you faint? You want to be worried for you again? I waited outside the operating room for so long and I was so afraid at the same time. And I rushed to see you first, instead of Jin Ae. So please, obey me,” I said wearily.

She looked and me and pouted. Her pouting lips looked so inviting, so I went towards her lips and gave a peck. "We will visit Jin Ae together when your body is okay, alright?"

“Hmph!” she looked away.

“C’mon, Jinye. You used to heed my words. After we got married, did you know you turn into a demanding wife?” I complained. She turned and looked at me, not forgetting to squeeze my cheeks. “Sorry, my cute husband. I will try to listen to you in future, okay?”

I sighed and nodded. “I’m not cute by the way. I’m handsome!”

“Yeah, yeah.” Jinye rolled her eyes.

“Why are you like this…” I puffed my cheeks.

“Aigoo, you are making ageyo, so you are cute husband, aren’t you?’ she teased again. Arghhhh.

“YAH, I’M HANDSOME!” I shouted. I’m handsome, not cute!!!!

 “I love cute guys more than handsome guys,” she simply retorted back.


“I love you, but I love cute guys!” she smiled innocently. “You are cute, so I love you.”

Was this a compliment? I remembered the dictionary stated that cute meant adorable but ugly. I’m not ugly! I’m freaking good looking. I just stared at her in disbelief.

“Okay fine, Kim Jonghyun. Do you want to sleep? Let’s sleep together.” She whispered.

I was fazed. “Huh?”

“She slept closer to another side and patted the empty side of the single bed. “Sleep here, I know you are tired, so let’s sleep?”

Aigoo, the bed was so small…

“What are you waiting for? You better be quick before I changed my mind and you have to sleep on the hard chair,” she smirked.

I nodded and scooted to her side. Although the bed was not for two person, but still it felt right for us. It felt so warm, so full of LOVE.

It felt so right to lay beside her side. I placed my hand over her waist as usual, but she shrieked, “IT HURTS, MY WOUND IS THERE!”

“Sorry…I forgot...” I whispered in an apologetic tone and placed my hand on her shoulder instead.


Jinye’s POV

Oh damn, Jonghyun put his arm over my waist and tummy area. It hurts like hell, I just operated there and he wanted to cause me pain? I just happy with one kid, I did not want to have more Jinye juniors or Jonghyun juniors. Being pregnant and give birth to babies were so tough and painful!

“Jonghyun ah…” I started.

“Hmmm…?” his voice was drained. I bet he was too tired?

“You changed my life. You cheated me before, I was in agony and anguish but I still love you. When I seek revenge and saw you being attacked, my heart was aching badly, then I realised I love you. What touched me was that you really changed for me, you really proved that you love me. I fell in love with you, day by day, even we got married. Now, we have a daughter, you will still love me right? I choose to believe you. We have a perfect family that people longed for, so you will cherish it, right? I really love you...”

“What? Of course! You don’t trust me? I cheated on you, that was my fault. But it was soooo long ago. After our break up, I did not look for other girls and I realised I loved you and searched high and low for you! Trust me, I will love you forever and ever, even our next lives. I will not cheat you and abandon my wife and daughter. I love you too much to do that.” he said in a firm voice.

I nodded slightly, feeling eyes getting damped. “Really?”

He pecked my cheeks and nodded. “Go to sleep, Jinye. You need to rest.”

“Ok…You changed my life, you know that?” I muttered and I snuggled closer to his warm body.

“You changed my life too…” He told me as he wraped his arms around my body, hugging me closer to him.

“I love you, Jonghyun…”

“I love you, Jinye…”


Author’s POV

Minho and his girlfriend were standing by the door, looking at the JongJin couple talking sweet nothings and cheesy lines to each other. Minho closed the ajar door quietly, not wanting Jonghyun and Jinye to find out. They felt so glad for JongJin couple, but also felt disgusted of the lines they had told each other. They remembered they heard countless of 'I love you's.

“So, JongJin couple has a perfect ending, how about us?” Minho asked cheekily, to his girlfriend (that police officer Minho met, few chapters ago).

Minho held his girlfriend's hand tight.

“Choi Minho!” she screeched.

Minho dropped her hand fast.“Yes madam?” Minho replied and stood at attention.

“We ought to have a perfect ending right?” she grinned and folded her arms, staring at Minho's perfect face.

“Yes!” Minho almost shouted. “But…how?”

“What? You don’t know how?!” the police officer exclaimed in disbelief.

“Er…” Minho was hesitating. The female police officer did not know what to do; to blame Minho being stupid and unromantic or blame herself for getting so desperate to get married.

Suddenly, Minho kneeled down with a leg, right in front of her.

“W-What are you doing? Stand up! This is a hospital! You don't have to beg me on what to do!”

“Ri Hye, will you like to be Mrs Choi and let me take care for you forever?” Minho said formally, his right hand reached out for his pocket and took out a one carat ring. It was a beautiful ring.

The female police officer was shocked, but over the moon at the same time. This proved that Minho was not unromantic and stupid after all. The said police officer nodded her head repeatedly, almost let out tears of joy. Minho took her hand and helped her to put on the bling bling ring.

“I love you, Ri Hye.” Minho said huskily, yet ily.

“I love you, Minho.” Ri Hye finally let down her joyful tears. Minho smiled and wiped off her tears one by one, and gave her a very tight hug.

“Ri Hye, you changed my life too.”


-the end-



A/N: Ahhhh, I finished this story, like finally. Oh dear, it took nearly a year for me to finish. I made this a happy ending, but it felt kinda rushed right? I was too determined to finish this story by today, that's why it felt rushed... Sorry if the last chapter was not up to your standard. :((((( Noticed the last chapter is chapter 29, one more chapter to 30! Well, I had my plans, some how. 

Okay lastly, I wanted to say something. This was my first ever fanfic in AFF though. I felt my idea for this story was a bit off from the start and my English was not really good. But still, there were readers reading my story. I LOVE YOU ALL, I don't know if you read my story but just wanna to thank you all for staying with me. Yes, all the subscribers, thank you so much for being with me.







Completed this story on 19/9/2011; 7:57PM :))))

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Chapter 29: Good story ^^
and sweet ending :D
coming-on #2
nwe reader ere!!
i love the story a lot!!
just finished reading this fo 2 days alredy!
opklnm #3
good story
m0zarts0nata-- #4
KYAH! I loved this fanfic! Really interesting story >.<
Stupid Mr.Park.
Why couldn't Minho find her first?!?!?!?! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Jonghyun doesn't deserve Jinye!
yvonne #9
Yay a happy ending for both couples! :D
yvonne #10
Omg what happen to jinye? The baby can't wait to come out? LOL