Chapter 18: Rescued

You Changed My Life


Chapter 18: Rescued


Jinye’s POV

I unlocked the gates and opened my apartment’s door.

I was greeted by overwhelming darkness but I did not bother to switch on the lights. I need something to distract me badly.

I walked towards my balcony and sat down on the sofa there. The cold moonlight was shining towards the balcony, making the balcony brighter at night. Whatever, the weak sunlight was never able to make my mood better. I hated myself for not being drunk today. Of all these months, of all these days, I finally saw him again.


*start of flashback*

After my vomiting session, I wanted to hail a cab to go home. I decided to dial cab instead; hailing a cab in this district was pretty hard.

WAIT, where’s my cellphone?

I guessed I left it in my locker.

I quickly ran back to the lounge, despite of those 5 inches high heels making my feet ache. I should wear flats in the first place. Argh.

After I retrieved my cellphone, I was glad. At least I did not lose it, there were many important contacts in it. You know, those important customers.

I walked past one of the lounge rooms, and happened to saw Onew. Onew was one of my regular customers, and he was quite good-looking. No doubt he was always the one who made me drunk since he was quite a hard alcoholic and liked to force me to drink with him. I wanted to go in the lounge to say hi or something. Before I twisted the doorknob, my heart stopped.


 I rubbed my eyes, not caring about those eye make-up and contact lenses.

Am I drunk?


I’m perfectly alright, I’m not drunk, I’m not blind. I saw clearly. Those puppy eyes, that perfect jaw line. I never forgot those traits he had.

I had to avoid him. I had to get out of here as soon as possible. I dialled for the cab, and made my way out of the lounge.

I thought I was hidden well. I never thought he would come to sleazy places. I guessed I was wrong. I secretly hoped that he would never visit my workplace ever again. NEVER AGAIN.

I got in the cab and went home.

*flashback ends*


I stared at the full moon and I felt water pooling in my eyes. I was reminded of all those sad memories and that betray I ever had. I never loved a guy so deeply before. Yet, he did not love me. Pathetic.

A foolish one sided love, foolish wishful thinking, were so painful. It had been months, after the break up, I knew. But occasionally, I would think of him, my first love. I started it well, I ended it badly.

And he would never know I would cheapen myself to take up a hostess job. I really think that drinking alcohol would make me forget those pain and troubles. It does work, but not for today…

A tear dropped.

Another tear dropped.

Many tears dropped.

I’ve moved on, yet I wondered why I felt like crying when I saw him.

Tomorrow, will be a better day.


Jonghyun’s POV

After I parked my car in my garage and rushed out to Jinye’s house as usual.

“Jonghyun, you are here again…” Jinye’s uncle said as he opened the door and saw me.

“Annyeonghaseyo, is there any news of Jinye?”

“Jonghyun, I’ve told you umpteen times, Jinye didn’t come home. Today is no exception.”

“Where she lives?”

“Why are you asking this every day when I already told you before that I did not know anything!”

“Please, uncle. I saw her just now.”

Uncle was stumped. He walked towards the sofa and sat down.

“Sit beside me, Jonghyun.”

I nodded and sat beside him.

“I really don’t know the real reason why Jinye left home. She said she wanted to venture out alone, she wanted to be independent. I wanted her to be happy, so I let her do so.”

I nodded quietly.

“Until you come to my house every day, I then know you are her ex-boyfriend. She never tells me how her school life is, whether she has a friend or even boyfriend before. I realise I don’t know Jinye well, I’m not a good appa.” He said sadly.

“Uncle, it’s okay...”

“No…Anyway, where did you see her?”

“Outside a lounge.”

Uncle smiled and said, “There’s where she work, I guessed. She told me she was working in some lounge; I couldn’t stop her and let her do whatever she wanted. If you want to look for her, go back to the place you last saw her.”

Go back to the place you last saw her.

“Thank you, uncle.”

Finally, there was a glimpse of hope for looking Jinye.


Jinye’s POV

The next day…

“Drink up!” Mr Park pushed a mug of beer to me. Gosh, his breath stinks. He was also fat and ugly. Was there any way to reject his offer?

I just smiled at him and said, “I will drink this afterwards.”

I placed the mug on the table.

“Okay, if you wish.” Mr Park smiled at me cheekily and gradually placed his hand on my right thigh.


“Sorry…”I pushed his hand away. “I’ll be back; I need to go to the washroom first.” I continued, finding way to avoid this.

“Alright, come back quick!” he smirked as he waved at me.

Ew. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the washroom. Bloody idiotic Mr Park, I hoped I would never see you again after today. Hmph. I reapply some make-up before going back to find Mr Park.

“Jinye, drink up!” He’s pestering me again. Why must he force me to drink? I hate beers. I want cocktails!

“Just this cup!” he persuaded. AISH. Fine, I would just drink this cup or he would pester me like no tomorrow. I gulped down the whole mug of beer.


3rd person POV

After Jinye was excused to the washroom, Mr Park was smiling to himself evilly. He took out a pack of sleeping pills from his pocket and dropped one pill into Jinye’s drink. “Let me taste you tonight! MUAHAHAHA!” He his lips as he stirred Jinye’s drink continuously.

Few minutes later, Jinye was back. Right after Jinye sat down beside Mr Park, Mr Park ushered Jinye to drink up again. Jinye kept her silence. Fearing that his plan was going to fail, he tried to persuade her by saying, “Just this cup!” Jinye sighed and gave in, gulping down the whole drink.

She didn't know she had fallen in a trap.


Jinye’s POV

It was pretty late. I wanted to go home. Since I already drank, I guessed I had to leave now. There was no point lingering around here, with a lecher.

“Mr Park, remember to drop by soon.” I said without really meaning it.

“That’s for sure, Jinye. I wanted to see you every day.”

I almost puked out the beer I drank earlier.

“Uh okay.” I stood up. “Bye Mr Park, I have to go now.”

“WAIT, YOU HAVE TO STAY!” he shouted and pulled my arm.


I ignored and yanked his arm. I walked towards the door and twisted it, but I failed to open it, because I felt so dizzy and weak out of the sudden. I felt so tired that I wanted to SLEEP.

I leaned on the door, to support myself from really falling. I caught Mr Park’s smirk.



“Did I, woman?” he said as he continued drinking.

“YOU…” Arguing with him was meaningless, I tried hard to stay awake and forcefully twisted the doorknob and opened the door.

And I fell on the floor.

“Aish, Jinye. I guessed I have to send you home. Where’s your home? Or do you want to come my house instead?”

He held on my arm. I yanked his hand away. “Let…go…”

I became so weak. He took that as an advantage; he carried me and brought me out of the lounge.

"Jinye, I know you like to visit my house. It is awesome and big! You'll like it." 

I felt like bashing him. I was too weak to do that. Even Taekwondo could not solve my problem anymore. Damn it, he was going to find his car and going to me. DON’T FALL ASLEEP, JINYE! DON’T!

“Please…please…let go of me…” I begged as he was bringing me to the direction of his car.I tried yanking his hand but he was too strong.

He just laughed. He was going to open his car door now.

With my remaining strength and energy, I pushed him away. I walked a few steps to escape, but u lost my balance and fell on the patch of grass by the roadside. I could not help myself anymore, but to let my eyes close and drift to sleep.


Jonghyun’s POV

Jinye…I hope I can see you today.

I drove to the place I last went. That lounge. Before I even reached, I noticed something peculiar and strange. A woman pushed a burly guy, and then she fell on the ground, unconscious. The burly guy stood up and went up to the woman. He scooped her and carried in a bridal style.


I panicked. I quickly park my car at the roadside and got out of my car.

“You’ll be mine tonight, woman.” The burly man said to himself as he opened the door and trying to put Jinye in his backseat.


I ran up to him and stopped him, not forgetting sending him icy glares.

“YOUNG MAN, BACK OFF!” he yelled, still holding Jinye.


He rolled his eyes and scoffed, “NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!”

“I’m her boyfriend! I already call the police, and they are coming here soon. Let her go now and I will not press charges on you!” I gritted my teeth.

That man gasped, he threw Jinye onto me and quickly drove away.


Luckily, she landed on me, but not on the hard ground. I would make him pay if he hurt Jinye. 

I held on to Jinye and shook her hard. No response. I checked her breathing, she was still alive. She was just unconscious; I believed she was drugged.

Goo Jinye…we finally meet….under this circumstances.




I came by a red light and stopped my car. I looked to my right, where Jinye was sleeping soundly. She looked beautiful, she had grown prettier. She looked quite strong on the outside, but I knew inside her, she was just vulnerable. She needed protection, she needed love, yet I could not give her anything. I didn't give her anything from the start. I am so failed. I continued to stare at the sleeping beauty. Why!? Just why I did not treasure her well before? I deeply regretted my wrongdoings. I hoped time could rewind.


Opps, the green light was on. I quickly start to drive my car.




I stopped my car outside Jinye’s house. I left Jinye in the car while I went to her old house to look for her dad. I did not know where her new house currently is, so the best way was to bring her back to her old house.

I rang the bell several times but no one answered the door.

Left with no other choice, I guessed, she had to stay put in my house.

Should I say I am happy?



Hello my dear readers! I've updated again~ This is not a rated chapter yeah!

Jinye and Jonghyun finally met kekeke, what would happen next? (: 

Remember to comment, so i can improve my writing! Love you lots, readers!

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Chapter 29: Good story ^^
and sweet ending :D
coming-on #2
nwe reader ere!!
i love the story a lot!!
just finished reading this fo 2 days alredy!
opklnm #3
good story
m0zarts0nata-- #4
KYAH! I loved this fanfic! Really interesting story >.<
Stupid Mr.Park.
Why couldn't Minho find her first?!?!?!?! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Jonghyun doesn't deserve Jinye!
yvonne #9
Yay a happy ending for both couples! :D
yvonne #10
Omg what happen to jinye? The baby can't wait to come out? LOL