Chapter 25: Injuries

You Changed My Life


Chapter 25: Injuries


Jonghyun’s POV

“She’s not coming?”I started to laugh and turned into a serious look. “You freaking , why do you want to lie to me?!”

“I just want to settle all the scores at one go,” she smirked.

“Settle scores?” I echoed, obviously I did not know what Eun Ri meant.

“The way you treated me before, you remember? Made me acting like some real and kidnapped Jinye for you, just to make you as some heroic guy.”

Her words triggered my memory. I used to use her, that’s all. I merely used her, slapped her and told her I did not like her! That was the past!

“Eun Ri, that was happened long long ago.” I stated.

“So what? I just did not like that I regretted helping you. I also did not like the fact that you like Jinye? She’s just a ! Why do you even like her? I am glad she hated you so much. I’m going to ‘revenge’ for her.”

I just glared at Eun Ri. She turned crazy or should I say she was crazy from the start. I ignored her and walked past her, on my way of this creepy alley.

A bunch of guys came walking towards me. They were not only taller than me, they were burly. Their arms and legs were full of tattoos. Were they gangsters? I said a lot of ‘excuse me’ to them but they just did not care about me. They just continued to walk towards me and I had to make my way backwards, till I bumped until Eun Ri.

“Guys, this is Jonghyun.” Eun Ri said sarcastically.

“Misters, I don’t remember offending you or anything-”

“SHUT UP,” one of the gangsters yelled.

I was silenced and I glared at them. They started to crack their knuckles furiously, looking at me as if I was their prey.

It struck on me that I was going to get into trouble.

“Eun Ri ! What’s going on?” I shouted.

One of the burly guys just smirked and gave me a hard punch on my nose.


“REVENGE, YOU IDIOT.” He said with a really cold tone.

Fear gripped me; nonetheless, I had to run. I faced the opposite direction and tried to escape but…failed.

One of the men pulled my collar and then slammed me on the nearest brick wall. Ow, my head really hurts…

“Eun Ri! I just want to settle these peacefully, why use a violent way to solve problems when you can use a more peaceful way to do so?”

“I like to use violence to solve matters. Don’t talk so much crap! GUYS, MAKE HIM SHUT UP AND UNABLE TO TALK!”

I was overwhelmed by her vicious words. Made me shut up and unable to talk? I DON’T WANT TO BE A MUTE!

I tried to break free the grips of those muscular men. Dang it. I couldn’t do that. I am not strong as them. I should join weight-lifting lessons in the first place.

“WAIT!” I yelled. “This is going to be a fight right? 5 muscular hunks VS 1 Kim Jonghyun?  Is this even fair?!” I ranted.

And their response was another punch on my face. OUCH!

“You’re too noisy. Life is always unfair, isn’t it? We are going to make you crippled, mute, or paralysed for the rest of your life.” Eun Ri happily announced.

OH GOSH. Crippled? Mute?! PARALYSED?


“Eun Ri, don’t do this to m-”

I felt another punch on my stomach, another kick on my leg and another hit on my thighs all at once. The pain was getting unbearable as minutes gone by, I did not even have the energy to shout for help but only winced and whimpered in pain…


Jinye’s POV

I felt uneasy and unable to concentrate my work. I told my boss that I was not feeling well and I need to go home and rest. He agreed anyway, so I went to my locker to get my phone.

1 new message?

I pressed the ‘open’ button immediately.


To: Jinye

From: Minho

Jinye! Jonghyun hyung and eunri gansta frenz are fighting beside (alley) the place you work! U betta stop the fight! I’m coming down now!



Eun Ri’s gangster friends? I took out my sling bag and did not bother to lock my locker, rushing out of the lounge to find Jonghyun.

I did not know how many people I barged into, I could hear spilling of liquor, breaking of glasses and people shouting obscenities behind me as I ran through the corridor and out of the main door. I rushed to the alley, the dark one that I never dared to walk into. My heart almost stopped as I heard loud thrashing and soft whimpers.

“STOP IT!” I yelled as I walked near to that crowd. I was shivering actually, I am really afraid that something bad might happen.

Those thugs stopped thrashing and paused to look at me. I still could not see Jonghyun as those thugs were hell tallish and big. I assumed he was writhing on the hard floor.

“Oh Jinye?” Eun Ri walked towards me with a smile. “Aren’t you working right at this time?”

“I want to go home early. What are you doing here?” I tried to keep calm. I could not possibly yelled at her since I was the one who wanted a stupid revenge and hell, I did not know she listen to my words obediently and started the revenge fight TODAY.

“Okay, guys, continuing hitting Jonghyun!” Eun Ri commanded in her oh-so-high-pitch-and-annoying-voice.

Those thugs listened to Eun Ri like loyal dogs. Again, I heard those soft whimpering. I felt my heart was poked with thousands of needles. Why…?

“Eun Ri! STOP THEM!”

“I don’t believe you are blind. Can’t you see I am helping you?” Eun Ri smirked.

I felt like slapping her. “Ok, that’s enough of your help. He deserved enough.”

“Gosh, are you serious? This is just the beginning! I will not let go until he is badly injured!”

This girl, was totally a psycho.

“Eun Ri, I really think you are over doing it! He is already hurt!” I shouted. Damn it, can I just call the police now?

“Jinye, you are such a failure. It hurts to see your ex-boyfriend being beaten up? Okay! I want to see how hurt you are to see Jonghyun…DYING,” Eun Ri smirked again.

My eyes widened upon her words. The next moment, Eun Ri ushered two men to grab hold of my arms and unable to let me move. Their grips were so type that I could not help to whine in pain. Then the other men brought Jonghyun in front of me. That Jonghyun who was beaten all over, that Jonghyun that had bleeding and swollen lips, that Jonghyun who had visible red blood all over his arms even in such a dark alley and that Jonghyun who seemed to be so weak.

“Jonghyun!” I cried. I felt so hurt when I saw him in this state. I felt so guilty, it was my fault!

Jonghyun gradually opened his eyes. His puppy eyes were shiny under the soft moonlight. The puppy eyes were still intact and shining vibrantly without any mishap.

“J-Jinye…?” Jonghyun was choking his words. He managed to give me a smile even he was in this horrible state. Why the hell am I doing this to harm him? WHY?!

“Oh…What a touching moment! Reunion of the two lovebirds? C’mon, I am not so kind to do this, right?” Eun Ri sneered.

Yeah, Eun Ri was evil. She ushered the men to beat up Jonghyun again, right in front of me…

Tears began to form beneath my eyes and fell unknowingly. Every punch on Jonghyun was equivalent a tight slap on my face. No, it was equivalent being stab by a knife. It was so hurtful.

“DON’T! STOP!” I yelled. Nothing could ever stop them; they ignored my shouting and yelling and continued to hit Jonghyun more. Jonghyun had more and more visible marks and wounds all over his bodies. And to my surprise, his jeans were even torn. Why the hell these thugs were so violent and strong!?

I tried to go over Jonghyun’s side, I rather they hit me then hitting Jonghyun. I might able to shield Jonghyun from all those hits. But, the two men seized my arms and I could not go over to him. I tried to yank their arms away but they were too strong. I could only wail and wait till everything was over. Minho, can you come over now?

Soon after, Jonghyun started spitting out blood after punches on his stomach.

“JONGHYUN!!!!! STOP!!!! THAT’S ENOUGH!” I screamed and fell onto my knees. “STOP…!” I wailed out loud. I tried to crawl to him but was brought back to my original position. HE WAS VOMITING BLOOD, WHY COULDN'T ANYONE HELP HIM!

Jonghyun was now writhing and hugging himself on the cold hard floor, but still could not protect himself from being kicked by many thugs.

“So Jonghyun, you better beg me to stop all these. If not, you have to endure this pain and letting your lover crying you a river.”

“I…I’ll not…beg…you…” Jonghyun tried to link all the words together.

“Aw, I will grant your dear wish! Guys, want to use weapons instead?”


“NO!” I shouted out loud, I did not want Eun Ri to do this. I really regretted to ask Eun Ri to start all these.

“Jonghyun! Jonghyun! Just beg her!! Put aside your pride for now!” I was trying to knock some sense into Jonghyun’s head.


“YOU STUPID DINO PUPPY!” and I broke down again.

 “Aww, I wonder how is it like to have scars on a handsome face? How about some stabs all over the body. Red is my favourite colour so far,” Eun Ri grinned.


“I think I let Shindong to do the job while the rest just grabbed hold of that stupid dino puppy Jonghyun,” Eun Ri said.

A big sized guy, assuming Shindong flashed a megawatt smile at me and headed to Eun Ri. Eun Ri took out something from her bag and passed to Shindong.



 “Hmmm, I think a scar at the right cheek will look macho on you if you continue the shut your f***king eyes.” Shindong sneered as he was swaying the knife in front of Jonghyun.

Jonghyun opened his eyes wearily and seemed shocked when he saw a big, shiny knife right in front of his face.

“Hmm…I don’t want a beautiful face to be ruined under my hands. How about a few stabs in the stomach and we call it for a day?” Shindong asked as he fondled the knife in a malicious way.

Jonghyun shook his head slowly. He had enough of pain and scars, why these brutal people did not want to let go of him!

The police siren began to be distinct out of the sudden. Minho must have called the police. YES!

“Police?” Eun Ri seemed surprise. The siren was getting nearer and nearer to the road near the alley.

“RUN!” Eun Ri suddenly gasped and she quickly made her way to the other end of the alley.

Shindong was flustered. He dumped the knife aside before running away with his friends. This was quite stupid as his fingerprints were already on the knife. I was released too and the first thing I did was to call an ambulance. After I called the ambulance, my worried gaze went over to Jonghyun.

“Jonghyun!” I cried as I saw Jonghyun on the floor, unconscious and actually red all over. I ran towards him, face full of tears and pulled him to my lap.

“Jonghyun! Are you okay! Please, please open your eyes!” I realised my uncontrollable sobs began to drip down on his poor face.

He tried to open his eyes, slowly and painfully. Again, I met his brown puppy eyes. He was actually smiling at me.

“You…You…forgive me?” he managed to say.

He was already half-dead and yet he wanted to know if he was forgiven!?

“Stupid dinosaur! I forgive you!” I bawled and caressed this face.

“I…I…am happy…happy to see you for the last time…” he stuttered.

“Don’t talk anymore! You don’t have the energy for that! You’re not going to die! Brace yourself! The ambulance is coming!” I held on his hands tightly.

“I…I…love you…my…Goo…Jinye…” he completed his sentence with huge effort and went unconscious.

“Jonghyun?”I shook him hard. “JONGHHYUN! JONGHYUN!” I shook him harder.

“I love you too…Kim Jonghyun…” I hugged him tight.




A/N: Another failed chapter right? I not sure why I could not bring out more emotions in this chapter...huhuhu.

At least two more chapters and this story will be ending. I will miss all these. And miss all of you who are reading my story! 

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Chapter 29: Good story ^^
and sweet ending :D
coming-on #2
nwe reader ere!!
i love the story a lot!!
just finished reading this fo 2 days alredy!
opklnm #3
good story
m0zarts0nata-- #4
KYAH! I loved this fanfic! Really interesting story >.<
Stupid Mr.Park.
Why couldn't Minho find her first?!?!?!?! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Jonghyun doesn't deserve Jinye!
yvonne #9
Yay a happy ending for both couples! :D
yvonne #10
Omg what happen to jinye? The baby can't wait to come out? LOL