Chapter 26: Injured and...blind?

You Changed My Life


Minho’s POV

Hyung, I hope you are alright.

Nevertheless, I felt very uneasy. I did not felt this way before at all, it was actually my first. The strong uneasiness was lingering in my heart. I sensed something bad was going to happen. And hell, Jinye did not reply my message. What if she did not see my message and Jonghyun hyung was left alone to fight for his life? What if he was killed and nobody knew and the culprits went scot free?

Oh crap. NO! It will not happen…right?

I gripped my phone tightly and I stared at the wallpaper of Jonghyun hyung’s selca. 

Jonghyun hyung, you this camwhore, , friendly, cute hyung, you better be safe. I would not want to lose a best friend.


I took a deep breath and dialled a number.

“Hello. Is this the police hotline?”


I paid for my cab fee and rushed out of the cab. I stopped at my steps as I saw police cars parked nearby.

Jonghyun hyung, you should be safe.

I tried to walk into the alley but was stopped by one of the female police officer.

“Sorry dude, you can’t go in,” she told me flatly.

Did she say I am a dude? She looked gorgeous too. , what the hell am I thinking of? Jonghyunnie hyung life was in danger and I all thought of was GIRLS?

“Madam, I am the one who dial the police hotline. I want to see how my friends are doing now.”

“Just stay here, with me,” that madam smile at me.

Oh gosh! Her voice was so y! But why was she so weird?

“What’s going on anyway?” I tried to ask.

“A guy was injured badly and was rather unconscious. His girlfriend was bawling beside him. We had called the ambulance and they should be coming soon,” she stated.

…badly injured?

“Badly injured? How bad was it?!” I yelled.

“Calm down, handsome. I think he broke his ribs and legs?”

Ribs and legs?!

“WHAT?! I MUST GO IN! LET ME IN!” I shouted. Some police officers went up to me and calm me down.

“You cannot go in. We have secured the place. Just wait for your friends to come out later.” The female police officer said.

I gave up. “O…okay.”

“Handsome, what’s your name? My name is Victoria. Wanna hang out together sometime?”

Was she flirting with me? “My name is Choi Min-”

The loud siren was getting distinct, second by second. Finally, the ambulance arrived. The paramedics ran into the dark alley and I tried to decipher what they were doing. Sadly, it was too dark and I could not see anything. I could not go in either. That .

The paramedics came out with a stretcher with a body minutes later. Jonghyun hyung! Gosh, why was he so bloody! Behind the paramedics was a sobbing girl, Jinye.

“Hyung! Jinye!” I shouted as I walked nearer to the ambulance vehicle

Jinye looked up and saw me. I ran towards her and wanted to comfort her but she went up to my embrace on her own accord.

“Are you okay? Is Jonghyun hyung okay?” I asked as the paramedics pushed the stretcher into the vehicle.

“Are you coming with us?” one of the paramedics asked.

I nodded and let go of Jinye. I went into the vehicle and pulled Jinye with me.

“What exactly happened?” I asked. I knew this was such a stupid question.  Jonghyun hyung was so bloody! It must be those gangsters who beat him up!

“Jonghyun was beaten up and almost stabbed by a knife,” she bawled.

“What? They were so vicious!” I yelled and clenched my fists tight. “And they got away scot free?”

Jinye bit her lip gently and nodded.


“It was my fault! If I did not tell Eun Ri I wanted to revenge, if I knew my feelings earlier, Jonghyun would be alright!” she cried louder.

“Hush. It’s not really your fault okay? You are not entirely the mastermind of this right?” I patted her back gently.



It had been nearly an hour ever since Jonghyun hyung was sent to the operating room. He was badly injured and might had internal bleeding. Worst of all, he seem to broke his leg. I would make those thugs pay one day. How dare they hit my hyung like punching bags?

And Jinye, she had been pacing out, walking around anxiously outside the operating room.

“Jinye, just sit down and calm down. I am sure he will be fine,” I dragged her to the chairs available. 

Actually, the way she walked up and down made me more nervous than ever. But I had to act nonchalant and calm.

“I hope so,”Jinye locked her hands together and sighed.


The surgeon came out of the operating room 30 minutes later.

“Any family members of Kim Jonghyun?” The surgeon asked as he took off his surgical mask and approached us. 


“Doctor, his family members are not here. We are his friends. How was he?” I asked.

“He’s out of danger. Basically he is fine so far. You may visit him in his ward,” the doctor smiled at us before walking away.

 “I told you that he will be fine,” I smiled and turned to pinch Jinye's cheeks.

“PHEW!” Jinye heaved a sigh of relief. “Let’s go and see Jonghyun.”


Jinye’s POV

I took a deep breath and pushed the door of Jonghyun’s ward.

I was stumped.

Jonghyun was wearing a cast on his left leg. There were plasters and stiches on his forehead. There were cuts and wounds on his toned muscular arms.

He was ruined.

My breath hitched and my vision blurred. It’s all my fault!

“Are you okay?” Minho asked. “Why are you crying?”

“N-nothing. Y-you stay with Jonghyun first.” I spoke and ran out of the ward.

No….It was entirely my fault. I...I had no face to see him…




Minho’s POV

It had been an hour since Jinye ran out of the ward. What happened? Was she blaming herself for causing hyung like this?

Erm yeah, hyung looked pathetic somehow. It hurts me to see him like this.

I wonder when he will wake up.


Jonghyun’s POV

“D-Don’t hit her!” I yelled as I was crawling on the floor, reaching out for Jinye's leg.

Eun Ri gave me an irritating smirk and ushered 2 men to slap Jinye’s face repeatedly. Jinye was wincing and groaning in pain. Soon, her cheeks were flushed with crimson colour.

“Don’t hurt her!” I yelled again and I found my face was damped, with my own tears. The next thing I knew, I saw Eun Ri took a long knife and stabbed right at Jinye’s heart.



“NOOOOOOO!” I shouted and opened my eyes. I closed it again and I opened my eyes slowly. I felt my eyes were hurting because of the lights on the ceiling. I blinked my eyes slowly. So…that was a stupid dream.

Eh, where am I? Is my ceiling painted white? Oh, I am in a hospital. The strong Dettol smell filled my nostrils. Yeah, I was beaten up so I landed in a hospital. Good thing was I was alive.

“Hyung! Are you okay?” the next thing that came to view was Minho’s small face.

“I’m okay…Where is Jinye?” I said as I tried to move my body. Every inch I made, my limbs were hurting. I am severely injured and I could not move much…

“I don’t know,” Minho shrugged. “Actually...”


“I think she is blaming herself for making you into this state.”

“Why? I mean is not her fault!” I mumbled.

“Yeah, but she thinks otherwise. She has no guts to visit you, I guess.”

“Hell no! I want to see her! How about you lure her here?”


“Yes,” I grinned. “I have a plan in mind. Just follow what I say.”

“Sure, hyung.”


Jinye’s POV

“It’s all my fault.” I had chanted this several times. I couldn’t help it. It was my fault to begin with, wasn’t it?

I was sitting in a garden in the hospital area. I liked it here, peaceful and calm. The morning rays were terribly warm and comfortable. Just like Jonghyun. I should not doubt him at first. He loved me, he claimed. It should be the truth. He apologised, he said. It should be a fact.

But I had no guts to see him. He was in a pathetic state, thanks to me.

“What am I supposed to do?” I sighed silently to myself and suddenly, I felt vibration from my pocket.


I nearly dropped my phone after what Minho had told me. I rushed back to the ward to see Jonghyun. Why was Jonghyun BLIND? It was my fault, definitely….




Hello readers, a new update!  As you can see, the story is ending soon. I will not tell you when is the last chapter. It's a surprise!

I'm having late updates since I am on semi-hiatus. I will update if i have the time. ^^

Love you all lots~^^

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Chapter 29: Good story ^^
and sweet ending :D
coming-on #2
nwe reader ere!!
i love the story a lot!!
just finished reading this fo 2 days alredy!
opklnm #3
good story
m0zarts0nata-- #4
KYAH! I loved this fanfic! Really interesting story >.<
Stupid Mr.Park.
Why couldn't Minho find her first?!?!?!?! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Jonghyun doesn't deserve Jinye!
yvonne #9
Yay a happy ending for both couples! :D
yvonne #10
Omg what happen to jinye? The baby can't wait to come out? LOL